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Copyright (C) 2017 Rohit Goswami

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This is the template for docuYoda rapid protoyping for academic documents. The template comes with batteries included as it includes the dependencies for complete offline use.

Both pandoc style citations and traditional TeX citations are enabled, however keep in mind that TeX citations will not display in non-TeX files.

Read about the project at it's source here or on the documentation site here.

For creating presentations, refer to the sibling project, zenYoda and it's starter template.


The dependencies are very light, just a full TeX distribution and yarn (with nodejs of course).

Folder Structure

The configuration for each file is done by yaml files in src/config. The gulp tasks exposed will handle appending these configurations in the form of frontmatter.

DO NOT add any frontmatter in the .md files. Instead add global frontmatter to the src/config/commonConf.yml file.

DO NOT add frontmatter delimiters to ANY of the configuration yml files either, the gulp tasks will handle those.

The pdfs are eventually generated by latexmk so the configuration file is present in src/tex. Typically this does not need to be edited, however, depending on the requirements feel free to change the options there.

Put all images in src/img and refer to them with an img/ prefix.

ie., if you have cat.jpg in src/img you would use regular markdown like so:

![I am the caption](img/cat.jpg "I'm the alt text.")

Gulp Tasks

# Runs the default
gulp --template eisvogel
# Runs with production settings (clean latexmk crap)
gulp --env production --template eisvogel



Simply fork the repo.

Edit the content in src/md/*.md, along with references in src/refs.bib and also the appropriate configuration files in src/config/ using any of the following:

You may use any of the pandoc markdown syntax, even if the viewers above do not support the entire syntax is recommended because it's free and image support is basically drag and drop/ [remember to ensure the path is src/img/]

You'll need to edit the Semaphore CI Settings for the repo as shown below:

  • The first build WILL TAKE around ~20 minutes.
  • Subsequent builds will only take around ~6 minutes or less.
  • It's best to setup the CI immediately on forking the repository, then start working.


Simply clone the repo and start changing stuff!

You can enable file watching by:

# Install stuff
# Watch and reload
yarn gulp watch --template eisvogel
# Clean and produce final pdf
yarn gulp --template eisvogel


This software is built on the following:

{# Additionally, for the site the following tools were used:

The site is built with:


  • Add site
  • Add CI stuff
  • Add better docs
  • Improve multi-document splits
  • Better error handling
  • Consolidate the *Yoda tools
  • Add command line arguments


Refer to the project license.

The project like much of pandoc itself is under the GNU GPLv3, however, please refer to the exceptions listed here.

Photo by Ksenia Makagonova on Unsplash