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Flashloan Arbitrage Bot

Flashloan Bot Arbitrage Finder


  1. Rename .env.example file to .env inside the bot directory

  2. Config .env file.

    Here, you need four things.

    • Insert your INFURA Project ID. You can create a infura Project ID here.
    • Insert your MetaMask (Kovan Testnet) 32byte wallet private key.
    • Insert your cotract address(mainnet or kovan)
    • Insert UniswapV3 Factory address.
  3. Install node modules. Open terminal window and run:

    npm install
  4. Run bot

  • Trade for origin
    • trader bot
      yarn main-trader dai weth
    • finder bot
      yarn main-finder * weth
      yarn main-finder weth usdt *
      yarn main-finder weth * *
      yarn main-finder * weth *
  • Trade for 0x Exchage API
    • trader bot bot
      yarn zero-trader dai weth
    • finder bot
      yarn zero-finder * weth
      yarn zero-finder weth usdt *
      yarn zero-finder weth * *
      yarn zero-finder * weth *
  • Trade for 1Inch Exchage API
    • trader bot bot
      yarn one-trader dai weth
    • finder bot
      yarn one-finder * weth
      yarn one-finder weth usdt *
      yarn one-finder weth * *
      yarn one-finder * weth *
  • Trade for Dodo Exchage API
    • trader bot bot
      yarn dodo-trader dai weth
    • finder bot
      yarn dodo-finder * weth
      yarn dodo-finder weth usdt *
      yarn dodo-finder weth * *
      yarn dodo-finder * weth *

Developer Instructions - Flashloan

Adding a new token

  1. Go to /config and open token.json
  2. Add the token symbol and its blockchain network token address accordingly

Adding a new DEX

Short List scan of top Volume tokens only

  • Doing a "short scan" of the "short" lists
ts-node finder2pairshort
  • Added 19th June, 22:20.

Add new DEX's

  1. (/config/dexs.json) Add the DEX name, together with it's Proxy/Router/Quoter/Factory contract address(es) found in the DEX documentation to the /config/dexs.json file.

  2. (/abi/NEWDEXNAME.json) Get the ABI code from the individual DEXs GitHub repo or contract address on And add it to a /abi/DEXNAME.json file. Depending on the DEX it will be the Router/Factory/Exchange/Quoter json files.

  3. (/lib/contracts.ts) Create contract instance(constant) with address and ABI for specific DEX in lib/contracts.ts file. If contract address is depended on token pair like Mooniswap, create function to get contract instance for specific token pair.

  4. (/lib/NEWDEXNAME) Add the "getCalldata.ts" file under /lib/DEXNAME folder you create if needed. Add functions(get calldatas for price and swap) in getCalldata.ts file.

  5. (/lib/contracts.ts): export a new, shorter name as a constant of the DEX in /lib/contracts, by making the constant a combination of the Router/Quoter/Factory/AbiItem, and anything else that is required.

  6. (mainnet/origin/common.ts): add the new short name of the router/quoter/dex info in the "import { " section.

Import the "getPriceOnDEXNAME" in the same file as step 6 (around line 25)

As well as adding a new constant export of the DEXs name array to display on screen(around line 35).

Also make sure to add the new DEX with a 2-3 char name as a constant in the "getAllQuotes" section (around line 60).

Modify and add the relevant information/constants in the "const result: Multicall" section. "getAllQuotes" function returns array of quotes and contract instances(router).

  1. (mainnet/origin/trader):

import "getSwapOnDEXNAME" function for the new dex in the "header".

add the dex to the "const runBot" section as an 'else if' statement by adding it below the rest as a new ID (in order).