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Releases: IEA-Task-43/digital_wra_data_standard


14 Mar 16:14
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Below is an extract form the CHANGELOG file showing all the updates for this release.

The majority of the changes in this release are to expand the data model to include reanalysis or modelled VMM datasets and allow wave buoy's and ADCP's to exist outside of a floating lidar. Additions to sensors, measurement types and units are also included.

  1. Adding a new table to capture details of modelled VMM and reanalysis datasets (Issue #214)
    1. This is called model_config which is at the same level as logger_main_config and contains similar information.
    2. Resulting duplicate properties offset_from_utc_hrs, averaging_period_minutes and timestamp_is_end_of_period were moved to Definitions.
    3. reanalysis and virtual_met_mast enums were added to measurement_station_type as outlined below.
  2. To measurement_type enum add:
    1. obukhov_length (Issue #182)
  3. To statistic_type_id enum add:
    1. ti30sec (Issue #218)
  4. To measurement_units_id enum add:
    1. cm/s (Issue #241)
    2. mm/s (Issue #241)
  5. To measurement_station_type enum add:
    1. wave_buoy (Issue #226)
    2. adcp (Issue #226)
    3. virtual_met_mast (Issue #214)
    4. reanalysis (Issue #214)
  6. To sensor_type enum add:
    1. altimeter (Issue #226)
    2. PTH (Issue #247)
  7. To measurement_location add:
    1. uuid (Issue #232)
  8. At top level, add license (Issue #225)
  9. Bug fixes:
    1. Add null to height_reference enum to match its type (Issue #215)
    2. In plant_type enum, remove double quotes around the null (Issue #217).


27 Jan 14:41
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Below is an extract form the CHANGELOG file showing all the updates for this release.

The majority of the changes in this release are to expand the data model to include floating lidar sensors, measurement
types and units.

  1. To sensor object, added:
    1. sensor_body_size_mm (Issue #155)
  2. Fix inconsistency with data types for:
    1. logger_firmware_version (Issue #87)
    2. measurement_units_id (Issue #193)
    3. mast_geometry_id (Issue #193)
    4. classification (Issue #193)
    5. structure_type_id (Issue #193)
    6. orientation_reference (Issue #193)
    7. device_vertical_orientation (Issue #193)
    8. sensor_type_id (Issue #193)
    9. mounting_type_id (Issue #193)
    10. mast_properties.date_from (Issue #193)
    11. lidar_config.date_from (Issue #193)
    12. vertical_profiler_properties.date_from (Issue #193)
    13. height_reference (Issue #202)
  3. To logger_measurement_config object:
    1. added logger_stated_boom_orientation_deg (Issue #190)
  4. To sensor_type enum add:
    1. lidar (Issue #186),
    2. sodar (Issue #186).
    3. inertial_measurement_unit (Discussion #148, 2022-03-31)
    4. adcp (Discussion #148, 2022-10-27)
    5. ctd (Discussion #148, 2022-10-27)
  5. To mast_properties add date_from and date_to (Issue #192).
  6. To height_reference add to the enum:
    1. sea_level (Discussion #148, 2022-03-31)
    2. sea_floor (Discussion #148, 2022-04-28)
  7. To vertical_profiler_properties add a new property:
    1. device_vertical_orientation (Discussion #148, 2022-10-13)
  8. To logger_oem enum add:
    1. Nortek (Discussion #148, 2022-10-13)
    2. Teledyne RDI (Discussion #148, 2022-10-13)
    3. Aanderaa (Discussion #148, 2022-10-13)
  9. To measurement_units enum add:
    1. dbar (Discussion #148, 2022-11-10)
    2. m (Discussion #148, 2022-07-27)
    3. s (Discussion #148, 2022-07-27)
    4. L (Discussion #148, 2022-11-10)
    5. g/L (Discussion #148, 2022-11-10)
    6. g/kg (Discussion #148, 2022-11-10)
    7. ppt (Discussion #148, 2022-11-10)
    8. psu (Discussion #148, 2022-11-10)
    9. S/m (Discussion #148, 2022-11-10)
  10. To measurement_type enum add:
    1. water_temperature (Discussion #148, 2022-04-28)
    2. salinity (Discussion #148, 2022-10-27)
    3. conductivity (Discussion #148, 2022-10-27)
    4. pressure (Discussion #148, 2022-10-27)
    5. echo_intensity (Discussion #148, 2022-10-13)
    6. signal_to_noise_ratio (Discussion #148, 2022-10-13)
    7. motion_corrected_wind_speed (Discussion #148, 2022-03-31)
    8. motion_corrected_wind_direction (Discussion #148, 2022-03-31)
    9. motion_corrected_vertical_wind_speed (Discussion #148, 2022-03-31)
    10. wave_height (Discussion #148, 2022-12-08)
    11. wave_significant_height (Discussion #148, 2022-04-28)
    12. wave_maximum_height (Discussion #148, 2022-04-28)
    13. wave_direction (Discussion #148, 2022-04-28)
    14. wave_directional_spread (Discussion #148, 2022-09-29)
    15. wave_period (Discussion #148, 2022-12-08)
    16. wave_peak_period (Discussion #148, 2022-04-28)
    17. water_speed (Discussion #148, 2022-09-29)
    18. vertical_water_speed (Discussion #148, 2022-10-13)
    19. water_direction (Discussion #148, 2022-09-29)
    20. height (Discussion #148, 2022-11-10)
    21. water_level (Discussion #148, 2022-07-27)
    22. depth (Discussion #148, 2022-07-27)


22 Jun 13:47
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Below is an extract form the CHANGELOG file showing all the updates for this release.


  1. To mast_section_geometry added:
    1. lattice_bracing_member_diameter_horizontal_mm (Issue #168)
    2. lattice_bracing_member_diameter_diagonal_mm (Issue #168)
    3. DEPRECIATION NOTICE TO lattice_bracing_member_diameter_mm (Issue #168)
    4. lattice_bracing_member_length_diagonal_mm (Issue #170)
    5. mast_section_height_mm (Issue #152)
    6. number_of_repetitive_patterns_on_face (Issue #152)
  2. To interference_structures added diameter_of_interference_structure_mm to capture, for example, a lightning finial diameter. (Issue #156)
  3. To logger_main_config added uncertainty_k_factor. (Issue #166)
  4. To measurement_units_id added:
    1. mph, knots, atm, mmHg, inHg (Issue #164)
  5. Improve lattice_face_width description. (Issue #157)

Changes to the Digital Calibration Certificate data model:

  1. added version number as requirement (Issue #147)
  2. added additional units (Issue #100)
  3. added mounting length as optional field (Issue #151)


12 Jan 14:54
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Below is an extract form the CHANGELOG file.


  1. Incorporating the first version of the Digital Calibration Certificate. (Issue #77)
  2. Renamed sensor_config to logger_measurement_config (Issue #68)
  3. Renamed measurement_station_type enum item flidar to floating_lidar (Issue #118)
  4. To calibration_uncertainty renamed uncertainty to combined_uncertainty to better reflect what it is. (Issue #102)
  5. In the create table SQL statements contained in file 'iea43_wra_data_model_postgresql.sql' moved date_from and date_to from the sensor table into the measurement_point_sensor table. Note: This has no impact on the JSON Schema. (Issue #79)
  6. To measurement_type enum, added:
    1. flag (Issue #74)
    2. tilt (Issue #74)
    3. u, v and w (Issue #106)
  7. To sensor_type enum, added:
    1. thermohygrometer (Issue #90)
    2. vertical_anemometer (Issue #90)
  8. To measurement_station_type enum, added:
    1. solar (Issue #91)
  9. Converted measurement_type_id to a definition. (As part of issue #96)
  10. Converted orientation_reference_id to a definition. (Issue #97)
  11. Converted height_reference_id to a definition. (Issue #99)
  12. To sensor object, added:
    1. classification (Issue #88)
  13. To calibration object, added:
    1. measurement_type_id (Issue #96)
    2. revision (Issue #103)
  14. To logger_main_config:
    1. added logger_firmware_version. (Issue #87)
    2. removed logger_model_name as a required field. (Issue #109)
    3. added logger_acquisition_uncertainty. (Issue #89)
  15. Removed the restriction preventing users from adding additional properties for:
    1. mast_properties (Issue #104)
    2. mast_section_geometry (Issue #104)
    3. logger_main_config (Issue #105)
  16. Updated Latitude and Longitude description to be more specific about the coordinate system to use.


22 Apr 13:56
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  • Allow additional properties for header section of schema.
  • Add version tag to schema
  • Correct 'Uncertainty' property spelling under Calibration Uncertainty.
  • Add solar to the list of plant types.
  • Measurement types, add:
    • air_density
    • resistance
    • power
    • energy
    • albedo
  • Measurement Units, add:
    • kg/m^2
    • A
    • W, kW, MW
    • kWh, MWh
  • Sensor types, add:
    • albedometer
    • solar_compass
  • Add Zenodo webhook


15 Jan 13:40
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First release.