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Interface and Adapter to properly packt isolated business transactions.


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Python Connect Business Transactions


Interface and Adapter to properly packt isolated business transactions.


The easiest way to install the Connect Business Transaction library is to get the latest version from PyPI:

# using poetry
poetry add rndi-connect-business-transactions
# using pip
pip install rndi-connect-business-transactions

The Contracts

This package provides the following contracts or interfaces:

  • BackgroundTransaction
  • InteractiveTransaction
  • ValidationTransaction
  • ScheduledTransaction

The Adapters

The usage of the contract is quite easy, you just need to import it, extend it, and implement the required methods:

  • name: String. Provides the transaction name.
  • should_execute: Boolean. True if the transaction needs to be executed, false otherwise.
  • execute: TBackgroundResponse. Transaction main code, contains the domain logic.
  • compensate: TBackgroundResponse. Compensate the transaction execution on fail.
from connect.eaas.core.responses import BackgroundResponse
from rndi.connect.business_transactions.contracts import BackgroundTransaction

class ApproveRequest(BackgroundTransaction):
    def __init__(self, client, config, logger):
        self.client = client
        self.config = config
        self.logger = logger

    def name(self) -> str:
        return 'Approve Request'

    def should_execute(self, request: dict) -> bool:
        return request.get('status', 'pending') != 'approved'

    def execute(self, request: dict) -> BackgroundResponse:
            "template_id": self.config['ACTIVATION_TEMPLATE'],
        return BackgroundResponse.done()

    def compensate(self, request: dict, e: Exception) -> BackgroundResponse:
        timeout = self.config.get('RESCHEDULE_TIME_LONG', 3600)
        self.logger.error("Rescheduling ({timeout}s) request {request_id} due to {reason}.".format(
        return BackgroundResponse.slow_process_reschedule(countdown=timeout)

Once you have the transaction stack you can use the transaction selector to get the correct transaction to apply for the given request:

from rndi.connect.business_transactions import TransactionSelector

transactions = [
    ApproveRequest(client, config, logger)

selected_transaction = TransactionSelector(transactions).select(request)

# finally execute the transaction.
response = selected_transaction(request)
# if any transaction match the request state a TransactionNotSelected will be raised.

Alternatively, you can use a functional approach to select and prepare the transaction:

from rndi.connect.business_transactions import prepare, select

transactions = [
    ApproveRequest(client, config, logger)

selected_transaction = prepare(select(transactions, request))

# finally execute the transaction.
response = selected_transaction(request)
# if any transaction match the request state a TransactionNotSelected will be raised.