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1. Backend
1. Backend
This issue is related with the backend of Identihub
1. Documentation
1. Documentation
This issue exists because of lack of documentation
1. Frontend
1. Frontend
This issue is related with the frontend of Identihub
1. legal
1. legal
This issue exists because there's a legal side to the story
1. UX
1. UX
This issue exists because of the provided UX
2. bug
2. bug
This issue reflects a bug
2. enhancement
2. enhancement
This issue proposes an enhancement of an existing feature
2. feature request
2. feature request
This issue proposes a new feature
2. papercut
2. papercut
Small non-breaking bugs which appear often
2. question
2. question
Ask a question
3. good first issue
3. good first issue
Easily fixable
3. help wanted
3. help wanted
We need help to fix this issue
3. needs discussion
3. needs discussion
This issue needs further discussion before beginning the work to implement it
4. Done
4. Done
4. in progress
4. in progress
This issue is being worked on
4. to do
4. to do
This issue will be added to the list
Pull requests that update a dependency file
in progress
in progress
Pull requests that update Javascript code