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Jonah Tsai edited this page Sep 13, 2015 · 6 revisions

The official home page for this repository is at

This repository contains F16 3D models of parts in SolidWorks file format. Most of the parts are cockpit parts, including consoles, control panels, and knobs, etc. I intend it to serve as a collection of parts reference library for building and devising your own simulator cockpit.

Most of the parts modeled here are authentic F16 parts or from F16 simulators. I acquire the parts then hand measure them with a caliper, height gauge, etc., just your basic hand measuring tools. No 3D scanners or CMMs, although I would love to have one. But good ones fitting my requirements are expensive. I try to measure them as accurately as I can (sub-mm accuracy whenever possible).

This is a mirrored Git repository for sharing the 3D files in SolidWorks format with the Flight Sim community. So, please don't ask for write permission or send in pull requests. This is only intended as a public read-only repository.

The real Git repository is on one of my home Git servers, UPS'd and regularly backed up, of course. I check in all my F16 files here, and then only when I want to do a point release do I push up to this mirror. This way, I get to screw around without getting you intermediate screwed up files. Also, this mirror, being a public GitHub repository, can be read by anybody, so I don't have to open up anonymous Git access to my home servers, allowing me to have much tighter security for my home network (and yes, I use expensive firewalls at home, not your generic crap routers).

For the web page describing these 3D models, please visit FlightSim 3D Models

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