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Provides simple, flexible and extensible way to match offline Connect request.


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Python Connect Request Offline Criteria


Provides simple, flexible and extensible way to match offline Connect requests.

What is the offline mode?

Some use cases requires specific operations in the connector side without calling the vendor system. Good examples are migration operations or normalization process.


The easiest way to install the Connect Request Offline Criteria library is to get the latest version from PyPI:

# using poetry
poetry add rndi-connect-request-offline-criteria
# using pip
pip install rndi-connect-request-offline-criteria

The Contracts

This package provides the following contracts or interfaces:

class OfflineChecker(ABC):
    def is_offline_enabled(self, request: Union[dict, Request]) -> bool:
        Evaluates if the given request is in offline mode or not.

        :param request: Union[dict, Request] The Connect request object.
        :return: bool True if the request is in offline mode, False otherwise.

The OfflineChecker exposes one single method is_offline_enabled that accepts the request dictionary and returns True if the given request match the conditions to be considered as offline, False otherwise. All the given rules must match in order to consider a request as offline.

Each condition or rule must have the following signature:

Rule = Callable[[dict], bool]

For example, we can create a rule that will match all the requests in inquiring status as offline:

def match_request_type(request: dict) -> bool:
    return Request(request).type() == 'inquiring'

The Adapters

This package comes with an adapter and some simple rules, check the example below:

from rndi.connect.request_offline_criteria.adapters import OfflineCriteria
from rndi.connect.request_offline_criteria.rules import (

offline = OfflineCriteria([
    match_request_type,  # match the requests with type cancel and suspend.
    match_offline_asset_parameter,  # match the request with value "True" in param "offline_mode". 

# True if both filters match, False otherwise
if offline.is_offline_enabled(request):
    print("is offline model")
    print("is online model")

Alternatively, you can use the OfflineCriteria adapter as a business middleware to wrap business transactions:

from rndi.connect.request_offline_criteria.adapters import OfflineCriteria
from rndi.connect.request_offline_criteria.rules import match_request_type, match_offline_asset_parameter
from rndi.connect.business_transactions.adapters import prepare
from rndi.connect.business_transaction_middleware.middleware import make_middleware_callstack

# get the business transaction
transaction = prepare(CreateCustomer())

# instantiate the OfflineCriteria.
offline = OfflineCriteria([
    match_request_type,  # match the requests with type cancel and suspend.
    match_offline_asset_parameter,  # match the request with value "True" in param "offline_mode". 

# make the middleware callstack
transaction = make_middleware_callstack([offline], transaction)

# execute the transaction normally, if the given request match the offline rules the request will be automatically 
# skipped without executing the actual transaction code. 
response = transaction(request)

Additionally, you can trigger custom code on matching offline, by passing the on_match argument to the OfflineCriteria class on instantiation, for example, you can use the DefaultOnMatchTransaction class that comes with the package:

from rndi.connect.request_offline_criteria.adapters import OfflineCriteria, DefaultOnMatchTransaction
from rndi.connect.request_offline_criteria.rules import match_request_type, match_offline_asset_parameter

# instantiate the OfflineCriteria.
offline = OfflineCriteria([
    match_request_type,  # match the requests with type cancel and suspend.
    match_offline_asset_parameter,  # match the request with value "True" in param "offline_mode". 
], DefaultOnMatchTransaction("TL-662-440-096", client, logger))

By default, the DefaultOnMatchTransaction class will:

  • Log the message: "The subscription {id} is in offline mode.".
  • Approve the request with the configured activation template.
  • Finish the transaction with BackgroundResponse.done().

Or simply use a callable that receives the request dictionary and returns a valid BackgroundResponse:

from connect.eaas.core.responses import BackgroundResponse
from rndi.connect.request_offline_criteria.adapters import OfflineCriteria
from rndi.connect.request_offline_criteria.rules import match_request_type, match_offline_asset_parameter

def custom_offline_on_match(request: dict) -> BackgroundResponse:
    # do something custom here.
    return BackgroundResponse.done()

offline = OfflineCriteria([
], custom_offline_on_match)