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Mod that allows BlockEntites state to be automatically synchronised to the server


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Mod that allows BlockEntites state to be automatically synchronised to the server.

To use stateful in your mod first add the following to your file. You can replace main-SNAPSHOT with a commit or a git tag.

repositories {
	// Add repositories to retrieve artifacts from in here.
	// You should only use this when depending on other mods because
	// Loom adds the essential maven repositories to download Minecraft and libraries from automatically.
	// See
	// for more information about repositories.

	maven { url '' }

dependencies {
  modImplementation include('com.github.hashicraft:fabric-stateful-mod:main-SNAPSHOT')

Next you can extend your Block class with StatefulBlock rather than Block. StatefulBlock adds default methods that allow your entities state and data to be automatically synchronised to the server.

To sync a block's state to the server you can call markForUpdate() on the block entity. This will ensure that the entities properties are sent to the server and then distributed to all clients.

public class MyBlock extends StatefulBlock {
  public static final DirectionProperty FACING = Properties.HORIZONTAL_FACING;
  public static final BooleanProperty POWERED = Properties.POWERED;

  public MyBlock(Settings settings) {
    setDefaultState(getStateManager().getDefaultState().with(POWERED, false));

  public ActionResult onUse(BlockState state, World world, BlockPos pos, PlayerEntity player, Hand hand,
      BlockHitResult hit) {

    WasmBlockEntity blockEntity = (WasmBlockEntity) world.getBlockEntity(pos);

    if (world.isClient()) {
      // world.updateNeighborsAlways(pos, state.getBlock());

      WasmBlockClicked.EVENT.invoker().interact(blockEntity, () -> {
        executeWasmFunction(state, world, pos, player, blockEntity);

        // ensure that the state is synced

    return ActionResult.SUCCESS;

  public BlockEntity createBlockEntity(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) {
    // pass a reference to self so that neighbors can be updated later
    return new MyBlockEntity(pos, state, this);

Finally you create the MyBlockEntity class. This is a subclass of StatefulBlockEntity. StatefulBlockEntity contains all the methods needed to serialize and deserialize the block's state to a NBT. To serialize a property you can annotate the property with @Syncable annotation. This will allow the stored type to be serialized to the entities NBT data. It is also possible to sync the state of a block using the @Syncable annotation but alos providing the name of the state property and the type.

public class MyBlockEntity extends StatefulBlockEntity {

  public ArrayList<String> modules = new ArrayList<String>();
  public ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();

  public String function;

  public ArrayList<String> parameters;

  public String result;

  public Integer redstonePower = 0;

  // Sync the class property powered to the block state.
  @Syncable(property = "powered", type = BooleanProperty.class)
  public boolean powered = false;

  public MyBlockEntity(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) {
    super(MyMod.MY_BLOCK_ENTITY, pos, state, null);

  // Add a constructor that takes the reference to the parent block.
  public MyBlockEntity(BlockPos pos, BlockState state, Block parent) {
    super(MyMod.MY_BLOCK_ENTITY, pos, state, parent);

To enable synchonisation from the client to the server your mod needs to initialize this mod. You can do this by adding the following line to your mods onIniitialize method.

  public void onInitialize() {


Mod that allows BlockEntites state to be automatically synchronised to the server







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