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Welcome to Joaquin Garay's Learning Hub!

Embracing Knowledge in Financial Engineering, Statistics, and Programming

Hello and welcome! I'm Joaquin Garay, and this website is my digital repository and sharing platform. Here, I delve into the intricate worlds of Financial Engineering, Statistics, and Programming. My goal? To simplify these complex subjects and make them accessible to everyone, from curious learners to seasoned professionals.

What's Inside?

  • Financial Engineering Notes: Dive into the mechanics of financial markets, risk management strategies, and investment analysis.
  • Statistics Explained: Discover the power of data - from basic concepts to advanced statistical methods.
  • Programming Guides: Whether you're a beginner or looking to polish your skills, my notes cover various programming languages and techniques, with a special focus on their applications in finance and data analysis.

Why This Website?

  • Quick Access: As a personal knowledge base, this website allows me to access my notes anytime, anywhere.
  • Community Learning: I believe in the power of sharing knowledge. By making my notes public, I hope to contribute to the learning journey of others.
  • Continuous Growth: Documenting and updating these notes helps me solidify my understanding and stay up-to-date with the latest in these fields.

Join me in this journey of exploration and learning!