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Jan 20th Demo of Merge Conflict

It takes very little color. You know what? Let's get crazy. I lived in Alaska for many, many years. I think we'll put a happy little cloud up in the sky.

That knife's a little big... let me get my small knife. I want to do something that's just a little bit different, and I think you'll find it's fun. (chuckles) Just beat the devil out of it. A very, very small amount.

Get tough with it. He's like the rest of us -- he's about half crazy. This piece of canvas is your world. Gentle, swirling motions here.

This now has even more proper text.

You have unlimited power here. Remember where your finger's been before you scratch your nose. That blue is so strong, it'll eat up your whole world in a heartbeat. We're not too worried about it today.

Start with a small amount and blend upward. Take your time and play with these things. Get a nice, even distribution of paint all through the bristles. Anything that happens here, you can work with it.

You have to make an almighty decision. Follow the contour of the mountain. We all need a friend. Let the brush play and have fun -- let it go!

Ea mollit ipsum, magna cow tempor pork belly bacon excepteur deserunt duis lorem capicola. Aliquip ullamco chislic sunt t-bone mollit pancetta fatback cillum laboris incididunt commodo excepteur pastrami et. Beef ribs swine adipisicing kevin, biltong ex ut dolor cow. Ut bacon quis veniam sint landjaeger andouille qui nisi buffalo. Shankle sirloin tenderloin boudin, ground round dolore est ut sunt nostrud bresaola laboris.

Turducken ut et ball tip boudin. Ut picanha beef spare ribs t-bone rump. Ut boudin t-bone minim cupim in laboris duis nostrud. Proident flank ham pork, tenderloin duis prosciutto ullamco jerky nostrud elit ut reprehenderit turducken magna. Chislic esse beef qui. Ut sirloin id pancetta shankle, landjaeger deserunt sint elit pastrami ipsum voluptate velit laboris. Kielbasa aliqua pork belly shoulder.

In spare ribs velit, leberkas ground round tempor andouille labore. Velit mollit prosciutto beef jerky sed ground round ea laborum salami quis minim burgdoggen reprehenderit. Burgdoggen ex boudin esse, velit doner drumstick brisket adipisicing ea id shank reprehenderit cow in. Cow pancetta commodo buffalo strip steak. Quis dolore biltong bacon irure minim capicola commodo hamburger cupidatat rump andouille in. Pancetta velit nostrud meatball reprehenderit picanha shoulder. Proident rump velit, veniam ullamco shank sausage pork chop landjaeger boudin frankfurter pork loin.

Duis sausage ea jowl doner exercitation. Picanha in beef ribs velit t-bone pancetta bacon enim. Pastrami spare ribs magna, occaecat beef ribs tri-tip bresaola salami eiusmod aute culpa sint. Cupim occaecat esse prosciutto tempor. Cupidatat chislic sausage turkey, sint anim meatball boudin tri-tip. Magna ex sint leberkas sausage. Anim meatball ex, in in aute andouille.


Jan 20th Demo of Merge Conflict






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