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170 lines (131 loc) · 15.9 KB

File metadata and controls

170 lines (131 loc) · 15.9 KB


The following changes are present in the main branch of the repository and are not yet part of a release:

  • Lib: Remove octree-based domain decomposition (superseded by regular grid subdivision approach --subdomain-grid)
  • CLI: Set --subdomain-grid=on by default
  • CLI: Remove all arguments for octree-based domain decomposition
  • CLI: Remove options to output some debug files (octree grid, density map, etc.)

Version 0.10.0

This release implements "Weighted Laplacian Smoothing for Surface Reconstruction of Particle-based Fluids" (Löschner, Böttcher, Jeske, Bender; 2023), mesh cleanup based on "Mesh Displacement: An Improved Contouring Method for Trivariate Data" (Moore, Warren; 1991) and a new, more efficient domain decomposition (see for more details).

  • Lib: Implement new spatial decomposition based on a regular grid of subdomains (subdomains are dense marching cubes grids)
  • CLI: Make new spatial decomposition available in CLI with --subdomain-grid=on
  • Lib: Implement weighted Laplacian smoothing to remove bumps from surfaces according to paper "Weighted Laplacian Smoothing for Surface Reconstruction of Particle-based Fluids" (Löschner, Böttcher, Jeske, Bender 2023)
  • CLI: Add arguments to enable and control weighted Laplacian smoothing --mesh-smoothing-iters=..., --mesh-smoothing-weights=on etc.
  • Lib: Implement marching_cubes_cleanup function: a marching cubes "mesh cleanup" decimation inspired by "Mesh Displacement: An Improved Contouring Method for Trivariate Data" (Moore, Warren 1991)
  • CLI: Add argument to enable mesh cleanup: --mesh-cleanup=on
  • Lib: Add functions to TriMesh3d to find non-manifold edges and vertices
  • CLI: Add arguments to check if output meshes are manifold (no non-manifold edges and vertices): --mesh-check-manifold=on, --mesh-check-closed=on
  • Lib: Support for mixed triangle and quad meshes
  • Lib: Implement convert_tris_to_quads function: greedily merge triangles to quads if they fulfill certain criteria (maximum angle in quad, "squareness" of the quad, angle between triangle normals)
  • CLI: Add arguments to enable and control triangle to quad conversion with --generate-quads=on etc.
  • Lib: Support for reading and writing PLY meshes (MixedTriQuadMesh3d)
  • CLI: Support for filtering input particles using an AABB with --particle-aabb-min/--particle-aabb-max
  • CLI: Support for clamping the triangle mesh using an AABB with --mesh-aabb-min/--mesh-aabb-max

Version 0.9.3

  • CLI: Make input filename/input sequence pattern a positional argument instead of separate arguments, arguments --input-file and --input-sequence are removed
  • CLI: Introduce some short arguments: -r for --particle-radius, -l for --smoothing-length, -c for --cube-size, -t for --surface-threshold
  • CLI: Add arguments -s/--start-index and -e/--end-index to specify the first and last index to process for a sequence of files
  • CLI: Process sequences of files in natural sort order instead of alphabetical order
  • CLI: Show progress bar when reconstructing a sequence of files

Version 0.9.2

  • Lib: In the UniformCartesianCubeGrid3d::from_aabb constructor, re-align the min-coordinate of the AABB to multiples of the cube size by default. This way multiple frames of an animation will be automatically consistent in terms of marching cubes grid alignment without having to manually specify an AABB for the entire simulation.

Version 0.9.1

  • CLI: Fix bug where no input sequence files were found if the sequence pattern path did not contain any "parent" path (e.g. file_{}.vtk instead of ./file_{}.vtk)

Version 0.9.0

  • Upgrade to Rust edition 2021
  • Lib: Update to nalgebra 0.32.1
  • Lib: Support for writing particles as JSON
  • Lib: Support for writing particles as BGEO
  • CLI: Support for new writers in convert subcommand
  • Lib: Rename AxisAlignedBoundingBox*d typedefs to Aabb3d and Aabb2d
  • Lib: Support reading VTU (VTK XML) files
  • CLI: Support reconstruction of particles from VTU (VTK XML) files, including attributes
  • CLI: Support for specifying an output pattern (e.g. "surface_{}.obj") using --output-file/-o when processing sequences of files, this allows to specify a different output format than VTK for sequences (which was the only available output format for sequences before)
  • CLI: Files belonging to a sequence are now detected by treating the placeholder "{}" as a "(\d+)" regex (i.e. any number of digits) and sorting the matching files lexicographically (previously, the tool just counted up from 1)

Version 0.8.0

  • Lib: Update to nalgebra 0.29
  • Lib: All the particle/mesh file IO code was moved from the splashsurf binary crate to the splashsurf_lib crate. They are behind the optional io feature flag. This allows using the IO code in tests of the library itself (previously the code was duplicated). But these functions may also be helpful to library users building their own pipeline if they wan to to quickly test code by e.g. loading particle data from files.
  • Lib: Replace some unsafe blocks by using bytemuck instead
  • Lib: Redesign the API for SPH kernel functions
  • Lib: Add module sph_interpolation for the interpolation of normals, scalar fields and vector fields to arbitrary points using SPH based interpolation
  • CLI: The --output-normals=on/off argument was renamed to --normals=on/off
  • CLI: Add command line switch --sph-normals=on/off (enabled by default) to toggle whether to use SPH interpolation (instead of area weighted triangle normals) to compute normals when --normals is on
  • CLI: Support for writing surfaces meshes (including normals) to OBJ files directly from the reconstruct subcommand (previously this was only supported for the convert subcommand) (See #29)
  • CLI: Support for specifying names of point attribute fields via the argument --interpolate-attributes=... that should be interpolated to the reconstructed surface. Currently it is only possible to load these fields from VTK files and the interpolated values can also only be written if the output file format is VTK.
  • CLI: All on/off arguments now require using an equal sign to set them. Primarily, this was done to prevent the CLI from accepting empty values which would be replaced by the respective default arguments. E.g. previously --normals was equivalent to the default --normals=off which is quite confusing. Now the default is only applied when the argument is not provided at all while --normals results in an error and --normals=on can be used to override the default.

Version 0.7.0

  • Lib: Fix a bug that caused the neighborhood search results to be incomplete
  • Lib: Update to nalgebra 0.27. with const generics and removed usage of nalgebra types that are deprecated
  • Lib: Add a "naive" O(n^2) neighborhood search for testing purposes
  • Lib: Rename other neighborhood search functions to neighborhood_search_spatial_hashing and neighborhood_search_spatial_hashing_parallel
  • CLI: Add a command line option --output-normals=on/off to the reconstruct sub-command to write mesh normals to the output file. Note that currently the normals are only computed using an area weighted average of triangle normals.
  • CLI: Change the convert sub-command to allow both conversion of particle files and conversion of mesh formats. Instead of using the --input option you now have to either use the --particles or --mesh option to specify the input file depending on whether you want to convert a particle or mesh file. For particles VTK, BGEO, PLY, XYZ, JSON -> VTK, PLY is supported. For meshes only VTK, PLY -> OBJ is supported.
  • CLI: Add JSON files as supported particle input file
  • CLI: Change the command line option to specify a sequence of input files from --input-sequence-pattern to --input-sequence

Version 0.6.1

  • Lib: Add metadata to manifest to document all features and to build only for a single target

Version 0.6.0

This release fixes a couple of bugs that may lead to inconsistent surface reconstructions when using domain decomposition (i.e. reconstructions with artificial bumps exactly at the subdomain boundaries, especially on flat surfaces). Currently there are no other known bugs and the domain decomposed approach appears to be really fast and robust.

In addition, the CLI now reports more detailed timing statistics for multi-threaded reconstructions.

Otherwise, this release contains just some small changes to command line parameters.

  • Lib: Add a ParticleDensityComputationStrategy enum to the SpatialDecompositionParameters struct. In order for domain decomposition to work consistently, the per particle densities have to be evaluated to a consistent value between domains. This is especially important for the ghost particles. Previously, this resulted inconsistent density values on boundaries if the ghost particle margin was not at least 2x the compact support radius (as this ensures that the inner ghost particles actually have the correct density). This option is now still available as the IndependentSubdomains strategy. The preferred way, that avoids the 2x ghost particle margin is the SynchronizeSubdomains where the density values of the particles in the subdomains are first collected into a global storage. This can be faster as the previous method as this avoids having to collect a double-width ghost particle layer. In addition there is the "playing it safe" option, the Global strategy, where the particle densities are computed in a completely global step before any domain decomposition. This approach however is really slow for large quantities of particles. For more information, read the documentation on the ParticleDensityComputationStrategy enum.
  • Lib: Fix bug where the workspace storage was not cleared correctly leading to inconsistent results depending on the sequence of processed subdomains
  • Lib: Fix bug in the octree splitting where ghost particles of a parent node were actually classified as non-ghost particles in the child node, leading to many subsequent splits
  • Lib: Change AABB's contains_point method such that it now considers the AABB as "open" to its max value, i.e. it checks if the point is in the half-open set [min, max[
  • Lib: Implemented an own profile! macro that also works in multi-threaded code, i.e. with together with rayon
  • CLI: The CLI now also prints detailed profiling/timing output when running in parallel with domain decomposition thanks to the new profile macro
  • CLI: Add --domain-min and --domain-max flags to the convert sub-command that allows to filter out particles
  • CLI: Remove the --splash-detection-radius flag as it did not work for a couple of releases
  • Lib: Update to vtkio 0.6.0

Version 0.5.1

  • Lib: Fixed bug in triangulation that resulted in at most 4 out 5 possible triangles being emitted. This resulted in holes in surface meshes in some cases.

Version 0.5.0

The biggest new feature is a domain decomposed approach for the surface reconstruction by performing a spatial decomposition of the particle set with an octree. The resulting local patches can then be processed in parallel (leaving a single layer of boundary cells per patch untriangulated to avoid incompatible boundaries). Afterward, a stitching procedure walks the octree back upwards and merges the octree leaves by averaging density values on the boundaries. As the library uses task based parallelism, a task for stitching can be enqueued as soon as all children of an octree node are processed. Depending on the number of available threads and the particle data, this approach results in a speedup of 4-10x in comparison to the global parallel approach in selected benchmarks. At the moment, this domain decomposition approach is only available when allowing to parallelize over particles using the --mt-particles flag.

  • CLI: The CLI now uses subcommands, the reconstruction is now run using the reconstruct subcommand
  • CLI: Added a convert subcommand to convert between particle formats. All supported input formats can be read but only output to VTK is currently supported.
  • CLI: Add flags to enable/disable spatial decomposition and control octree usage
  • CLI: Add flag to control number of threads for the worker thread pool
  • CLI: Add flags for quiet/verbose output
  • CLI: Use on/off switches for various command line parameters instead of boolean flags that can only be used to set something to true
  • CLI: Support for reading uncompressed BGEO files (previously only compressed BGEO files were supported)
  • Lib: Implement domain decomposed reconstruction approach using octree spatial decomposition, the leaves of the octree are processed in parallel.
  • Lib: Implement stitching of local meshes resulting from the domain decomposed reconstruction. The resulting meshes appear to be closed (without boundary) in limited testing with a couple of examples if the old global implementation also resulted also in a closed mesh.
  • Lib: Introduce thread local "workspaces" to reuse allocated memory. The workspace will be stored in the SurfaceReconstruction result object and can be reused to reduce allocations in subsequent surface reconstructions.
  • Lib: Fix winding order of triangles generated by marching cubes such that triangle normals will actually point outwards from the surface
  • Lib: Add benchmarks using Criterion
  • Lib: Add functions to approximate the vertex normals and vertex normal directions based on are-weighted averages of the adjacent triangles
  • Lib: Reduce severity of most log messages
  • Lib: Replace term kernel_radius with compact_support_radius to make it less ambiguous
  • Updated dependencies

Breaking changes

  • CLI: The CLI now requires specifying subcommands. The reconstruction is now run using the reconstruct subcommand
  • CLI: The input file now has to be provided with the -i or --input-file flag and is not a positional argument anymore
  • CLI: Replace the --kernel-radius parameter with the more common term --smoothing-length, it holds that compact_support_radius = 2.0 * smoothing_length
  • CLI: Other small changes in parameter naming, please refer to the --help function
  • Lib: Several library API changes


  • "Splash detection" currently does nothing
  • The density map is currently not returned by the reconstruction

Version 0.4.0

  • CLI: Add support for reading BGEO files
  • Lib: Allow passing in an existing SurfaceReconstruction to reuse allocated memory (currently only memory for the resulting surface mesh is reused) (#7)
  • Lib: Add Default trait bound to Index and Real types
  • Updated dependencies

Version 0.3.0

  • Lib: Move vtkio convenience trait implementations in splashsurf_lib behind a non-default feature flag (flag vtk-extras). Flag is enabled in the CLI crate.
  • Lib: Move coarse_prof usage in splashsurf_lib behind a non-default feature flag (flag profiling). Flag is enabled in the CLI crate.
  • Re-export vtkio from lib if feature is enabled and use this from CLI
  • Re-export coarse_prof from lib if feature is enabled and use this from CLI
  • Lib: Instead of directly writing into a global density map (dashmap) in parallel, use thread local density maps (HashMaps) which are then merged in a second step (in parallel, into a dashmap). Improves performance of the test scene in the readme from 20 seconds to 12 seconds.
  • Lib: Fix bug which forced some parts in the library to divided work into 8 chunks, preventing use of more threads

Version 0.2.0

  • CLI: Add support for reading PLY files (#1)
  • Update dependencies
  • Re-export nalgebra from lib, use this from CLI

Version 0.1.0

  • Initial release