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Gyanreyer committed Jun 2, 2023
1 parent 8f91b95 commit 03913fb
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Showing 10 changed files with 270 additions and 281 deletions.
21 changes: 18 additions & 3 deletions
Expand Up @@ -2,14 +2,17 @@

An open-source Spelling Bee game for the web.

The base list of words is taken from the [excellent list of words from](

There will likely be words you think should be valid which are not included in the list! Contributions to add missing words are strongly encouraged!
There will likely be words you think should be valid which are not included in the current word list! Contributions to add missing words are strongly encouraged!

## Other languages

This project currently only includes support for English, but I would love to support other languages in the future!

## Credits

- [The bee icon used for this project was created by Freepik - Flaticon](
- The base list of English words is taken from the [excellent list of words from](

## Development

### Setup
Expand All @@ -25,3 +28,15 @@ This project currently only includes support for English, but I would love to su
#### For production

`npm run build` (or `npx @11ty/eleventy`)

### Updating the word list

The master word list is located at `word-lists/en.txt`.

You can add words to this list, and then run the following script (making sure you have golang installed):

`go run scripts/generate-word-data.go`

This will consume the word list at `word-lists/en.txt` and generate a new updated word data set at `src/words/en.json` which can be used in the game.

Note that this may disrupt the order of the letter sets, so releasing a newly updated word data set during the day could disrupt users who have already loaded a different letter set for the day.
231 changes: 231 additions & 0 deletions scripts/generate-word-data.go
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
package main

import (

func check(e error) {
if e != nil {

func getMapKeys[K comparable, V any](m map[K]V) []K {
keys := make([]K, len(m))
i := 0
for key := range m {
keys[i] = key

return keys

type TrieNode struct {
char rune
chars map[rune]*TrieNode
words []string

func makeTrieNode(char rune) *TrieNode {
return &TrieNode{char: char, chars: make(map[rune]*TrieNode), words: make([]string, 0)}

func main() {
wordFileContents, err := os.ReadFile("word-lists/en.txt")

words := strings.Split(string(wordFileContents), "\n")

fmt.Println("Read in", len(words), "words")

letterSets := make(map[string]bool)

// Create a Trie to store all valid words in a way that's quicker to look up
// when trying to find which words belong to a letter set
trie := makeTrieNode(rune(0))

for _, word := range words {
if len(word) < 4 {

uniqueCharSet := make(map[rune]bool)

for _, char := range word {
uniqueCharSet[char] = true

uniqueCharKeys := getMapKeys(uniqueCharSet)

i := 0
for char := range uniqueCharSet {
uniqueCharKeys[i] = char

sort.Slice(uniqueCharKeys, func(i, j int) bool {
return uniqueCharKeys[i] < uniqueCharKeys[j]

if len(uniqueCharKeys) == 7 {
letterSets[string(uniqueCharKeys)] = true

currentTrieNode := trie
for _, char := range uniqueCharKeys {
nextTrieNode, ok := currentTrieNode.chars[char]
if !ok {
// Add a new node if it doesn't exist for this char
nextTrieNode = makeTrieNode(char)
currentTrieNode.chars[char] = nextTrieNode

currentTrieNode = nextTrieNode
currentTrieNode.words = append(currentTrieNode.words, word)

fmt.Println("Found", len(letterSets), "letter sets")

c := make(chan LetterSetResult)

for letterSet := range letterSets {
go processLetterSet(letterSet, trie, c)

letterSetWords := make(map[string][]string)

uniqueWordIndexMap := make(map[string]int)

for i := 0; i < len(letterSets); i++ {
letterSetResult := <-c
letterSet := letterSetResult.letterSet

for j := 0; j < 7; j++ {
words := letterSetResult.words[j]
wordCount := len(words)

// Only include letter sets with 15-60 words; too few words or too many words aren't as fun
if wordCount >= 10 && wordCount <= 60 {
letterSetWords[letterSet+fmt.Sprintf("%d", j)] = words
for k := 0; k < wordCount; k++ {
uniqueWordIndexMap[words[k]] = -1

fullWordList := make([]string, len(uniqueWordIndexMap))

i := 0
for word := range uniqueWordIndexMap {
fullWordList[i] = word
uniqueWordIndexMap[word] = i

sortedLetterSets := getMapKeys(letterSetWords)

letterSetWordIndices := make([][]int, len(sortedLetterSets))

for i, letterSet := range sortedLetterSets {
words = letterSetWords[letterSet]
wordCount := len(words)
letterSetWordIndices[i] = make([]int, wordCount)
for j := 0; j < wordCount; j++ {
word := words[j]
letterSetWordIndices[i][j] = uniqueWordIndexMap[word]

letterSetJsonData := make([]interface{}, 3)

letterSetJsonData[0] = fullWordList
letterSetJsonData[1] = sortedLetterSets
letterSetJsonData[2] = letterSetWordIndices

json, err := json.Marshal(letterSetJsonData)

compressedDataFile, _ := os.Create("src/words/en.json.gz")
w := gzip.NewWriter(compressedDataFile)


uncompressedDataFile, _ := os.Create("src/words/en.json")

fmt.Println("Done! Generated data:", len(fullWordList), "words and", len(sortedLetterSets), "letter sets")

type LetterSetResult struct {
letterSet string
words [][]string

type QueuedNode struct {
parentCharIndices []int
node *TrieNode

func processLetterSet(letterSet string, rootTrieNode *TrieNode, c chan LetterSetResult) {
nodeQueue := []QueuedNode{{parentCharIndices: make([]int, 0), node: rootTrieNode}}

wordMap := make([]map[string]bool, 7)

nextNodeIndex := 0
nodeCount := len(nodeQueue)

for nextNodeIndex < nodeCount {
currentTrieNode := nodeQueue[nextNodeIndex].node
parentCharIndices := nodeQueue[nextNodeIndex].parentCharIndices

for charIndex := 0; charIndex < 7; charIndex++ {
char := rune(letterSet[charIndex])
nextTrieNode, ok := currentTrieNode.chars[char]
if ok {
nextQueuedNode := QueuedNode{
parentCharIndices: append(parentCharIndices, charIndex),
node: nextTrieNode,
nodeQueue = append(nodeQueue, nextQueuedNode)

charIndicesToAddWordsTo := parentCharIndices

if char == currentTrieNode.char {
charIndicesToAddWordsTo = append(charIndicesToAddWordsTo, charIndex)

for _, i := range charIndicesToAddWordsTo {
for _, word := range currentTrieNode.words {
if wordMap[i] == nil {
wordMap[i] = make(map[string]bool)

wordMap[i][word] = true

words := make([][]string, 7)

for i := 0; i < 7; i++ {
words[i] = getMapKeys(wordMap[i])

c <- LetterSetResult{letterSet, words}

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