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Releases: IndiePython/nodezator

[v1.4.6] More additions and a bug fix

21 Feb 19:38
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Among the many changes/additions for this patch release, we have:

  • code contributed by Mr. @sefgit via pull request, that consists of:
    • mousewheel pan feature
    • the addition of a .gitattributes file
  • code contributed by me (@KennedyRichard):
    • the ability to confirm/dismiss/navigate the dialog using the keyboard
    • a bug fix for a dialog that was growing past the screen

The mousewheel pan feature is the ability to pan/move the graph with the mousewheel. The .gitattributes file added is a simple text file that is used to define attributes to paths. Certain operations by Git can be influenced by assigning particular attributes to paths, which is what this file is used for. Some additional changes already discussed with the contributor were also made by me.

I also added/set the ability to confirm/dismiss dialogs with the keyboard using the Enter and Escape keys, respectively (though, often, confirming will also dismiss the dialog when it is the only action available). I use the terms "added/set" because part of the feature was already implemented and just needed to be properly set in the existing dialogs defined throughout the source. Naturally, some dialogs may not offer the option to be so casually dismissed like that when the consequences of the action cannot be reversed. Currently, though, we don't have any dialog like that.

The user can now also navigate the available dialog buttons/options using arrow keys or the Tab and Shift+Tab keys.

The bug fix consisted in preventing a specific dialog from growing past the screen.

In this specific bug, we were allowing text from error reports to be displayed on the dialog. The right practice, however, would be to just use known predefined text and record the error report in a more appropriate place for the user to check. Text from error reports can grow a lot when there are too many errors, so we must not use such text in dialogs. That's what was causing the problem.

Now, instead of reporting the error(s) on the dialog, we just display an informative small message and log the errors in both the default logger and our custom user logger. This way the user can check the error report using the log files or the user log that can be accessed on the app's GUI. The user log can be accessed by pressing Ctrl+Shift+j when you are on the graph/canvas or by selecting the Help > Show user log option on the menubar.

[v1.4.5] Additions, improvements and fixes to tests

01 Nov 14:27
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New unit tests for the function used to load nodes were provided by Mr. @BMaxV via pull request. I @KennedyRichard also refactored and complemented them.

I also used the opportunity to make some small improvements in the doctests and to fix one of them.

In order to make it more convenient to store test data, .zip files found in Nodezator's source are now also included in the source distribution. That is, they are downloaded in conjunction with the Python modules when someone installs Nodezator.

[v1.4.4] Fixed bugs in SVG exporting and change checking

23 Oct 21:28
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The bug in SVG exporting was fixed by removing unused code. The unused code was causing a name error because it was made from repurposed pre-existing code and was trying to access a variable that didn't exist in the new spot. Since HTML exporting relies on SVG exporting, HTML exporting was also being affected.

Some other lines that weren't causing errors but were not needed either were also removed to avoid confusion and needless maintenance.

The other bug fixed is related to change checking, that is, checking whether a change in a widget's value took place. Change checking was causing errors due to missing type checks. Such type checks were missing in different modules in the source and are now implemented.

More specifically, when a number changed, if the value was the same, even though the type was different, that change wasn't being treated properly, because the app was only checking the value and reaching the conclusion that nothing changed, because the value was the same in the end. However, this is not the right thing to do. That is, we must also take the type into account, because numeric values may have the same value and still have different types.

For instance, 0, 0.0 and 0j all have the same value, although they are an integer, a float and a complex number respectively. Because of that, wherever a value was being checked to determine whether a change took place, we also added a type check so this kind of change is also taken into account.

[v1.4.3] Fixed error when executing operation nodes

11 Sep 13:39
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The error was caused by using the wrong attribute when retrieving the existing sockets from an operation node. Using the correct attribute name, by including an if/else clause that picked the appropriate attribute when needed, fixed the error.

The error was causing execution of the graph to fail altogether whenever operation nodes were present.

[v1.4.2] Fixed error when executing collapsed nodes

30 Aug 20:43
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The error was caused by using the wrong attribute when retrieving the existing sockets from a collapsed node. Using the correct attribute name fixed the error.

The error was causing the output of collapsed nodes to be handled in the wrong way because it wasn't able to accurately determine the number of existing output sockets. This problem could cause all sorts of other problems, like the graph failing to execute or the wrong data being passed along to other nodes.

[v1.4.1] Tiny packaging fix

30 Aug 15:44
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This tiny fix consists of the addition of a missing empty file for packaging purposes. The absence of this file was causing some modules to be ommited in the pip installation, making the app crash on launch due to the missing modules.

[v1.4.0] Many new features and improvements

30 Aug 15:35
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Adoption of pygame-ce for the graphical user interface

As previously announced on GitHub with appropriate arguments/evidence in favor of the change (and after giving users enough time to voice their opinions), we now use pygame-ce (pygame community edition) for Nodezator's GUI, instead of the original pygame library instance.

Since pygame-ce is, for the most part, a drop-in replacement for the original pygame, the change was rather swift.

The only additional measure users need to take is to make sure the regular pygame library is not installed anymore in the Python instance they use to run Nodezator and that pygame-ce is installed. This can be done with these commands:

pip uninstall pygame
pip install pygame-ce --upgrade

Since both libraries use the same name for import statements (the pygame name), if users don't uninstall the original pygame library, it may shadow the pygame-ce library. If this happens, Nodezator will only show a dialog informing the need to uninstall regular pygame and make sure pygame-ce is installed. This is needed because Nodezator is only useable with pygame-ce due to exclusive imports.

Different modes for nodes

All nodes that represent callables now exist in 01 of 03 modes: expanded, collapsed and callable mode. Together, all of these modes contribute for your graph to be more powerful, versatile and compact.

The expanded mode is the default one, in which the node represents a call to its underlying callable, and thus receives inputs and returns outputs, leaving all of them visible so users can easily interact with them. In collapsed mode the node also represents a call, but it is more compact, only showing inputs/outputs that are connected to other nodes. In callable mode, however, the node represents a reference to its callable, rather than a call, and can thus pass this reference to other nodes, enabling users to perform seemingly complex tasks with simplicity, power and versatility.


Such modes are presented in more detail in this section of the manual.

Shadowed widgets are hidden

As we know, input sockets that have a connection use the incoming data from the connection instead of the widget's value when executed. In other words, the widget is not relevant anymore is just adds visual noise to the graph. Because of that, in order to make the graph more readable and free of visual noise, widgets that are shadowed by connections are now hidden, regardless of whether the node is in expanded or collapsed mode. If the connection is severed, the widget becomes visible again.


New viewer node capabilities

Viewer nodes can now display visualizations on the graph/canvas (for instance, from their outputs).


Original strawberry basket image by NickyPe can be found here.

The new viewer nodes supersede the old ones. The old viewer nodes still work fine, but the new ones have more features.

The matplotlib example node pack has a new viewer node called view_figure2 that uses such new features. The Pillow example node pack has several new viewer nodes that use the new features as well, all in the visualization category. Nodezator now also has some general viewer nodes available by default (we'll talk more about this a bit further).

You can learn all you need to know about all viewer node functionality in the manual. There is a simple and some complex ways to define viewer nodes (you should probably start with the simple one). Also, complex viewer nodes aren't better than the simpler ones. The complex ones exist to meet specific visualization needs. The way to define simpler viewer nodes is described in a single chapter. The way to define complex nodes is described across several chapters towards the end of the manual, since they are a more advanced topic. All these new chapters on viewer nodes are listed below:

New chapters/appendix in the manual

New chapters were added to the manual. Besides the ones related to viewer nodes mentioned in the previous section, there were also 02 new chapters. One on conditional execution and another on looping in Nodezator. There is also a new appendix with recipes for common tasks.

All these new chapters/appendix are listed below:

New categories of app-defined nodes

There are 02 new categories of app-defined nodes (nodes available by default in Nodezator):

  • General viewer nodes
  • pygame-ce nodes

Because this version introduces new capabilities for viewer nodes, specially the ability to display visualizations on the graph itself beside the viewer nodes, we also introduced new categories of app-defined/default nodes to help in such tasks and other related ones. This way users won't need to write their own nodes for the most basic visualization tasks. As a consequence this also prevents a lot of code repetition that would exist across node packs defined by users if they had to write nodes for such basic actions.

The vast majority of the new nodes are from the pygame-ce nodes category. The image below represents a tiny sample of the many nodes introduced with both categories.


Original pomegranate tree image by AselvadaAna can be found here.

You can learn more about general viewer nodes and pygame-ce nodes in this section and the subsequent one from the manual.

New app-defined nodes in preexisting categories

Besides the many nodes in the new app-defined categories, there are also some new app-defined nodes in preexisting categories:

  • New standard library nodes added:
    • operator.attrgetter
    • operator.itemgetter
    • operator.methodcaller
    • 02 different signatures of pathlib.Path
  • New snippet nodes (under the Encapsulations submenu of the popup menu):
    • for_item_in_obj_pass
    • get_constant_returner
    • perform_attr_call
    • return_untouched
  • The ternary operator a if c else b


Changes in appearance

Inputs closer to the bottom, outputs closer to the top

Although all the changes in this version are backward-compatible, your graphs will look a bit different when opened in the new version. This is so because the position of inputs and outputs in the nodes were changed. Before, the inputs were closer to the top of the node and the outputs were closer to the bottom. Now this was inverted and the inputs are closer to the bottom and the outputs closer to the top, as can be seen in the image below:

This change was made because the empty space that sometimes remains below the outputs of a node (between the last output socket and the bottom of the node) is a proper/nice spot for placing the visualizations shown beside viewer nodes on the graph. This positioning of the sockets is also adopted by other existing node-editing applications, like Blender3D (by which Nodezator is heavily inspired).

The image below shows the same graph opened in the previous version (at the top) and in the new one (at the bottom):


Though they are the same graph with the same nodes and same connections, they appear slightly different due to the position of the sockets (and, as a consequence, the position of the lines that represent their connections). There's not much difference in this small graph, but in larger graphs the differences may be even more pronounced.

Operation nodes are more compact

Operation nodes had their size reduced, speci...

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[v1.3.14] Performance fix

10 Jun 20:48
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It has an important performance fix provided by Mr. Richards (@nrichards) via pull request. In summary, specific pygame.font.Font objects defined after many calculations were not being stored back for later use in the dictionary used for font caching due to a missing dictionary item asignment. The font caching system can be found in the nodezator/fontsman/ module.

This was causing the calculations to be needlessly carried out over and over, whenever text had to be rendered, rather than only once. This was harming the performance of any service that relies in text rendering, specially on startup where most of the interface is rendered and when displaying text in the text viewer or displaying hypertext.

Despite the apparent simplicity of the fix, spotting the performance problem required careful profiling, investigation and testing, all of which were diligently carried out by Mr. Richards. He even wrote unit tests in order to better understand the system.

As a result of the fix, Nodezator is even faster and the speed improvement can be perceived in many common tasks, like launching the app, loading a file, rendering text to be displayed, rendering hypertext like in the in-app manual and many other tasks. For instance, check this video demonstrating the simple task of launching Nodezator and opening the manual in the chapter about viewer nodes, executed in version 1.3.13 and in this new 1.3.14 version:


Other commits consist of slight changes to his original fix and tests. I also updated obsolete docstrings in the font caching module.