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Repo calculated risk based on incoming data for store, area, sanitization, and individuals-staffs.


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Risk Calculator

This repository consits of functions related to risk-calculator. Its task is to periodically read data a from cloudant (raw sensor data), cleans and normalise the data for calculation and gives current risk-data (ANSHIN-index) as output.

This implementation comprises of smaller sequences, actions and some default openwhisk-cloudant actions.


Implementation steps


Steps to implement risk-calulator are mentioned as follows:

  • target/create namespace
  • create required cloudant-bindings
  • deploying the risk-calculator actions, sequences and trigger

Target namespace

To us IBM Cloud functions, create or target a namespace. In this sample the namespace name is risk-calculation-notification.

  • List namespaces to check your namespace exists

    ibmcloud fn namespace list
    • if the namespace doesnot exist, create a namespace

      ibmcloud fn namespace create <namespace_name> [--description <"description of your namespace">]


      ibmcloud fn namespace create risk-calculation-notification --description "This namespace contains IBM cloud functions related to risk calculation and storage in risk-history DB"
    • Verify namespace creation

      ibmcloud fn namespace get <namespace_name_or_id> --properties


      ibmcloud fn namespace get risk-calculation-notification --properties
  • Target namespace

    ibmcloud fn namespace target <namespace_name_or_id>


    ibmcloud fn namespace target risk-calculation-notification

Binding the /whisk.system/cloudant package to your IBM Cloudant database

see source for details

  • Create a /whisk.system/cloudant package binding that is configured for your IBM Cloudant account and verify it. In this example, the package name is myCloudant.

    ibmcloud fn package bind /whisk.system/cloudant myCloudant
    ibmcloud fn package list

    Example output

    packages /< ...namespace ....>/myCloudant private

  • Get the service instance to bind to an action or package. If you don't see, create one.

    ibmcloud resource service-instances

    Example output

    Name          Location   State    Type
    cloudant-dev   jp-tok   active   service_instance
  • Get the credentials for your cloudant-service instance.

    ibmcloud resource service-keys --instance-name cloudant-dev

    Example output

    Name State Created At ServiceCredential_Writer active Thu Jun 4 08:37:15 UTC 2020 cloudant-key-writer active Wed Jul 22 02:32:19 UTC 2020 cloudant-key-reader active Wed Jul 22 02:32:25 UTC 2020

  • Bind the service to your created package myCloudant , and very a successful bound.

    ibmcloud fn service bind cloudantnosqldb myCloudant --instance cloudant-dev --keyname 'ServiceCredential_Writer'
    ibmcloud fn package get myCloudant parameters

Deploying the Risk Calculator package

  • Clone the Risk-Calculator template repo.

    git clone


    • Set Cloudant credentials: input credentials here and here. you can gets cloudant credentials from delivery repo (delivery/scripts/.credentials) or as obtained in above (Cloudant-binding) steps.
  • Deploy the template

    You must include a package name to contain your action. Replace with a custom name for your package. In this sample, package name is risk-calculator

    PACKAGE_NAME=<name> ibmcloud fn deploy -m manifest.yaml


    PACKAGE_NAME= risk-calculator ibmcloud fn deploy -m manifest.yaml

After the template deploys, you can make further edits to the code to customize it as needed, or go back and check out the catalog of available templates.

Creating actions from the CLI

  • Creating actions.

    ibmcloud fn action create <action_name> <file> --kind <runtime>


    cd risk-calculator/runtimes/actions/riskCalculationFlow/
    ibmcloud fn action create risk-calculator/getTodaysSensorDBName periodicDataQuery/ --kind python:3.7
    ibmcloud fn action create risk-calculator/createQuerySelector periodicDataQuery/createQuerySelector.js --kind nodejs:10
    ibmcloud fn action create risk-calculator/checkQueryValidity periodicDataQuery/ --kind python:3.7
    ibmcloud fn action create risk-calculator/normaliseDataPerQueryInterval prepareDataForCalculation/ --kind python:3.7
    ibmcloud fn action create risk-calculator/queryRelevantStaff prepareDataForCalculation/ --kind python:3.7
    ibmcloud fn action create risk-calculator/calculator --kind python:3.7
    ibmcloud fn action create risk_calculator/formatData_BulkWrite --kind python:3.7
  • Verify that the actions are in your actions list.

    ibmcloud fn action list

Creating a sequence from the CLI

  • Create a sequence created actions (here, the directory name represents sequence names).

    ibmcloud fn action create <sequence_name> --sequence <action_1>,<action_2>


    This sample Create sthree sequences named: periodicDataQuery, prepareDataForCalculation, riskCalculationFlow .

    • Uses Cloudant-package functions named exec-query-find and manage-bulk-documents .
    ibmcloud fn action create periodicDataQuery --sequence getTodaysSensorDBName,createQuerySelector,/_/myCloudant/exec-query-find,checkQueryValidity
    ibmcloud fn action create prepareDataForCalculation --sequence normaliseDataPerQueryInterval,queryRelevantStaff
    ibmcloud fn action create risk-calculator/riskCalculationFlow --sequence periodicDataQuery,prepareDataForCalculation,risk_calculator/calculator,risk_calculator/formatData_BulkWrite,/_/myCloudant/manage-bulk-documents

Creating triggers from the CLI

  • Create the trigger. Triggers must be created directly within a namespace and can't be created inside packages. In this case, we create a periodic trigger.

    ibmcloud fn trigger create TRIGGER_NAME


    Trigger for ONE minute, you can change cron expression in cron "* * * * *" to change the interval

    ibmcloud fn trigger create periodicOneMinute --feed /whisk.system/alarms/alarm -p cron "* * * * *" -p trigger_payload "{}"

    Example output

    ok: created trigger periodicOneMinute
  • Verify that the trigger is created.

    ibmcloud fn trigger list

    Example output

    /NAMESPACE/periodicOneMinute                            private

Next, you can test the trigger or create a rule to associate the trigger with an action.

  • Set rule to conect trigger to sequence

    Create a rule that invokes the risk-calculation sequence every time the everyOneMinute trigger gets fired.

    ibmcloud fn rule create ruleRC everyOneMinute risk_calculator/riskCalculationFlow

    Example output

    ok: created rule ruleRC

  • Check that the action is being invoked by polling for activation logs.

    ibmcloud fn activation poll

You can see that the activations occur every minute for the trigger, the rule, and the action.



Repo calculated risk based on incoming data for store, area, sanitization, and individuals-staffs.








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