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La Galeria de Papel - Back


The goal of this project is to create a web app with an image gallery where you can manage your images : add, update and delete images. You will also be able to edit categories and tags to use them in filters.

The real goal of this project is to learn how to use Symfony 5 to make web app.

You are on the Back-end of the Project, we used Symfony to make a REST API, and MySQL as a database.


  • You must have Docker and Docker-Compose installed on your computer

  • Must have clone the Front-Office of La Galeria de Papel



git clone

docker-compose build

docker-compose run 

docker-compose exec php php bin/console doctrine:schema:create

How to use

Make sure to start the API before you start the Front . Begin by create the database :

php bin/console doctrine:schema:create

Configure the .env file to connect to your database .

If you don't have docker on your machine, you can run the project in local

 php -S  localhost:8001 -t public

You can now access the API at : http://localhost:8001


  • All of CRUD for images and categories .

  • You can manage your images

  • You can find images by categories, tags and date.

  • You can also add the tags for an image.

  • An image is linked with one category, deleting the category will delete all linked images

Technical Choices

Feel free to discuss with any contributor about the technical choices that were made.

You can find te technical documentation here


See contributing guidelines

Any Questions ?

If you have any questions, feel free to open an issue. Please check the open issues before submitting a new one.


Jean-Jacques Akakpo Tsabot myouuu


The code is available under the MIT license.