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Latinx in Computer Science @ University of Illinois

Department of Computer Science | College of Engineering | Urbana, Illinois

About Us

We are a registered student organzation part of Department of Computer Science for Hispanics as being underrepresented group in the Computer Science field.

Our oranization's major role is to target and support Latinx who are interested to learn Computer Science that can apply to science, technology, engineering, mathematics, etc. Everyone is welcome and to learn about Computer Science and the College of Engineering.

During the year, members involved through projects, events, and meetings to build their resumes and meet new people.

This website is a project that is part of the student organization Latinx in Computer Science @ UIUC.

Owner: Latinx in Computer Science Admins in GitHub

Our Progress of the Website

So far, we are putting all of the pieces together and make adjustments later in the semester. We have a new member is helping us working on the website that helps us keep our progress a lot quicker. We will be ready to release our website by the beginning of spring semester 2018.

What's next for LxCS???

After our website, we are developing an application, robotics, and a product that involves using a 3-D Printing to be present to new members for next year and for Engineering Open House coming this March 2018. Adding to that, we will be part of HackIllinois to spread the word, recieve sponsorships, and present our progress as a club. Stay Tune.

Pull Request

Here are the steps to making a change and solving an issue:

  1. Make a branch off master. Please give it a descriptive message
  2. Commit your changes onto your branch.
  3. Push your branch changes
  4. Once you're ready, create a pull request with base as the master.
  5. Write a descriptive title and comment. You can reference the associated issue with a #

Style Guide

  • You can do tabs or spaces, but please set your tab to 4 spaces
  • camelCase, not snake_case
  • Braces on the right
  • Lines should not be longer than 80 characters
  • Put a comment above each function describing what it does.
  • Alphabetize your CSS