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This mod brings the alien race 'Zerg' from the RTS series StarCraft into the world of Inscryption.

The Zerg Swarm is a terrifying and ruthless amalgamation of biologically advanced, arthropodal aliens. Dedicated to the pursuit of genetic perfection.


30 New Cards:
Name Power Health Cost Sigils Evolution Tail Specials Traits Tribes Meta Categories
Baneling 3 2 Explode Insect Trader
Biomass 0 1 Free Morsel
Biomass 1 1 Free Morsel
Broodling 2 2 Brittle Biomass Insect
Corruptor 2 3 Airborne Biomass KillsSurvivors Insect Choice, Trader
Crawler Forest 1 4 Omni Strike, Detector Biomass Terrain Insect
Creep Tumor 0 1 Free Waterborne, Leader Biomass Insect
Devourer 4 3 Airborne, Armored Biomass KillsSurvivors Insect Choice, Trader
Drone 1 1 Bone Digger(x2) Crawler Forest Biomass Insect Choice, Trader
Egg 0 1 Insect
Guardian 3 5 Sniper Biomass Insect Choice, Trader
Hydralisk 2 2 Double Strike Biomass Insect Choice, Trader
Infested Civilian 1 1 Unkillable Biomass Insect Choice
Larva 0 1 Worthy Sacrifice, Armored Biomass Larva Goat Insect Choice, Trader
Locust 1 2 Brittle Biomass Insect
Lurker 2 2 Waterborne, Splash Damage Biomass Insect Trader
Mutalisk 1 3 Regenerate, Ricochet Guardian Biomass Insect Choice, Trader
Overlord 0 2 Many Lives, Mighty Leap Biomass Insect Choice, Trader
Overseer 0 6 Stinky, Detector Biomass Insect Trader
Primal Ravasaur 3 2 Biomass Insect Choice, Trader
Primal Roach 2 3 Assimilate Primal Igniter Biomass Insect Choice, Trader
Primal Zergling 1 2 Assimilate Primal Ravasaur Biomass ZerglingUnit Insect Choice, Trader
Ravager 2 2 Sniper Biomass Insect Trader
Roach 2 2 Regenerate Ravager Biomass Insect Choice, Trader
Scourge 3 1 Airborne, Explode Biomass Insect Choice
Swarm Host 0 2 Waterborne, Spawn Locust Biomass Insect Trader
Swarm Queen 2 3 Mend Biomass Insect Choice
Swarmling 0 2 Biomass ZerglingUnit Insect Choice
Wing 0 2 Free Biomass
Zerglings 1 2 Swarm Baneling Biomass Zergling Swarm ZerglingUnit Insect Choice, Trader
1 Modified Cards:
Display Name Power Health Cost Sigils Tail Tribes Meta Categories
Pack Rat

Trinket Bearer
Trinket Within
Furry Tail
13 New Rare Cards:
Name Power Health Cost Sigils Tail Specials Traits Tribes Meta Categories
Brenda 1 3 Spawn Creep Tumor Biomass Insect Rare
Brood lord 0 6 Swarm Seeds Biomass Brood Lord Insect Rare
Dehaka 2 2 Devour Biomass Collect Essence, Primal Zerg Insect Rare
Infested Terran 1 2 Brittle, Fecundity Biomass Insect Rare
Infestor 1 1 Waterborne, Fish Hook Biomass Insect Rare
Leviathan 0 20 Blood Bank, Summon Zerg Biomass Insect Rare
Patchling 1 1 Free Biomass ZerglingUnit Insect Rare
Primal Igniter 3 4 Splash Damage Biomass Insect Rare
Queen 1 3 Spawn Larva Biomass Insect Rare
Queen of Blades 3 6 Bifurcated Strike, Splash Damage Biomass Insect Rare
Strange Artifact 0 1 Worthy Sacrifice, Many Lives Goat Insect, Bird, Canine Rare
Ultralisk 5 4 Guardian Biomass Insect Rare
Viper 2 1 Abduct Biomass Insect Rare
6 New Sigils:
Name Description
Devour When a card bearing this sigil is placed on the board and there is an opposing card, this card will eat that card and absorb some of its stats.
Spawn Creep Tumor At the end of the owner's turn, the card bearing this sigil will move in the direction inscrybed and leave behind a Creep Tumor. A Creep Tumor is defined as 0 Power 1 Health with Waterborne and Leader.
Spawn Larva When a card bearing this sigil is played, Larva are created adjacent to it. A Larva is defined as 0 power 3 health with Fledgling.
Spawn Locust When a card bearing this sigil is played and at the start of your turn, Locusts will be created adjacent to it. A Locust is defined as 1 power 1 health with Brittle
Summon Zerg Whenever a card bearing this sigil takes damage, a random Zerg card is created in your hand.
Swarm Seeds When a card bearing this sigil is played, a Broodling is placed in your hand. A Broodling is defined as 2 power 2 health with Brittle.
7 New Special Abilities:
Name Description
Brenda Popular character used by WinterGaming to mock Queens getting out of position.
Brood Lord As long as this creature is on the board, a Broodling is created in your hand at the start of your turn, up to 3 maximum.
Collect Essence This Primal leader will permanently grow stronger after defeating more powerful cards.
Larva The Larva will evolve into a random Zerg when it matures.
Primal Zerg Primal Zerg will grow stronger depending on what creatures were sacrificed to summon them.
Zergling Rush The value represented with this sigil will be equal to the number of Zerglings that the owner has on their side of the table.
Zergling Swarm For every point of health this creature has, the portrait will gain 1 Zergling up to 6.
1 New Map Nodes:
Evolve Sequence
7 New Encounters:
Name Min Difficulty Max Difficulty Regions Main Tribes Turns
AbathurEncounter 1 15 All Insect 8
AbathurEncounter2 1 15 All Insect 7
Drone Rush 1 5 Char Insect 5
Swarm Host snipe 1 15 Char Insect 5
Ultralisk Rush 10 15 Char Insect 6
Zerg Air 1 15 Char Insect 6
Zergling Swarm 1 15 Char Insect 5
2 New Consumable Items:
Name Description Randomly Given Power Level Available In Regions
Biomass Bottle A Biomass is created in your hand. A Biomass is defined as: 0 Power, 1 Health, Morsel. Yes 1 All
Biomass Bottle A Biomass is created in your hand. A Biomass is defined as: 1 Power, 1 Health, Morsel. Yes 1 All



For this mod you will need - BepInEx - API I recommend this tutorial if you are curious how to manually install mods in the first place

Known Issues:

  • Armored does not work on some sigils
  • Baneling does not have a Biomass tail

Bug Reports / Suggestions:

Write an issue report here:

Update notes:

Version: 3.0.0 - 26/02/2023


  • Updated icon
  • API requirements 2.10.0
  • Starcraft core requirements 1.4.0


  • Queen of Blades is now a Talking card with some lore dialogue
  • Baneling Health increased from 1 to 2
  • Leviathan bone cost decreased from 8 to 6
  • Ultralisk redesigned to be a hard hitting tank
  • Added more dialogue to Evolution node
  • Mend sigil moved to Starcraft Core


  • Evolution Master boss for Char Region
  • Egg card only used byu the Evolution Master
See all Changes

Version: 2.4.1 - 25/01/2023


  • Fixed Evolution masters mask looking flat
  • New strange artifact art


  • Roach health decreased from 3 -> 2
  • Primal Roach health increased from 2 -> 3
  • Removed Armored sigil from Primal Roach

Version: 2.4.0 - 04/01/2023


  • New Mask to Evolve Sequence and added new dialogue
  • Devour Sigil


  • Ultralisk now redesigned to be like the Urayuli
  • Removed Assimilate sigil from Primal Igniter and Ravasaur
  • Swarmling Health increased from 1 to 2
  • Swarm Queen Health increased from 2 to 3
  • Replaced Regenerate on Dehaka with Devour

Version: 2.3.2 - 23/12/2022


  • Biomass card #2. Has attack and health. 25% chance to get it from Evolve node.


  • Fixed Swarming new stat icon not working for any zergling
  • Fixed error from new bottle in item
  • Increased attacking biomass chance from 25% to 50%
  • Broodling
    • Bonecost increased from 1 to 4
  • Locus
    • Bonecost increased from 1 to 2

Version: 2.3.1 - 22/12/2022


  • Biomass card #2. Has attack and health. 25% chance to get it from Evolve node.


  • Evolve node is now a special node instead of new card node.
  • Fixed Evolve node not showing green particles when a card evolves.
  • Renamed Zergling trait to ZerglingUnit

Version: 2.3.0 - 21/12/2022


  • Swarm Queen
  • Swarmling
  • Infested Civilian
  • Mend Ability
  • Zergling Rush Stat Icon
  • Zergling Trait


  • Added Zergling Rush to Zergling, Patchling and Primal Zergling

Version: 2.2.1 - 21/11/2022


  • Updated icon to line uop with StarcraftCore and Protoss
  • Removed log spam

Version: 2.2.0 - 20/11/2022


  • 5 Encounters for Char Region
  • Zergling Starter Deck
  • Primal Zerg Starter Deck
  • Pixel art for Dehaka
  • Pixel art for Larva
  • Pixel art for Zergling
  • Pixel art for Primal Zergling


  • Larva now has TripleBlood instead of Evolve
  • Larva now is a good sacrifice to the bone lord instead of Killing survivors
  • Corrupter now kills survivors when sacrificed at the fire
  • Devourer now kills survivors when sacrificed at the fire


  • Fixed Zergling portrait not changing with health
  • Fixed Zergling portrait staying as Zerglings after evolving
  • Fixed Dehaka portrait not changing with kills

Version: 2.1.0 - 6/11/2022


  • General
    • Upgrade API to v2.6
    • Added StarCraft core dependency


  • General
    • Replaced Double Attack with Double Strike
    • Removed Double Attack
    • Minor description fixes

Version: 2.0.0 - 28/3/2022


  • General
    • Added Patchling
    • Added Brenda
    • Added Creep Tumor
    • Added Egg to replace Packrat
    • Added Assimilate Ability
    • Added Swarm Ability
    • Added Trinket Within Ability
    • Added Evolution Map node (May be very hard to get)
    • Added Biomass in a Bottle Item
    • Plus More


  • General
    • Kaycees mod / Api 2.1 support
    • Changed Packrat to Egg
    • Changed Crawler Forest
    • Changed all Primal Zerg. Only Dehaka steals sigils
    • Changed Zergling to have Swarm instead of Double Attack
    • Changed Biomass to have Morsel
    • Plus More

Version: 1.1.0 - 29/1/2022


  • General
    • Added Dependency: Kopie_RuleBook_Expender to view descriptions of Act 2/3 sigils
    • Added Dependency: Multiple_Sigil_Render_Fix to view more than 2 base sigils on 1 card


  • General
    • Removed some Logs coming up in console
  • Dehaka
    • Increased Damage from 1 to 2
  • Larva
    • Replaced Fledgling with Nano Shield
  • Drone
    • Health decreased from 3 to 1
    • Replaced Fledgling with Bone Digger
  • Primal Igniter
    • Now Rare
    • Damage increased from 2 to 3
    • Blood increased from 2 to 3
  • Ravasaur
    • Health decreased from 3 to 2
  • Primal Roach
    • Health decreased from 3 to 2
  • Queen of Blades
    • Damage increased from 2 to 3
  • Summon Zerg
    • Balanced change to get certain cards
  • Larva Special Ability
    • Balanced change to get certain cards


  • General
    • Fixed sigils spamming config view
  • Summon Zerg
    • Fixed it always giving the same card

Version: 1.0.0 - 25/1/2022


  • Queen of Blades
    • Replaced Trifurcated with Bifurcated


  • Primal Zerg
    • Fixed Emits not showing
  • Blood Bank
    • Fixed not working with triple blood
    • Fixed sacrificing with other cards still taking full hp

Version: 0.11.0 - 17/1/2022


  • General
    • Added Watermark to all cards back in (Removed by mistake!)
  • New Cards
    • Primal Roach
    • Primal Igniter


  • General
    • Changed Tail of all Zerg units to Biomass except Mutalisk that has a Unique Tail image
    • Updated Leshy text for all cards and Sigils
    • Updated all rulebook descriptions
  • Primal Zerg
    • Can now steal a random base sigil from any Card
  • Dehaka
    • Added Primal Zerg Special Ability
    • Sigils Dehaka steals are permanent
    • Now gains +1/+1 when killing a card stronger than him.
    • Resets at the beginning of a run now
  • Corrupter
    • Health increased from 2 to 3
  • Ultralisk
    • Damage increased from to to 3
  • Crawler Forest
    • Added Mirror Special Icon
    • Added new Art by JamesGames
    • Crawler Forest can no longer be Sacrificed
  • Fish Hook
    • No longer obtainable from WoodCarver
  • Blood bank
    • Added new Art by General Spritz
  • Detector
    • Added new Art by General Spritz
  • Ricochet
    • Added new Art by General Spritz
  • Spawn Locust
    • Added new Art by General Spritz
  • Swarm Seeds
    • Added new Art by General Spritz


  • General
  • Splash Damage
    • Fixed hitting after all other effects have triggered
  • Explode
    • Fixed hitting after all other effects have triggered
  • Detector
    • Fixed not revealing cards when a card is transformed into something that has Detector (Drone)

Version: 0.10.0 - 9/1/2022


  • Added Primal Zergling
  • Added Ravasaur
  • Added Primal Zerg Special Ability
  • Added Brood Lord Special Ability


  • General
    • Changed Tail of all Zerg units to Biomass except Mutalisk that has a Unique Tail image
  • Brood lord
    • Now gives 1 Broodling at the start of your turn
  • Guardian
    • Increased Power from 2 to 3
    • Decreased Health from 6 to 5
  • Spawn Locust
    • Changed to Place 2 Locust on the board adjacent to the card with this sigil at the start of your turn
  • Queen of Blades
    • Removed Regestate ability
    • Added Trifurcated Strike ability
    • Added Splash Damage ability
    • Reduced power from 4 to 2
    • Increased health from 4 to 6
    • Increased blood cost from 3 to 4
  • Overlord
    • Added meme eye alternative portrait image
  • Hydralisk
    • Added meme eye alternative portrait image
  • Drone
    • Replaced Submerge with Evolve
  • Locust
    • Increased Health from 1 to 2
  • Abduct
    • Can now pull any card to the closest slot.
  • Devourer
    • No longer Rare
  • Queen
    • Now Rare
  • Infested Terran
    • Now Rare
  • Spawn Larva
    • No longer accessible from Wood Carver
  • Summon Zerg
    • No longer accessible from Wood Carver


  • General
    • Some special abilities triggered twice

Version: 0.9.0 - 21/12/2021


  • Added Larva
  • Added Larva Special Ability
  • Added Summon Zerg Ability
  • Added Blood Bank Ability


  • General
    • Bumped API dependency from 1.12.0 to 1.13.0
    • Added JSONLoader 1.7.0 dependency
    • All cards now loaded by JSONLoader
    • All sigils now loaded by JSON
    • Updated all Portraits with higher resolution art
    • Special abilities GUID changed to jamesgames.inscryption.zergmod
  • Leviathan
    • Reduced Power from 2 to 0
    • Increased Health from 10 to 20
    • Reduced Bone Cost from 10 to 8
    • Removed WhackAMole and Sharp Abilities
    • Added Blood Bank and Summon Zerg Abilities
  • Mutalisk
    • Added Regenerate
  • Hydralisk
    • Damage reduced from 3 to 2
    • Added Double Attack
  • Strange Artifact
    • Can no longer Kill Survivors
  • Squirrel
    • Reverted back to normal
  • Overlord
    • Removed Fledgling
    • Added Sacrificial
    • Increased Blood from 1 to 2
  • Guardian
    • Damage reduced from 4 to 2
    • Added Snipe
  • Detector
    • Added new art by General Spritz
  • Corrupter
    • Renamed to Corruptor
  • Lurker
    • No longer rare


  • General
    • Infester and queen sizes not 114x94
  • Viper
    • Correct Emission
  • Scourge
    • Fixed Portrait offset
  • Ricochet
    • Fixed Ricochet damage not setting to 1

Version: 0.8.0 - 5/1/2021


  • Strange Artifact


  • General
    • Added first pass emissions to all cards except Zerglings
    • Removed rare background from cards that are not rare
  • Ricochet
    • Can now be blocked by Mighty Leap
  • Swarm Host
    • No longer rare. Obtainable from Trader
  • Dehaka
    • Blood cost increased from 1 to 2
  • Scourge
    • Damage increased to 3 from 1
    • Obtainable now


  • Dehaka
    • Fixed portrait not changing on boot
  • Zerglings
    • Fixed portrait not changing when buffing hp at campfire
    • Fixed portrait not changing on boot
  • Regestate
    • Fixed HP of egg not accounting for buffed health from fire.

Version: 0.7.0 - 2/12/2021


  • Crawler Forest


  • General
    • Updated some Descriptions to be more descriptive
  • Lurker
    • Removed Guard Dog Ability
    • Added Splash Damage Ability
  • Drone
    • Added Submerge
    • Can now Evolve into Crawler Forest
  • Double Attack
    • Can now double attack cards that are created after the initial cards death
  • Abduct
    • Can now be canceled by clicking on an empty slot
  • Spawn Larva
    • Added new art by General Spritz
  • Armoured
    • Renamed to Armored
  • Draw Broodling's
    • Renamed to Swarm Seeds
  • Draw Locust's
    • Renamed to Spawn Locust


  • Sometimes Abduct does not wiggle when it can not cast
  • Soft lock when sacrificing a card that has the Detector sigil and has revealed submerged cards

Version: 0.6.0 - 28/11/2021


  • Added Collect Essence special ability
  • Added Fish Hook ability
  • Added Ricochet ability


  • General
    • Updated some descriptions
  • Dehaka
    • Added Collect Essence special ability
    • Portrait changes as he kills strong units
  • Infestor
    • Removed Trifurcated Strike ability
    • Added Fish Hook ability
  • Ultralisk
    • Now obtainable after defeating Prospector
  • Mutalisk
    • Health reverted back to 3 from 1
    • Removed Bombard ability
    • Removed Airborne ability
    • Added Ricochet ability
  • Roach
    • Health increased from 2 to 3
  • Armoured ability
    • Added new art by General Spritz


  • Splash damage sometimes doesn't hit a
  • Fixed Bombard hitting facedown cards

Version: 0.5.0 - 26/11/2021


  • Added Bombard ability


  • General
    • Rebalanced drop rates of rare cards
    • Updated some descriptions
  • Mutalisk
    • Health Reduced from 3 to 1
    • Regenerate ability removed
    • Bombard ability added
  • Infested Terran
    • Bone cost increase from 1 to 2
  • Draw Broodling's
    • Reduced cards drawn from 2 to 1
  • Draw Locust's
    • Reduced cards drawn from 2 to 1
  • Regestate
    • Health of egg now the same as the card it evolves into
    • Total turns to evolve now depends on health of card evolving into
  • Double Attack
    • No longer hits face
      • Halved animation
  • Devourer
    • Is now Rare
  • Guardian
    • Is now Rare
  • Ravager
    • Is now Rare
  • Lurker
    • Is now Rare
    • Accessible from boss fights


  • Rare cards obtainable from common card map node
  • Splash damage no longer hits face down cards
  • Fixed Regestate not having the Fledgling sigil to evolve the egg

Version: 0.4.0 - 24/11/2021


  • Added Viper - 2,1 with Abduct

  • Added Scourge - 1,1 with Explode and Airborne

  • Added Corruptor - 2,2 with Airborne. Evolves into Devourer

  • Added Devourer - 3,3 with Airborne and Armoured

  • Added Guardian - 4,6

  • Added Abduct Ability

  • Added Detector Ability

  • Added Explode Ability


  • Infested Terran
    • Removed Blood cost so now its just 1 Bone
  • Ravager
    • Renamed from Ravanger to Ravager
  • Lurker
    • Removed Burrower ability
    • Added GuardDog ability
  • Overlord
    • Removed Airborne ability
    • Added Fledgling ability
  • Overseer
    • Removed Reach and Airborne abilities
    • Added Detector and Stinky abilities
  • Splash Damage
    • Added new art by General Spritz
  • Double Attack
    • No longer hits face


  • Fixed Infested Terran costing 1 Blood and 1 Bone

Version: 0.3.0 - 23/11/2021


  • Added Ravenger - 2,2 with Snipe

  • Added Lurker - 2,2 with Submerge and Burrower

  • Added Armoured Ability

  • Added Splash Ability

  • Added Watermark to all Zerg cards


  • Bumped API plugin requirement to 1.12.0
  • Hydralisk
    • Evolves into a Lurker
  • Roach
    • Evolves into a Ravenger
  • Broodlord
    • Health changed to 6 from 4
    • Blood changed to 3 from 2
  • Broodling
    • Damage changed to 2 from 1
    • Health changed to 2 from 1
  • Queen of Blades
    • Damage changed to 4 from 3
    • Health changed to 4 from 3
  • Ultralisk
    • No longer accessible from Trader
    • Removed Deathshield ability
    • Added Armoured ability
    • Added Splash Damage ability
  • Baneling
    • Removed Trifurcated Strike ability
    • Added Splash Damage ability

Version: 0.2.0 - 22/11/2021


  • Added Drone - 1,1 with Bone digger

  • Added Baneling - Rare - 3,1 with Brittle and Trifurcated Strike

  • Added Swam Host - Rare - 0,2 with Draw 2 Locusts and Submerge

  • Added Locus - 1,1 with Brittle

  • Added Broodlord - 0,4 with Draw 2 Broodlings

  • Added Bloodling - 1,1 with Brittle

  • Added Infested Terran - 1,2 with Brittle and Fecundity

  • Added Overseer - 0,6 - Rare with Reach and Airborne

  • Added Infestor - 1,1 - Rare with Submerge and Trifurcated Strike

  • Added Dehaka - 1,2 - Rare with Regenerate

  • Added Leviathan - 2,10 - with Burrower and Sharp

  • Added Ultralisk - 2,6 - with Death Shield

  • Added Draw Broodlings ability

  • Added Draw Locusts ability


  • Overlord
    • Evolves into Overseer
  • Zerglings
    • Evolve into Banelings
    • Portrait now shows how many zerglings as health. Max 6.
  • Queen of Blades
    • No longer obtainable from Trader
  • Mutalisk
    • Removed Trifurcated Strike
    • Added Regeneration
    • Damage changed to 1 from 2
    • Health changed to 3 from 1
  • Double Attack
    • Added new art by General Spritz
  • Regeneration
    • Added new art by General Spritz


  • Fixed all zerg card backgrounds showing as Rare

Version: 0.1.1 - 19/11/2021


  • All Zerg cards
    • Now have the Insect Trait


  • Mutalisk
    • Damage changed to 2 from 3
  • Larva
    • Health reduced back to 1
  • Kerrigan
    • Renamed to Queen of Blades
  • Final attack
    • Renamed to Double Attack
  • Touched up some card descriptions
  • Touched up some ability dialogue


  • Fixed mod not working due to wrong directory
  • Fixed Final attack direct attack animation
  • Fixed Final attack sometimes not attacking

Version: 0.1.0 - 17/11/2021


  • Added Zergling - 1,2 with Final attack

  • Added Roach - 2,2 with Regenerate

  • Added Overlord - 0,4 with Airborne and Mighty Leap

  • Added Kerrigan - 3,3 With Regestate

  • Added Mutalisk - 3,1 with Airborne and Bifurcated Strike

  • Added Queen - 1,3 With Spawn Larva

  • Added Hydralisk - 3,2

  • Added Regenerate ability

  • Added Spawn Larva ability

  • Added Final attack ability

  • Added Regestate ability


  • Squirrel art changed to a Larva