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Web automation training pet project on Java / Selenide / JUnit5 / Gradle / Allure / Jenkins / Lombok / Testcontainers / Webdriver Manager / Video Recorder


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Pet automation project: Java + Selenide + JUnit5 + gradle + Allure + Jenkins + Video Recorder + Highlighting while running tests + Selenoid + Running test in parallel using JUnit 5 + Lombok + WebdriverManager + TestContainers

Jenkins configurations

  • To start Jenkins write In terminal: java -jar jenkins.war (from directory where .war is located);
  • Open browser on localhost:8080;
  • Create Job (free template);
  • Fill in git repository link to Git plugin section;
  • Config Gradle section:
  • set check mark ‘Use Gradle Wrapper’;
  • set mark on ‘Make gradlew executable’;
  • set ‘clean test’ or another task like ‘fastTest’ from in Task field (to run specific suite/class/tag or something else);
  • set Switches' field as --scan -s to generate a build scan and render a stack trace in case of a build failure
  • Config JUnit reports (**/TEST-*.xml);
  • Stop Jenkins: ‘control + c’ in the terminal


  • Git (git plugin);
  • Gradle (Gradle plugin)
  • Test-results-analyzer plugin
  • Locale plugin
  • GreenBalls plugin


WebHook configuration


  • Go to any gitHub repository, open project settings - Webhooks tab
  • Linking through localhost:8080 is not possible, so we need to get real server address
  • We can use ngrok to simulate real server. Download the ngrok on computer. Open terminal and run './ngrok http 8080' from derictory where ngrok was saved. Copy link from terminal, like ''. This link is a temporary tunnel (which expires in 8 hours).
  • Put address to the Payload URL with github-webhook/ at the end
  • Set content-type as JSON
  • Put checkmark ‘Let me select individual events’ and select Pushes, Pull requests and Active -> Create web hook. So this webhhok will ping Jenkins once we have any changes from GitHub repository
  • Go to Jenkins -> Start Jenkins from terminal->Open browser on page -> Go to Configure system -> pass as Jenkins URL
  • Go to job settings -> in the section Build Triggers set ‘GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling’ - Save


Configure Allure2 reporting:

  • Jenkins -> go to Manage plains
  • Download Allure plugin
  • Reload Jenkins
  • Manage Jenkins -> Global Tool Configuration -> Find ‘Allure Commandline’ section
  • Set ‘allure2’ as Name
  • Put checkmark ‘Install automatically’
  • Choose From maven central -> select allure version
  • Go to Job settings and in Post build section select Allure report
  • Fill in Path as ‘build/allure-results’
  • Run the job. Allure report will be generated.



  • Highlighting while running tests (services -> Highlighter.class)


Setup Selenoid from scretch

// Run Selenoid + see live browser screen ./cm selenoid start --vnc --force // Stop Selenoid ./cm selenoid stop

// Run Selenoid-UI ./cm selenoid-ui start --force // Stop Selenoid-ui ./cm selenoid-ui stop

// Open web page for displaying selenoid-UI http://localhost:8080

// Status ./cm selenoid status // Help with all commands ./cm selenoid --help

// Lists running containers docker ps -a // List of images docker images

// Stop container with ID docker stop 'my_container ID' // Remove container with ID docker rm 'my_container ID'

// Help docker --help

// check port lsof -i:4444

/* docker stop $(docker ps -a -q); docker rm $(docker ps -a -q); docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -qf dangling=true) docker network rm $(docker network ls -q) sudo lsof -nP | grep LISTEN sudo kill -9 1548 */


  1. Run docker
  2. Run Selenoid VNC - ./cm selenoid start --vnc --force
  3. Run Selenoid UI - ./cm selenoid-ui start --force
  4. Open browser - http://localhost:8080
  5. Make sure both indicators are green
  6. Add Selenoid conficurations to test (@Before) - see the code below in @BeforeSuite
  7. Run tests
  8. After work:
  9. Display lists with running containers - docker ps -a
  10. Stop containers (both Selenoid and Selenoid-ui containres) - docker stop 'my_container ID'
  11. Remove both containers - docker rm 'my_container ID'
  12. Make sure no containers any more - docker ps -a
  13. Stop Selenoid-ui - ./cm selenoid-ui stop
  14. Stop Selenoid - ./cm selenoid stop
  15. Clean Selenoid configuration - ./cm selenoid cleanup
  16. Close docker */

@BeforeSuite public void setup() throws MalformedURLException {

/* // Selenoid conficurations DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities(); capabilities.setCapability("enableVideo", false); capabilities.setCapability("enableVNC", true); Configuration.browserCapabilities = capabilities; Configuration.remote = "http://localhost:4444/wd/hub"; Configuration.browser = "chrome"; Configuration.browserSize = "1280x1024"; */

Video folder by default: /Users/ismagilov/.aerokube/selenoid/video (make sure hidden folders are shown : defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES)


Running tests in parallel using JUnit5 (from version 5.3.0) - it's exepimental. Steps:

  • add annotation over class @Execution(ExecutionMode.CONCURRENT)
  • add '' to resources:
junit.jupiter.execution.parallel.enabled = true
junit.jupiter.execution.parallel.config.strategy = fixed
junit.jupiter.execution.parallel.config.fixed.parallelism = 2


Lombok setup

  • add plugin to IDEA
  • put checkmark in IDEA settings Annotation Processing
  • add dependency to build.gradle


Web automation training pet project on Java / Selenide / JUnit5 / Gradle / Allure / Jenkins / Lombok / Testcontainers / Webdriver Manager / Video Recorder








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