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Class Control (CMS GraphQL)

Class Control is a course management service, a GraphQL server designed to efficiently manage courses, chapters, and units within an educational platform.

Functional Requirements:

  • Read Operations: Retrieve detailed information about courses, chapters, and units.
  • Creation Operations: Create a new course, including chapters, and populate chapters with multiple units.
  • Update Operations: Modify course, chapter, and unit details individually.
  • Deletion Operations: Delete courses, chapters, and units individually.
  • Reordering: Reorder chapters within a course and units within a chapter.
  • Authentication: Sign-up, sign-in and sign-off a user.

Non-functional Requirements:

  • Scalability: The system is built to handle growing data volumes and increasing user loads.
  • Low-Latency Performance: It prioritizes efficiency for heavy-write requests, delivering swift responses to users and minimizing latency.

📁 Project Structure

  • app: contains the core application code.
    • controllers: handles HTTP requests and responses.
    • graphql: contains GraphQL-specific code and schema definitions.
    • models: includes the ActiveRecord or Mongoid models representing the application's data structure.
  • config: holds configuration files for the application.
    • database.yml: configures database connections.
    • mongoid.yml: defines MongoDB configuration if using Mongoid.
    • routes.rb: defines the URL routes for the application.
  • db: manages database-related files.
    • migrate: contains database migration files to manage changes to the database schema.
    • schema.rb: represents the current state of the database schema.
  • spec: contains the test suite for the application.
    • factories: contains codes used for generating test data.
    • graphql: contains GraphQL-specific test files.
    • models: holds the application's model test files.
    • support: provides supporting files for testing utilities.
  • Gemfile: lists all the dependencies required by the project.

🔥 Prerequisite

  1. Ruby version: 3.2
  2. Docker version: 24.0

🚀 How to Run

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Navigate to the project directory.
  3. Create a .env file and set the following values:
    # postgres
    # rails app
    # MongoDB 
  4. Execute make to boot up the Rails server and Postgres:
  5. Execute make db.setup to create development, test databases, and run db migration
  6. Open the browser and go to http://localhost:3000.
  7. Run all tests make test or run a specific test make test path=spec/{spec_file_path}


Class Control = Course Management Service GraphQL API





