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vBoxSysInfoMod v6

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@JayMontana36 JayMontana36 released this 26 Jun 22:09
· 8 commits to master since this release
  • Added the ability to completely reset a VM to it's defaults, useful if you've ever used version 2 (v2) of vBoxSysInfoMod (which is kept only solely for archival purposes currently due to the fact that it does not work and ends up bricking/locking up any and all vBox VMs you attempt to use it on, and if it weren't for that I probably would've never worked towards implementing a reset function), or if you just simply want or wish to restore VirtualBox's default system information and/or configuration.
  • Major code rewrite, adding/implementing a lot (bunch) of little nifty fancy extras here and there throughout, taking things down to a more personal level between you, the program itself, your system, and VirtualBox; it's pretty cool if not awesome, even if I do say so myself.
  • Revisions; revised a lot if you couldn't already tell from the above. Added a new (my first ever) Discord server that can be brought up/summoned by typing in Discord, updated a lot of prompts and functions, etc. It's too much to document so just check it out for yourself!