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Python Connect DevOps Logger Adapter


Extended Connect logger adapter that adds extra fields and prepend the request id to each message.

Field Section Description
message Message The actual message text.
request_id Message The id of the request that is being processed.
request_type Extra Purchase, Cancel, Change, Suspend, Resume, Adjustment, Setup, Update.
request_status Extra Pending, Tier-Setup, Draft, Approved, Inquiring, Failed, Scheduled, Revoking, Revoked.
account_id Extra Built-in. Optional. The Connect customer account id.
account_name Extra Built-in. Optional. The Connect customer account name.
tier_id Extra The Tier account id.
tier_config_id Extra Optional. The Connect tier config id.
asset_id Extra Optional. The Connect assert id.


The easiest way to install the Connect DevOps Logger Adapter is to get the latest version from PyPI:

# using poetry
poetry add rndi-connect-devops-logger-adapter
# using pip
pip install rndi-connect-devops-logger-adapter

The Contract

The used interface is the python build-in logging.LoggerAdapter.

The Adapter

The usage of the adapter is quite easy, you just need to import it and call the bind_logger function using the logger and the request you want to bind. A new instance of LoggerAdapter will be returned with all the required data attached.

import logging
from rndi.connect.devops_logger_adapter.adapter import bind_logger

request = {
    'id': 'PR-1000-2000-3000-4000-001',
    'type': 'purchase',
    'status': 'pending'
    # ...

logger = bind_logger(logging.getLogger('MyLogger'), request)'Hello world')  # output: PR-1000-2000-3000-4000-001 Hello world

Alternatively, you can use the WithBoundedLogger that exposes the bind_logger method, this way you can easily bind the logger from your extension.

from logging import LoggerAdapter
from rndi.connect.devops_logger_adapter.mixins import WithBoundedLogger

class SomeBusinessTransaction(WithBoundedLogger):
    def __init__(self, logger: LoggerAdapter):
        self.logger = logger

    def process(self, request: dict):'Hello world')  # output: Hello world

        # bind the logger to the request. 
        self.bind_logger(request)'Hello world')  # output: PR-1000-2000-3000-4000-001 Hello world