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Cloud-Native application with 10 microservices showcasing Full-Stack Observability with Kubernetes, Istio, Kiali, AppDynamics and ThousandEyes


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Online Boutique is a cloud-native microservices demo application that consists of a 10-tier microservices application. The application is a web-based e-commerce app where users can browse items, add them to the cart, and purchase them.

We use this application to demonstrate the use of Cloud Native technologies like Kubernetes/GKE, Istio, AppDynamics and ThousandEyes. This application works on any Kubernetes (k8s) cluster, as well as Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).

This project is based on the original open-source microservices-demo from Google.


  • Kubernetes/GKE: The app is designed to run on Kubernetes.
  • gRPC: Microservices use a high volume of gRPC calls to communicate to each other.
  • Istio: Application works on Istio service mesh.
  • Kiali: Web-based graphical UI to view service graphs of the mesh, traffic topologies and Istio configuration objects.
  • AppDynamics for App and Cluster visibility: The FrontEnd service is versioned and instrumented with AppDynamics for application performance monitoring. The k8s cluster is instrumented with AppDynamics Cluster Agent to monitor the health of of the entire cluster, including every node and namespace down to the container level. GET YOUR APPDYNAMICS FREE TRIAL HERE.
  • ThousandEyes for external Network visibility and end-user experience: ThousandEyes Browser Synthetics simulates users interacting with the application. ThousandEyes Cloud Agents were deployed, across the globe, to simulate these interactions and provide metrics, such as availability, response time, latency, transaction times, errors. GET YOUR THOUSANDEYES FREE TRIAL HERE.
  • ThousandEyes & AppDynamics Integration for complete application service visibility: ThousandEyes alerts are natively configured to trigger alerts in AppDynamics to correlate external network and user experience problems with internal application metrics.
  • Cloud Operations (Stackdriver): Many services are instrumented with Profiling, Tracing and Debugging. In addition to these, using Istio enables features like Request/Response Metrics and Context Graph out of the box. When it is running out of Google Cloud, this code path remains inactive.
  • Synthetic Load Generation: The application demo comes with a background job that creates realistic usage patterns on the website using Locust load generator.



Online Boutique is composed of 11 microservices written in different languages that talk to each other over gRPC.

Architecture of microservices

Service Language Description
frontend Go Exposes an HTTP server to serve the website. Does not require signup/login and generates session IDs for all users automatically.
cartservice C# Stores the items in the user's shopping cart in Redis and retrieves it.
productcatalogservice Go Provides the list of products from a JSON file and ability to search products and get individual products.
currencyservice Node.js Converts one money amount to another currency. Uses real values fetched from European Central Bank. It's the highest QPS service.
paymentservice Node.js Charges the given credit card info (mock) with the given amount and returns a transaction ID.
shippingservice Go Gives shipping cost estimates based on the shopping cart. Ships items to the given address (mock)
emailservice Python Sends users an order confirmation email (mock).
checkoutservice Go Retrieves user cart, prepares order and orchestrates the payment, shipping and the email notification.
recommendationservice Python Recommends other products based on what's given in the cart.
adservice Java Provides text ads based on given context words.
loadgenerator Python/Locust Continuously sends requests imitating realistic user shopping flows to the frontend.

Kubernetes and Istio

The Online Boutique is initially deployed in GKE with Istio, which defines the Service Mesh and handles service-to-service communication. Istio allows to decouple traffic management from application code by attaching a sidecar proxy (called envoy) next to each container that intercepts all incoming and outgoing communications. The interaction between all these proxies in the data plane, together with a common control plane, then creates the service mesh. This fundamentally helps you understand traffic flows among services and how to manage them with policies, protection and authentication.

In this project, ingress resources like an Istio Gateway and VirtualService are deployed to expose the Online Boutique frontend running inside a Kubernetes cluster.

Kubernetes & Istio Diagram

ServiceMesh Architecture

AppDynamics Agents

With Istio at full steam we then focus on getting visibility into how the cluster and the application are performing. We start by using Kiali which comes natively integrated with Istio and provides visibility at the network service layer. We then implement AppDynamics Agents, at the infrastructure (i.e. cluster) and application layer.


This agent is deployed in its own namespace and collects metrics and metadata for the entire cluster, including every node and namespace down to the container level, via the Kubernetes API. It then sends this information to the AppDynamics controller.

Cluster Agent Diagram

The AppDynamics cluster-agent also comes with an auto-instrument feature, only available for .NET, JAVA and Node.js. This dynamically and automatically adds the required application agents to the targeted applications. In essence, the cluster agent modifies the application deployment by adding an init container that installs the required AppDynamics application agent on the application container when it automatically restarts. Both the paymentservice & currencyservice are Node.js applications so the AppDynamics cluster-agent automatically instruments them, as covered in the Deployment section. However, due to some AppDynamics gRPC limitations the information of these are microservices is not being correlated at the AppDynamics controller level. The goal is to solve this issue by building a gRPC middleware that allows the AppDynamics controller to correlate the information between the microservices.

Cluster Agent Auto-Instrument Diagram

Application Performance Monitoring

At the moment, from an application perspective, only the FrontEnd microservice is meaningfully instrumented with a AppDynamics APM agent as this is the most used microservice. Extending the AppDynamics APM agents to the remaining microservices is currently work-in-progress.


With AppDynamics providing visibility at both the infrastructure and application layer, this is then augmented with ThousandEyes Cloud Agents that provide external visibility from global vantage points (Cloud agents across 58 countries), the internet and browser synthetics. This provides an end-to-end view into the delivery of the Online Boutique app to the user, whilst getting enhanced insights on the user experience.

The full architecture of the Online Boutique application, with all the tools deployed, looks as follows.

Full Arch with AppD & TE



  • Docker for Desktop
  • A Google Cloud Project, new or existing with Google Container Registry enabled
  • The Google Cloud SDK installed, that includes the gcloud command-line tool
  • kubectl, which can be installed via gcloud components install kubectl

Quick-Start with GKE and Istio

  1. Set the PROJECT_ID env variable and ensure the GKE API is enabled:

    gcloud services enable container --project ${PROJECT_ID}
    gcloud services enable
    gcloud services enable
  2. Enable Google Container Registry (GCR) on your project and configure the docker CLI to authenticate to GCR::

    gcloud services enable
    gcloud auth configure-docker -q
  3. Clone this repo:

    git clone
    cd Cloud-Native-Demo
  4. Create the GKE cluster:

    gcloud container clusters create <your-cluster-name> \
        --project=${PROJECT_ID} --zone=${ZONE} --node-locations=${ZONE} \
        --enable-autoupgrade --enable-autoscaling \
        --min-nodes=4 --max-nodes=6 --machine-type=e2-standard-2

    Alternatively you can create a GKE cluster using the Google Cloud UI. If you do, please make sure that you DO NOT select the Enable Istio option under Features, as we will be installing Istio manually in step 6.

    Cost Saving Tip: If you are using your personal GCP account for this demo and if you are planning on running it for a short period of time (<24h), you can use the --preemptible flag when creating the GKE cluster. Preemptible VMs are Compute Engine VM instances that are priced lower, last a maximum of 24 hours in general, and provide no availability guarantees.

    If you wish to do that please use the following to create your GKE cluster:

    gcloud container clusters create <your-cluster-name> \
        --project=${PROJECT_ID} --zone=${ZONE} --node-locations=${ZONE} \
        --enable-autoupgrade --enable-autoscaling --preemptible \
        --min-nodes=4 --max-nodes=6 --machine-type=e2-standard-2
  5. Point the kubectl context to the new GKE cluster:

    gcloud container clusters get-credentials <cluster-name> --zone=${ZONE} --project=${PROJECT_ID}

    Alternatively you can get this command from the GKE menu in the Cloud Console by clicking the "Connect" button next to the k8s cluster that you just created.

    GKE Cluster Connect Button

    Use kubectl to confirm that you are pointing to that k8s cluster.

    kubectl config current-context
    kubectl get nodes

    Should output something like:

    NAME                                                  STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION
    gke-boutique-appd-1key-boutique2-pool-8589b39d-9gm5   Ready    <none>   12m   v1.16.15-gke.6000
    gke-boutique-appd-1key-boutique2-pool-8589b39d-bm2y   Ready    <none>   12m   v1.16.15-gke.6000
    gke-boutique-appd-1key-boutique2-pool-8589b39d-cl2u   Ready    <none>   12m   v1.16.15-gke.6000
    gke-boutique-appd-1key-boutique2-pool-8589b39d-h3mr   Ready    <none>   12m   v1.16.15-gke.6000
  6. Install Istio and add istioctl to your path:

    curl -L | ISTIO_VERSION=1.8.0 TARGET_ARCH=x86_64 sh -
    cd istio-1.8.0/
    export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH
    istioctl install --set profile=demo -y
    cd ..

    Please Note: This uses Istio v1.8.0. If you wish to install another version, such as the latest one, you will need to follow Istio's Getting Started guide.

  7. Enable Istio sidecar proxy injection in the default k8s namespace

    kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled
  8. Apply the k8s manifest that combines all of the microservices but the Loadgenerator

    kubectl apply -f release/kubernetes-manifests.yaml
  9. Apply the Istio manifest that combines all the initial Istio configuration rules - gateway, ingress and egress

    kubectl apply -f release/istio-manifests.yaml
  10. Get the Istio Ingress GW External IP Address:

    kubectl -n istio-system get svc | grep "ingress"
  11. Update the loadgenerator.yaml.tplt template k8s deployment with the Istio Ingress GW IP Address:

    Go to the file ./kubernetes-manifests/loadgenerator.yaml.tplt and update line 37 with the external IP address that you got from the previous step:

    - name: FRONTEND_ADDR
      value: "<istio-ingressgateway-EXTERNAL-IP>:80"

    After modifying the file and saving it make sure you rename it to loadgenerator.yaml.

  12. Apply the loadgenerator.yaml manifest:

    kubectl apply -f kubernetes-manifests/loadgenerator.yaml
  13. Install Prometheus (optional), Grafana (optional) and Kiali as an Istio integration:

    kubectl apply -f istio-1.8.0/samples/addons/prometheus.yaml
    kubectl apply -f istio-1.8.0/samples/addons/grafana.yaml
    kubectl apply -f istio-1.8.0/samples/addons/kiali.yaml

    Please Note: If you get a no matches for kind "MonitoringDashboard" error, just apply the kiali.yaml manifest again and the monitoring dashboards should be created.

  14. Open the Kiali UI:

    istioctl dashboard kiali

    This command ONLY works if you have istioctl in your $PATH. If you restarted your terminal or are using a different terminal tab, you will need to do the following:

    cd istio-1.8.0/
    export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH
    cd ..

    OR alternatively, you can also do it without istioctl, so that the session runs in the background:

    kubectl -n istio-system port-forward $(kubectl -n istio-system get pod -l app=kiali -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') 20001:20001 &

    Once this is running you will need to open a browser session with http://localhost:20001.

    Kiali Dashboard Overview

    Please Note: If you use use option above you then need to kill the port-forward, after you are done with the Kiali dashboard:

    killall kubectl

Service-Mesh with Istio

Istio allows you to decouple traffic management from application code, as well as helps you understand traffic flows between services. You can then, for example, define the percentage of traffic you want to send to a specific canary version, or determine how to distribute traffic based on source/destination or service version weights. This makes A/B testing, gradual rollouts and canary releases much easier to implement and manage.

Additionally, Istio provides useful capabilities around failure recovery to tolerate failing nodes or avoid cascading instabilities, as well as fault injection in the form of delays or connectivity failures, on specific requests to test application resiliency.

If you wish to experiment with some of these Istio capabilities, you can apply some of the Istio manifests in the /istio-manifests/routing folder, and then with Kiali, visualise how the traffic flow changes.

These Istio manifests only focus on some specific traffic management use cases:

  • Send traffic to different versions of a service based on source/destination, or service version weights.
  • Inject time delays at specific microservices
  • Inject failures between microservices

As an example you may want to inject a 5 second delay on the productcatalogservice, to then evaluate how the other microservices behave and handle that scenario.

kubectl apply -f istio-manifests/routing/injection-delay.yaml 

Once this is deployed you can confirm it by going into your Online Boutique external IP address in your browser and checking that when you click in one of the products on the FrontEnd landing page, it takes at least 5 seconds to load. If you are using Chrome you can re-do these steps whilst using the inspect tool (right-click > inspect > Network).

Istio Injection-Delay Browser

You can also visualise this using Kiali, as shown.

Istio Injection-Delay Kiali

Once you've evaluated and analysed the fault, you will need to remove it so that your application goes back to normal.

kubectl delete -f istio-manifests/routing/injection-delay.yaml 

To deploy and explore the other Istio manifests please check the README in the istio-manifests folder.

Please note that the FrontEnd-v2 microservice is deployed in the AppDynamics section below.


Cluster Agent

The AppDynamics Cluster Agent used in this project is the v20.10.0. If you wish to use another version, or use a custom cluster agent image, you will need to build it and update the cluster agent manifest in /AppD-Cluster-Agent-20.10/cluster-agent-operator.yaml. For more info please check the AppDynamics documentation on how to build the Cluster Agent Container Image.

To deploy the cluster agent we use the AppDynamics Operator, located in /AppD-Cluster-Agent-20.10/cluster-agent-operator.yaml.

  1. Deploy AppDynamics Operator:

    kubectl create namespace appdynamics
    kubectl create -f AppD-Cluster-Agent-20.10/cluster-agent-operator.yaml
    kubectl -n appdynamics get pods

    The output should be similar to the following:

    NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    appdynamics-operator-6d95b46d86-67pmp   1/1     Running   0          2m
  2. Create a Controller Access Key Secret: AppDynamics agents need to connect to the controller to retrieve configuration data and send back information about the monitored environment. To find your controller access-key please follow the 4 steps in this guide and then create a k8s secret as follows.

    kubectl -n appdynamics create secret generic cluster-agent-secret --from-literal=controller-key=<access-key>
  3. Deploy the Cluster Agent: Before running the AppDynamics cluster-agent manifest you need to first rename the cluster-agent.yaml.tplt file to cluster-agent.yaml and then update it with your AppDynamics Controller details. Check here if you want more information on how to configure the cluster-agent yaml file.

    • appName in line 8 - Name of the cluster that displays in the AppDynamics Controller UI as your cluster name.
    • controllerUrl in line 9 - Full AppDynamics Controller URL.
    • account in line 10 - AppDynamics account name.
    • defaultAppName in line 28 - Application name used by the agent to report to the Controller.

    In this particular demo we are using the AppDynamics cluster-agent ability to auto-instrument applications. Since this feature only supports applications written in .NET, JAVA and Node.js, this only applies to the paymentservice & currencyservice microservices. This feature is implemented in your cluster-agent.yaml manifest from line 25 onwards. You can comment or delete those lines if you don't want the auto-instrument feature turned on.

    kubectl create -f AppD-Cluster-Agent-20.10/cluster-agent.yaml
    kubectl -n appdynamics get pods

    The output should be similar to the following:

    NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    appdynamics-operator-6d95b46d86-67pmp   1/1     Running   0          45m
    k8s-cluster-agent-79b6c95cb4-bdgzn      1/1     Running   0          1m30s

    Please Note: For debugging purposes, like if the controller doesn't receive data from the cluster agent, you can check the agent logs as follows:

    kubectl -n appdynamics logs <pod-name>
  4. Go to the AppDynamics Dashboard to visualise your cluster's monitoring data:

    4.1. Open the AppDynamics dashboard in your browser https://<appdynamics-controller-host>/controller

    4.2. Click the Servers tab at the top

    4.3. Click on the Clusters icon on the left-hand side

    4.4. You will see your cluster name, then select it and click the Details icon

    Please Note: Initially you may see "No Data Available ⚠️" as you need to give some time for the agent to send enough data to the controller so that you can start seeing some cool graphs - usually around 15-30mins, aka coffee time ☕️.

    AppD Cluster Agent Dashboard

    Check here for more information on how to use the AppDynamics Cluster Agent via the Dashboard, such as how to edit which namespaces to monitor.

APM Agent

The only microservice manually instrumented with AppDynamics APM agent is the FrontEnd microservice, written in Golang. AppDynamics does not have an APM Agent, per se, for GO. Instead, we use the AppDynamics GO SDK, which in itself uses the C++ SDK in the background. For more deep and detailed information on how the AppDynamics GO SDK is implemented in-line with the FrontEnd code, you can check the the README in src/frontend-v2-appD.

The goal is to deploy a frontEnd version of the microservice that is instrumented with the AppDynamics GO agent and not replace the existing non-instrumented one. For that we will deploy another FrontEnd v2 microservice, which is then added to the Istio service mesh and allows us to perform some interesting traffic management routines, like send traffic to either v1 or v2 based on version weights.

  1. Add AppDynamics Controller Settings to frontEnd v2 manifest: Start by renaming the frontend-v2.yaml.tplt file to frontend-v2.yaml, located in the kubernetes-manifests folder. Add your AppDynamics controller details to the manifest, from line 72 to line 81.

      value: "<appdynamics-controller-host>"
      value: "443"
      value: "true"
      value: "<account-name>"
      value: "<access-key>"
  2. Deploy the AppD instrumented frontEnd v2 to the cluster:

    kubectl apply -f kubernetes-manifests/frontend-v2.yaml
  3. Apply an Istio destination rule that sets both frontEnd microservices with v1 and v2 labels:

    kubectl apply -f istio-manifests/routing/destination-rule.yaml
  4. Delete the current frontend-ingress and apply a new one that routes traffic to frontEnd v1 and v2 based on pre-selected weight:

    kubectl apply -f istio-manifests/routing/frontend-weighted-v1-v2.yaml
    kubectl delete virtualservice frontend-ingress

    Please Note: If you wish to experiment and change the weights, you can just modify the weight variables in line 31 and 37 of the Istio routing manifest frontend-weighted-v1-v2.yaml in the istio-manifests/routing folder and then re-apply the manifest. Similarly to the section above, you can visualise how the traffic is flowing with this routing policy by looking at the Kiali graph.

AppD Dashboard FrontEnd APM


Cloud Agent - HTTP Server Tests

Currently in this project, ONLY ThousandEyes Cloud Agents are used. These provide an External Vantage Point as they are globally distributed agents installed and managed by ThousandEyes in 190+ cities in 58 countries and immediately available.

Below is an example of how you can quickly create an HTTP Server test against the Online Boutique frontEnd. This test can be performed as often as every minute and from several locations around the world. It provides you with insights on Availability, Response Time, Throughput and you can even do a Path Visualization to workout which routes is your application given out of GCP OR, most importantly, check if there is an issue in the network path, when the application performance starts degrading.

TE HTTP Server Test

Cloud Agent - HTTP Transaction Tests

Something far more exotic than HTTP Server tests are the HTTP Transaction tests that provide application experience insights with Web Synthetics. These types of tests measure entire multi-page workflows, with credential handling, simulating a complete user journey making sure those journeys complete successfully while providing an insight into the user experience. This allows for multi-layer correlation as you can now have transaction scripting tests with further information around HTTP, Path Viz, BGP and Internet Outages.

To write and test transaction scripts ThousandEyes provides a ThousandEyes Recorder application, that records your user journey through the application and builds the Transaction Script for you automatically - no code expertise required. All you have to do then is export that Transaction Script to your ThousandEyes transaction test and run it - as before, as often as every minute and from several locations around the world.

To fully utilise this feature I highly recommend that you watch this short video tutorial.

If you wish to test this out without building your own transaction test scripts, you can use the ones in the ThousandEyes folder. To do so, make sure that you add and save the <Online-Boutique-IP-Address> in line 10 of both files before you export them to ThousandEyes. Below is an example of how you can quickly deploy these transaction test scripts.

TE Web Transaction Test

ThousandEyes and AppDynamics Integration Integration

Native Alerts

ThousandEyes natively supports sending alert notifications directly to AppDynamics. This allows you to correlate trigger events with clear events, and to create policies in AppDynamics based on specific properties like: alertState, alertType (HTTP, Network, Voice, etc) and testName. In AppDynamics, ThousandEyes alerts show up as custom events of type ThousandEyesAlert and allow you to open the ThousandEyes app at the Views screen for the alert start time to have further visibility into the issue.

TE AppD Integration Alerts

You can quickly and easily set-up the native alerts integration by following the steps in the official ThousandEyes Documentation.

Custom Monitor

ThousandEyes data can be pushed to the AppDynamics controller via a ThousandEyes Custom Monitor, which is basically an AppDynamics Machine Agent extension that pulls test data from the ThousandEyes API, transforms the data payload, and pushes that data to the AppDynamics controller via custom metrics. Currently the ThousandEyes Custom Monitor only supports pulling metrics from Page Load, HTTP/Web and Network test types, unfortunately the HTTP Transaction tests are not supported at the moment.

AppD TE CustomMonitor

This essentially allows to correlate data from ThousandEyes agents with data from AppDynamics agents, which means comparing your Application Performance from the app layer (via the AppDynamics APM agent) against the application experience from the user perspective (via the ThousandEyes cloud agents). This provides powerful insights that can be then used both during production to proactively identify and mitigate sub-standard user-experience, as well as during development to understand how the user-experience may be impacted with the new upcoming features.

In this demo there are two ways that you can deploy the ThousandEyes Custom Monitor:

  1. Standalone docker container that can be deployed anywhere, such as your local machine or another VM in the Cloud or on-prem, since the ThousandEyes Custom Monitor does not need to run in the same environment as the application. You will need to have both Docker and Compose installed.

  2. A microservice running in the K8s cluster that you've just created

Please Note: The ThousandEyes Custom Monitor built in this demo derives from this example and uses the AppDynamics Standalone Machine Agent v21.2.0 - the latest at the time of development. If you wish to use another version, you will need to build your own custom monitor by following the instructions on the example and the AppDynamics Machine Agent documentation.

Deploying the ThousandEyes Custom Monitor as a docker container

  1. Set the environment variables, used to link both your AppDynamics and ThousandEyes services, in the configuration.env.tplt file located in the AppD-TE-Custom-Monitor folder. You will see line comments that explain which variables or credentials you need to use, most of them you have already used in previous parts of the demo.
  2. Rename the environment variable file from configuration.env.tplt to configuration.env.
  3. Deploy the container using docker-compose
    cd AppD-TE-Custom-Monitor/
    docker-compose up -d
  4. Confirm that the ThousandEyes Custom Monitor started successfully and it is running
    docker ps -a
    The output should be similar to the following:
    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                     COMMAND                   CREATED         STATUS         PORTS     NAMES
    3a7f59fc56ba   peolivei/te-appd-custom-monitor:v21.2.0   "/bin/sh -c \"${MACHI…"   3 seconds ago   Up 3 seconds             te-appd-monitor
    You can also check the container logs:
    docker logs te-appd-monitor

The container is running in detach mode. If you ever need to gracefully stop the ThousandEyes Custom Monitor container and remove the volumes you need to make sure that you are in the /Cloud-Native-Demo/AppD-TE-Custom-Monitor directory and execute the following:

docker-compose down -v

Deploying the ThousandEyes Custom Monitor in the K8s cluster

  1. Edit the environment variables, used to link both your AppDynamics and ThousandEyes services, in the te-appd-custom-monitor.yaml.tplt file, from line 24 to line 75, located in the AppD-TE-Custom-Monitor folder. You will see line comments that explain which variables or credentials you need to use, most of them you have already used in previous parts of the demo.
  2. Rename the K8s manifest template file from configuration.env.tplt to configuration.env.
  3. Deploy the to the K8s
    kubectl apply -f AppD-TE-Custom-Monitor/te-appd-custom-monitor.yaml
    Please Note: The ThousandEyes Custom Monitor is deployed in the appdynamics namespace.
  4. Confirm that the ThousandEyes Custom Monitor started successfully and it is running.
    kubectl get pods -n appdynamics
    The output should be similar to the following:
    NAME                                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    appdynamics-operator-6d95b46d86-49wzf           1/1     Running   0          28d
    k8s-cluster-agent-79b6c95cb4-z5st9              1/1     Running   0          28d
    te-appd-custom-monitor-agent-66c6db6b7f-6nb6c   1/1     Running   0          23h
    You can also check the pod logs:
    kubectl -n appdynamics logs <pod-name>

Visualising the metrics

Once the ThousandEyes Custom Monitor is running the metrics will appear under the Application's metrics within the Metric Browser on your AppDynamics Dashboard. I would recommend initially giving it at least 15-30mins to give enough time for the controller to collect the data, also bear in mind that this depends on how frequently your ThousandEyes Cloud agents tests are running.

MetricBrowser AppD-TE CustomMonitor

You can then get the Average Response Time from the FrontEnd Business Transaction Metric coming directly from the AppDynamics GO agent running in the frontEnd microservice and start correlating with the Thousand Eyes Custom Metrics coming from the different Cloud Agents deployed around the world.

MetricBrowser AppD FE

MetricBrowser AppD TE CustomMetrics

Multi Cloud Deployment

To see the deployment for multi cloud environments please check the guide under the smm-1.8.0 folder.


Cloud-Native application with 10 microservices showcasing Full-Stack Observability with Kubernetes, Istio, Kiali, AppDynamics and ThousandEyes




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