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Eink Software Library (version 1.2)

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@george-sephton george-sephton released this 18 Jan 06:52
· 2 commits to master since this release

Updated release of Ineltek's Eink Software Library (version 1.2) for use with Microchip SAM MCUs and ASF3. Along with the software library are several example projects that can loaded in Atmel Studio to be programmed onto various Xplained MCU boards.

In this update, we have added support for the Eink XL Xplained Pro which used the ED057TC2. The graphics library has been updated to use a more intelligent bitmap drawing function that allows varying sized bitmaps to be placed at specified x,y coordinates. The screen rotation functionality has also been updated.

The library now supports the following displays and driver ICs:

  • ED029TC1 : UC8151
  • ED057TC2 : UC8159