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HackNC Fall 2016

The source of the website for HackNC Fall 2016, held on October 28th-30th, 2016.


Install some stuff:

gem install sass
brew install node
npm install

Optionally, install gulp cli tools.

npm install --global gulp-cli


This website uses gulp as a build tool to compile assets and deploy the site. Here's the stuff you need to know:

gulp compile	# Compiles the site into /out
gulp watch		# Compiles the site and starts a server (--port defaults to 8000)

There are also other commands if you want to compile individual types of assets:

gulp jade		# Compiles jade/*.jade and puts them in out/ as HTML files
gulp scss		# Compiles and minifies scss/*.scss and puts them in out/ as CSS files
gulp js			# Concats all files in js/**/* and puts it in out/main.js
gulp images 	# Compresses img/**/* and puts everything in out/img
gulp static		# Moves static/**/* to out/

Git style

Do your work in feature branches, and when you're done submit a pull request to development. When it's ready, development will be merged into master, and then into production (gh-pages)

Naming Conventions

In most directories, filenames that begin with underscores are partials. They are not compiled or placed in /out, but they are often loaded by scss, jade, or js files.

For javascript, the dependency order is denoted by the number of underscores: files with two underscores are loaded first (i.e. __*.js, then files with one underscore (_*.js), then files without any underscore (*.js).


Chuck Norris doesn't write tests.


Gulp also handles our deployments. Once you've submitted a pull request and had your code reviewed, merge it into masterand run gulp deploy This will compile assets and push them to the gh-pages branch.

(At some point in the future, Travis CI might do this step once you click "merge")


  • Node.js v4.*
  • NPM v2.*
  • Sass >= 3.4
  • Everything in package.json