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Gate Neuron

Clifford Bohm edited this page Jul 27, 2017 · 4 revisions

Neuron Gate

Th Threshold evolvable - user sets range or, set by node
ThT Threshold Type evolvable - if allowed by user
CCh Current Charge Type determined by inputs
DR Decay Rate evolvable - user sets range
Ch Delivery Charge evolvable - user sets range or, set by node
~E Error In Delivery Charge set by user
DChB Delivery Charge Behavior evolvable - user sets range
CoD Cost of Decay set by user
CoC Cost of Delivery Charge set by user

On each Update the values of all inputs (solid arrows) are added to CCh which is then reduced by DR. If CCh is more extreme then Th then the neuron will fire and deliver Ch to the output (thick solid arrow). Ch is reduced by a random number between 0 and ~E before being delivered. When the neuron fires, the DChB determines an additional action to be taken.

Possible DChB actions:

  • Set CCh to 0
  • CCh = CCh - Ch
  • CCh = CCh / 2

wiring Threshold and/or Delivery Charge to nodes

As indicated by the dashed arrows, the user may forgo setting Threshold and or Delivery Charge ranges, and opt instead to let these values be determined directly from nodes. This allows for plasticity as the function of the neuron can change during an organisms lifetime.

Threshold Type

By default neurons will fire only when Current Charge is more extreme than Threshold (i.e. if Threshold is positive, Current Charge must be greater, if Threshold is negative, Current Charge must be less). If a user wishes they may also allow for neurons which fire when Threshold is more extreme then Current Charge. In another words, neurons that will fire unless a signal inhibits them.

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