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Mineral Mapping

This is a set of scripts for classifying the minerals in object scanned by wavelength dispersive spectrometers on an electron microprobe. See this blog post and abstract (Todo: Add link) for details.

In short, the script uses a set of known minerals or "standards" to determine the calibration of the electron microprobe. Using that, it simulates target minerals and trains a machine learning classifier on that simulated data. It then takes the trained classifier and applies it to an image of a real, unknown object to predict the mineral at each pixel in the image.

Example output


pip install -r requirements.txt



The example directory has example data for running these scripts. There are 4 required inputs:

Standard Scans (example/standards)

Microprobe scans of "standard" or known minerals that will be used for calibrating the algorithm. Given as a folder of tif files such as example/standards. The folder contains:

  • A set of files standards_<16|32>bt_<element>.tif for each element detected by the microprobe. Each file must be the same size and bit-depth. For example:
    • standards_32bt_Al.tif for a 32-bit scan of Aluminum
    • standards_32bt_Fe.tif for a 32-bit scan of Iron
    • and so on for each element that was scanned
  • For each standard, there should be a <chemical_formula>_mask.tif mask file which identifies where in the previous set of images each known standard is. The mask file is an image, the same size as the element scans, which is white where the given standard is and black everywhere else. For example, FeS_mask.tif identifies where FeS is in the given standards scans.
  • Optionally, include a standards.yaml file which details standards that don't have a simple chemical formula. For example, San Carlos Olivine (SCOlv_mask.tif) doesn't have one formula, but instead has known element proportions. These are given in standards.yaml. See example/standards/standards.yaml for more details about how to format it.
  • Optionally, include elements.yaml to override scanned elements or provide values for elements that weren't included in the standard scans. See example/standards/elements.yaml for more details.

Object Scans (example/meteorite)

A directory containing the microprobe scans of the object that you want to identify the minerals in. It has one tif file for each element channel. They should be named <object_name>_<16|32>bt_<element>.tif such as:

  • sem-4128-5-chm8-20170814-1umppx-32bt_32bt_Al.tif
  • sem-4128-5-chm8-20170814-1umppx-32bt_32bt_Ca.tif

Object Mask (Optional) (example/meteorite/mask.tif)

If you care about a particular part of the object image, you can optionally include a mask of the object, similar to the masks used for the standards. It must be the same size as the object element images, is white in the area of interest, and black elsewhere.

Target Mineral Definition (example/targets.yaml)

The target mineral file defines the minerals that you are looking for in your object. See example/targets.yaml for details on how to create the file.


Basic usage is:

python scripts/ standards_dir meteorite_dir target_minerals_file output_dir

For example:

python scripts/ example/standards/ example/meteorite/ example/targets.yaml example/output


The above command creates a directory, example/output, with three files:

  • figure.png: An image which maps the locations of each target mineral in the given object.
  • mineral_counts.csv: A CSV which lists the number of pixels identified as each mineral in the object.
  • parameters.yaml: A file which contains the input parameters for debugging.


If you only care about a specific part of the object image, you can also provide a mask using the --mask flag. For example:

python scripts/ --mask example/meteorite/mask.tif example/standards/ example/meteorite/ example/targets.yaml example/output

This creates two extra outputs: figure_masked.png and mineral_counts_masked.csv.


When running, the script will print out some diagnostic information such as:

  • WARNING:root:TiO2 Ti channel STD > 20 (23.811946009290125)
    • This means that there is a lot of noise in the reads of Ti in the TiO2 standard, which might lead to poor classification of minerall with Ti.
  • WARNING:root:apatite Si channel values unexpectedly high (mean = 86.58719157194345)
    • This warning means that there were high readings for Si in a standard that isn't expected to have any Si in it.
  • WARNING:root:Si noise > 5 (30.90611095888168)
    • This warning means that there is a lot of background noise in an element channel.

The script will also report the training and testing accuracy for the classification model. This is not the accuracy on the object you're trying to map, but the accuracy on the simulated data. So this can only help you ensure that your classifier has a good potential of working well on the real object.

Training Classifier...
Training Accuracy: 0.9317734375
Testing Accuracy: 0.92325

You want to make sure that the testing accuracy is as high as possible and that it's close to the same value as the training accuracy.

Changing the classification algorithm

By default, the script uses a gaussian naive bayes classifier with 100 samples. This is fast, but not robust. To change the model, use the --model flag when running. The script natively supports using random forest (--model RandomForest) as well as the ability to define your own model using the following scikit-learn models:

There are two more parameters for tweaking the classification:

  • --n which changes the number of samples used for training. The higher the more robust the classification will be, but at the cost of memory and time.
  • --unknown_n changes the number of "Unknown" samples used for training. This allows for the model to classify some pixels as "unknown" or not matching any of the target minerals. By default, unknown_n is the same as n. Making it larger will make the model more conservative and identify more minerals as "unknown."

An example using these parameters is:

python scripts/ --n 10000 --unknown_n 20000 --model "KNeighborsClassifier(10)" example/standards/ example/meteorite/ example/targets.yaml example/output

Command Line Arguments

For a full list of command line arguments, run python scripts/ -h:

usage: [-h] [--mask MASK] [--title TITLE] [--n N]
               [--unknown_n UNKNOWN_N] [--model MODEL]
               [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--bits {8,32}]
               [--output_prefix OUTPUT_PREFIX]
               standards_dir meteorite_dir target_minerals_file output_dir

Predict the mineral content of a meteorite given spectrometer imagery.

positional arguments:
  standards_dir         path to directory containing the standards
  meteorite_dir         path to directory containing the meteorite images
  target_minerals_file  A YAML file containing the minerals to search for
  output_dir            The directory to write the outputs to.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --mask MASK           An optional mask to use for the meteorite.
  --title TITLE         An optional title to put on the output image.
  --n N                 The number of samples to simulate. (Default 100) The
                        higher the number, the more robust the predictions,
                        but the longer it will take.
  --unknown_n UNKNOWN_N
                        The number of samples to use for "Unknown." The higher
                        the number relative to n, the more likely that a pixel
                        will be classified as "Unknown". Set to 0 to disable
                        Unknown classifications. (Default to the same as n.)
  --model MODEL         A classification algorithm to use. Either
                        "RandomForest" or "GaussianNB" or a string which can
                        be evaluated to a sklearn model such as
                        "KNeighborsClassifier(10)". (Default GaussianNB)
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        The batch size to use for prediction. If you're
                        getting a `MemoryError`, try turning it down. (Default
  --bits {8,32}         image bit-depth to use (8 or 32)
  --output_prefix OUTPUT_PREFIX
                        Prefix each output file with the given string.
                        (Default '')

Batch Mode

scripts/ supports running the classification is batch mode by providing a CSV file describing the parameters. The CSV file can have column headings for any of the parameters available to scripts/ example/batch.csv gives an example of the batch CSV.

Running with scripts/ example/batch.csv produces a directory called example/batch_output with a series of subdirectories containing each individual run.

You can put comma-separated values in each cell to vary some values without having to create a whole new row. For example, you might want to try several different values for n for a particular setup.


This project was started during the American Museum of Natural History 2019 Hackathon (Hack the Solar System), addressing the challenge Meteorite Mineral Mapping.

The team was:

With advising from:


Solution the mineral mapping challenge






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