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A naturalistic observation study of biosafety and environmental sampling for Salmonella contamination in a veterinary health-care setting

Hannah Padda, Alison Stout, Sebastian Llanos Soto, Sarah Murphy, Rebecca J. Franklin-Guild, John Beeby, Gillian A. Perkins, Laura Goodman, and Renata Ivanek

The objectives of this study were to conduct a naturalistic observation study to characterize the environment and human behavior aspects of biosafety and conduct environmental sampling to determine the presence of Salmonella contamination in a large animal veterinary teaching hospital in the Northeast USA, the Cornell University Nemo Farm Animal Hospital.

Here, we include files containing data collected as part of the study:

  • "Hospital Observations - final for GitHub.xlsx" contains data from observations of behaviour (tabs: "Raw data 1", "Raw data 2a, "Raw data 2b" and "Raw data 3") as well as the respective calculations used to analyzed the data (tabs: "Calculation 1", "Calculation 2a" and "Calculation 3"). Tab "Table 1", shows the summary statistics from all calculations.

  • "Hospital Dirtiness scoring - final for GitHub.xlsx" contains data from scoring of dirtiness (tabs: "Raw scores" and "Notations") as well as the respective summary statistics (tab: "Summary statistics").

  • "Hospital Dirtiness scoring - final for GitHub.R" is R code used in analysis of "Raw scores" in the "Hospital Dirtiness scoring - final for GitHub.xlsx" file.

  • "Table S1. Summary of hospital sampling and testing results-for GitHub.xlsx" contains sampling locations and test results from environmental sampling to determine the presence of Salmonella.

Manuscript describing the study is under review.


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