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a repository with a large assortment of FABRIC client side minecraft mods

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Minecraft Client Mods

A list with a bunch of Fabric (and/or quilt) client side mods for minecraft


Mod Description Download
C2ME Designed to improve the performance of chunk generation, I/O, or loading. Github
Dynamic FPS Limits minecraft's FPS when in the background to improve computer performance. Modrinth
Enchanced Block Entities Speeds up Block Entity rendering by using baked block models instead of laggy entity models. Modrinth
Entity Culling Uses async path-tracing to hide Tiles/Entities that are not visible. Breaks f3+A trick. Github
Exordium Renders the HUD and options menues at a lower frame rate. Github
Fast Quit Lets you return to the Title Screen early while your world is still saving in the background Modrinth
FastAnim Optimizes calculations in entity animations. Modrinth
FastLoad Modifies the 441 Loading Engine to decrease world loading times. Github
FerriteCore Helps reduce ram usage and is more noticable on large modpacks. Modrinth
ForgetMeChunk Prevents light map unloads on the client, which eliminates the lag spikes caused by moving between chunks. Modrinth
ImmediatelyFast Speed up immediate mode rendering in Minecraft. A less aggressive replacement for Exordium or EBE. Github
Indium Provides Fabric Rendering API support for Sodium and is needed for mods that use Fabric's Rendering API. Github
Krypton Attempts to optimize the Minecraft networking stack. Based on Velocity. Github
LazyDFU Makes Minecraft DataFixerUpper initialization lazy. DFU is used when changing minecraft world versions. Github
Lithium Speeds up the game whithout sacrificing vanilla functionality. Github
Memory Leak Fix Fixes random memory leaks. Still a reletively young mod. Modrinth
More Culling Culls block faces to greatly improve framerates and client performance Modrinth
More Culling Extra A few small additions to More Culling. Github
Nvidium Uses nvidia only opengl extensions to greatly boost FPS (requires nvidia GPU to work) Modrinth
Phosphor Dramatically improves minecraft's lighting engine. Replaces Starlight. Github
Sodium Designed to improve frame rates and reduce micro-stutter. Github
SodiumExtra Adds additional features that are not, and shouldnt be, in Sodium. Github
Starlight Dramatically improves minecraft's lighting engine. Replaces Phosphor and is slightly better. Modrinth

Visual (in-game)

Mod Description Download
3d Skin Layers Replaces the usually flat second layer of player skins with a 3d modelled version. Github
Better Clouds Adds clouds with actual volume Modrinth
Boosted Brightness Allows you to set brightness beyond default levels. aka a fullbright toggle with a hotkey. Github
Chunks fade in A simple mod that adds a fade-in animation for chunks. Modrinth
Distant Horizons An LOD mod that allows for a massive render distance. Freezes your game when switching dimensions/joining world. Modrinth
Fabric Capes Shows player's Optifine capes with support for other cape mods. Modrinth
Farsight Allows you to see further than the server's max render distance. Curseforge
Hold That Chunk Delays client chunk unloading. Modrinth
Iris A modern shaders mod intended to be compatible with existing OptiFine shader packs. Github
Kappa Adds support for Optifine capes the 'proper' way. Works in snapshots and rarely breaks. Other capes not supported. Modrinth
LambDynamicLights A dynamic lights mod for Fabric, like optifine's dynamic lights feature. Github
Model Gap Fix Fixes gaps in Block Models and Item Models Modrinth
No Fog Removes all types of fog Modrinth
NotEnoughAnimations Adds 3rd person animations to way more things, like eating or using a map. Breaks CIT inventory item textures Modrinth
TechnoModel Makes pigs that are named "Technoblade" have a crown. Github
Visuality A simple client-sided cosmetic mod that will add a bunch of new particles, such as splashes and sparkles Github
Wakes Adds splashes and wakes while entities are in water Modrinth

Visual (camera)

Mod Description Download
BetterHurtCam Customise how intense the hurtcam is, or completely disable it. Similar to NoHurtCam Modrinth
CameraUtils Advanced camera altering mod. Adds optifine like zoom, freecam, third person camera customisation and much more. Modrinth
Do a Barrel Roll A fully clientside mod that unlocks elytra camera movement, allowing for full pitch, yaw and roll control in flight. Modrinth
LogicalZoom Super simple optifine zoom fabric replacement. Github
Zoomify Optifine like zoom with scroll wheel control for how zoomed the zoom is. Modrinth


Mod Description Download
Auditory Adds new and unique block sounds. Modrinth
Extra Sounds Adds more sounds to the game, like inventory sounds, drop item sounds, and more... Modrinth
Presence Footsteps New and improved footstep sounds with more material sounds. Github
SimpleVoiceChat A simple proximity voice chat mod. Modrinth
Sound Physics Remastered Adds realistic sound attenuation, reverberation, and absorption through blocks. Modrinth


Mod Description Download
Advancement Info Enlarges the advancement menu, and helps keep track of what needs to be done to complete advancements Modrinth
Blur Blurs the background when in your inventory, a GUI or a menu. Github
Legendary Tooltips Makes tooltips fancier, by changing your tooltips into embellished works of art. Modrinth
Mod Menu Adds a MODS button like forge to the pause menu, which lists the installed fabric mods, and lets you configure them. Github
MouseWheelie Move items quicker around your inventory, sort your inventory, and more... (DISABLE TOTEM REFILL IF CPVPING). Github
OldPotions Brings back the pre-1.19.4 pot colors. Modrinth
Panorama Screens Adds the title screen panorama in more places Modrinth
RP Renames Adds a recipe book like menu for CIT items in the anvil Modrinth
ShulkerBoxTooltip View the contents of shulker boxes from your inventory. Github
Smooth Swapping Adds a simple slide animation when moving items around in your inventory. Modrinth
TooltipFix Stops tooltips that are too large to fit on the screen from running off the screen. Modrinth
Xearo's World Map Creates a map of the entire area that you have explored. Modrinth


Mod Description Download
Appleskin Adds various food-related HUD improvements, such as a saturation overlay for your hunger bar. Github
ArmorChroma Different icons in the armor bar depending on the material of the armor. Modrinth
BetterF3 Improves and allows the customisation of the F3 menu. Github
BetterPingDisplay Displays each player's ping in the tab menu. Does not work properly on some servers such as MCC-Island. Modrinth
Dynamic Crosshair Changes the look of your crosshair based on context. Modrinth
Numeral Ping Displays each player's ping in the tab menu, and replaces the connection bars. Does not work properly on some servers. Modrinth
Status Effect Bars Adds a bar to status effects to show remaining duration of effects. Modrinth
Totem Counter Shows the amount of totem pops for every player above their nametag, and shows totems you have. Modrinth
Ugly Scoreboard Fix Removes scoreboard numbers and offers multiple scoreboard modifications to optimize the look of the sidebar in your game. Modrinth
Visible Toggle Sprint Shows your sprinting (or sneaking) state. Highly configurable. Modrinth
WTHIT What the hell is that? Modrinth
Xearo's Minimap Because minecraft should have a minimap. Modrinth


Mod Description Download
Better Command Block UI Makes viewing and writing command block commands more convenient. Modrinth
Better PVP Includes xearo's minimap and adds many pvp inproving client side changes, like potion display or health display. Website
Better Recipe Book Adds a few quality of life changes to the recipe book. Modrinth
CalcMod Calculate crafting resources and other useful stuff Modrinth
Command Macros Create keybinds for commands Modrinth
EasierVillagerTrading Trade with villagers faster and more easily. Modrinth
Emoji Type Allows you to easily type emoji and emoticons in game - replaces 💀 with ☠ Modrinth
Essential Adds social features, cosmetics and QoL features. Also allows you to host singleplayer worlds for people you invite Website
Fabrishot Take insanely high resolution (4k) screenshots. Github
Litematica A modern schematic mod. Curseforge
Minihud Adds a whole bunch of useful overlays to the game. Curseforge
Multiconnect Allows the client to connect to servers that are on an older version. Github
NBT Autocomplete Autocompletes NBT tags when writing commands Modrinth
No darkness effect Disables the darkness effect from wardens and the deep dark Modrinth
NoChatReports Strips cryptographic signatures that since 1.19 are attached to every message sent in the chat. Modrinth
Quick Elytra Switch your chestplate and elytra with a keybind. Modrinth
Reese's Sodium Options Alternative Options Menu for Sodium. Modrinth
Replay Mod Allows you to create and render cinamatic clips and videos. Website
Screenshot to Clipboard Automatically copies a taken screenshot to your clipboard, which allows you to quickly and easily share a screenshot. Modrinth
Shared Resources Easily share game files between separate Minecraft instances. Modrinth
Time to Live Adds a timer to TNT and Creepers before they explode. Modrinth
Tweakaroo Adds a whole bunch of various different "tweaks" to the game, like better block placement or a built in autoclicker. Curseforge
Via-Fabric Allows the client to connect to servers that are on an older version. Modrinth


Mod Description Download
Animatica Adds MCPatcher's and Optifine's animated texture format support for resource packs. Modrinth
CIT Resewn Adds MCPatcher's and Optifine's CIT (custom item textures) support for resource packs. Modrinth
Chime Adds MCPatcher's and Optifine's CIT (custom item textures) support but with a DIFFERENT CIT FORMAT. Replaces CIT Resewn. Github
Colormatic Allows resource packs to customize hard coded colors in game. Similar to Optifine's custom color feature. Modrinth
Continuity Adds support for MCPatcher's and Optifine's connected textures and emmisive textures. Github
Entity Model Features Adds Optifine's CEM (Custom Entity Models) support for resource packs. Modrinth
Entity Texture Features Adds Optifine entity texture support for resource packs. Required for Entity Model Features to work Modrinth
FabricSkyboxes Custom skyboxes mod for Fabric. Optifine format not supported. Github
OptiGUI A mod allowing to animate GUI textures or replace container textures with minimal predicates. Modrinth
ServerPackUnlocker Gives Server Resource Packs vanilla-ish behavior. Modrinth

MCC Island

Mod Description Download
Island Champ Another utility mod for MCC Island. Adds special keybinds and a seprate chat channel for PMs. Modrinth
Island Menu Makes the title screen MCCI themed. Github
Island Utils Another utility mod for MCC Island. Adds Discord RP, chat buttons, and game music. Github
MCCI Nametag Mod Displays your own nametag for yourself exactly how it looks for other people. Github
MCCI: Companion Another utility mod for MCC Island. Converts many chat messages into popups, adds Discord RP, music, but no config. Modrinth
Noxesium An OPTIMISATION mod developed by noxcrew specificly for MCC Island, and fixing bugs specific to MCCI. Modrinth


Mod Description Download
Cloth Config API A simple configuration library for fabric mods. Modrinth
CompleteConfig Another configuration library for fabric mods. Modrinth
Fabric API Library with essential hooks and interoperability mechanisms for Fabric mods. Github
Fabric Language Kotlin Fabric language module for Kotlin. Modrinth
MaLiLib a library mod containing shared code for masa's client-side mods. Needed for tweakaroo and minihud Modrinth
Quilted Fabric API + QSL Essential standard libraries for the Quilt ecosystem. Modrinth
YetAnotherConfigLib Another configuration library for fabric mods. Modrinth
ukulib Small utility library used, and made for uku3lig's mods. Modrinth

If you are having trouble navigating the GITHUB download page, or the versions are not updated/listed properly, please open an issue, or convert it to modrinth, then create a pull request.


a repository with a large assortment of FABRIC client side minecraft mods




