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Releases: Hotrian/OpenVRTwitchChat


29 Dec 03:14
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Temporary build with Verbose IRC logging.


28 Dec 04:27
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This build disables the URL Randomizer as it seems Kraken no longer accepts it.

Change Log:

  • URL Randomizer Disabled
    • May sometimes get cached results now
    • Follower Notification works again
    • View Count works again
    • Chat no longer breaks (maybe?)
  • Upgraded to Unity Pro
    • Splashscreen now removed


04 Aug 00:23
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This version fixes a handful of small issues.

Incomplete change log:


22 Sep 21:35
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This build fixes the sound bug in v1.0.7.2. Sounds now work properly again :)

Change Log:

  • Fixed Streaming Sound issue.

Known Issues:

  • Sometimes OVRTC crashes :/ I haven't figured out why this is happening yet, and the error log isn't helping any. I ran this for over an hour and it worked fine, and then another time I ran it for 10 minutes and it crashed. Sorry about this, it must be from switching to Unity 5.3.6 :/.


21 Sep 19:24
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Twitch changed up the API so it requires a Client-ID be passed with the API calls, so older versions no longer work. It's a bit of a pain, but now I know how to pass header information with Unity's WWW class, so thanks Twitch, I guess.


  • API updates to include Client-ID
  • You can now login anonymously. Just leave the Username and OAuth boxes blank.


  • Looks like I misplaced the version that didn't have emote support, so right now I'm just releasing the version with emote support. Sorry, I'll keep looking for the version without the emotes, since it is less buggy.

Known Issues:

  • Chat sounds are breaking now for some reason >_>.

Edit: Looks like most of the issues with Emotes were with Unity 5.3.5f1! The Repo is now using 5.3.6f1 and emotes work so much better :o! The chat no longer freaks out or freezes!

OpenVRTwitchChat-v1.0.7.1-beta (bugfix)

23 Jul 12:05
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This version includes a potential fix for ED (and probably other seated games). See here on Reddit for more information. (Experimental) - Same as before, Emote support - Same as before, No Emote support, but should otherwise be identical

As far as I can tell these changes don't break anything, but if they do please post an issue.


19 Jul 15:10
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Your Followers call for you!

This time I'm releasing an upgrade of 1.0.6 and a separate upgrade of 1.0.6b that should both have the same features aside from emote support.

1.0.7 (Experimental) - Supports Emotes.
1.0.7b - No Emote support, but should function the same otherwise.

This version adds a message to the chat box when someone follows you:

It also adds another set of sound controls for the new sound that plays when you get a follower! If you already have a program that plays a sound when you get a follower you can disable the sound by setting the volume for it to 0.


  • Follower support! Chat display + configurable sound (set volume to 0 to disable).
  • Fix joining channels ending with an underscore.
  • Stop playing the message sound the moment the program starts.


  • Right now it only checks every 30 seconds for new followers. TwitchAPI documentation seems to indicate that we shouldn't check more than once every 60 seconds, but I'm pretty sure other programs are already ignoring that.
  • Follower notification sound uses the same list of sounds for the chat message sound, so you can add custom sounds for it the same way. See v1.0.4 for more info.
  • The UI is getting pretty crowded, and I'm gonna have to fix it up pretty soon. Right now, the minimum recommended window size is around 1600x900, because the controls start to overlap if you get much smaller :P.

Edit: I accidentally called this release by it's old name. Fixed.


18 Jul 19:04
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Who even needs Emotes?!

This is the current recommended version. You can skip v1.0.5 & v1.0.6 and go for this version if you don't care for the buggy emotes. Sorry if the version numbers are confusing.

This version is based off of v1.0.4, but includes most of the changes from v1.0.5 and v1.0.6 specifically excluding emote support because it's still pretty experimental.

Features in this version

  • All the goodness of v1.0.4, plus:
  • Background Alpha Slider (transparent background support)
  • Multiple Instance Support (can run the exe multiple times and view multiple chats)
  • Profile Delete button
  • Profile auto-load last loaded profile on program start
  • Save File updated and should be compatible with v1.0.5/v1.0.6
  • Several bugfixes

OpenVRTwitchChat-v1.0.6-beta (Experimental)

18 Jul 14:14
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Delete those profiles update!

I still recommend sticking with v1.0.6b because Emote support can be buggy, but this version still works great for the most part. See the last release or #11 for more details.

New Features

  • Added a Delete Profile button! This deletes the currently selected profile in the dropdown, not the currently loaded profile. Select the desired profile in the dropdown, then click the delete button twice. First click changes the button text red, click again to confirm deletion. Select a different profile or click Load or Save to cancel the delete confirmation.
  • Added Auto-Load Last Loaded Profile On Start! When you first start the program it will select the last loaded profile if it still exists.


  • Fixed the bug introduced in the last release with new profiles. Everything should be working as intended now.
  • Two save files are now used: which stores application data, and which just stores the profile data. Old profile data is renamed to, instead of just deleting the file, in case it fails to load them properly. They should be located in:



  • Save files from this version and above will not be compatible with older versions, not that they were particularly backwards compatible before. The old profile save is being renamed instead of deleted for now so you should be able to recover the old profiles should you wish to move back to an older version.
  • Emote support has not changed from the last version, and as such, this version is still running in Development Mode. Please see the last release for more details.

OpenVRTwitchChat-v1.0.5-beta (Experimental)

18 Jul 07:03
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Experimental Emote Support!

Edit: It seems I broke new profiles in this release, a new release is coming soon that fixes adding new profiles. Right now you can just make a new one but it will have default 0 red, 0 green, 0 blue, and 0 alpha, but you can create it, load it up, change it how you want, and save it, and it works fine otherwise. A few errors are thrown when creating a new profile and the defaults are 0 but otherwise it still works. I have already fixed this in my source, but I'm upgrading the save system right now so it will be coming with the next release.

I recommend sticking with a previous version unless you really want the
Emotes, because this version has a few bugs to work out.

Please see the latest commit message or #11 for more details!

New Features

  • Experimental Emote Support! All Emotes should be supported, up to 7 unique emotes per line (due to Unity's self imposed limitations) with no specific limit at a time, but there are definitely a few bugs to work out :)
  • Added the ability to control the Alpha of the background as well as Red, Green, and Blue.


  • You can now correctly run multiple instances of the overlay program simultaneously to put multiple chats into VR if desired.
  • The Device Manager no longer spams the output when no controllers are detected, it now correctly reports the error once.


  • Emote support is a little messy right now. Something about Unity's
    TextMesh Quads causes a crash when running the Release version, but no
    errors are being reported in the Editor. For now I'm going to release a
    Development version which won't crash when it happens, but instead will
    spam some errors to the Development Console which you can just Close and
    ignore until the errors go away (after you receive enough messages to
    clear the buffer).
  • I really wanted to wait until Emote support was more mature, but I
    haven't updated in a while and I suspect some people are getting
    impatient for basic Emote support :o The Emote support is a bit
    inefficient but only adds an extra 1% average CPU usage on my PC, so I
    think the inefficiencies are acceptable until I can push out a more
    optimized version.
  • This version is running in Development Mode. For some reason it requests firewall access on launch. I have no idea why, but I assume it's related to Unity's diagnostics. Unfortunately it crashes outside of Development mode due to the Emotes so I can't get around that right now. If you don't feel safe running the binaries, download Unity Editor 5.3.5, download and unzip the latest source archive and open it up with Unity Editor so you can check the entire source yourself.

I recommend sticking with a previous version unless you really want the
Emotes, because this version has a few bugs to work out.

Please see the latest commit message or #11 for more details!