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An open source clone of workflowy. Interested in contributing? Take a look at the project page and issues page for outstanding issues.

Contributing to Floworky

Please read the contribution guidelines.

Setting up Development Environment

Floworky uses node-foreman to manage process startup. This requires the use of a .env file to specify the environment variables required by floworky:

echo DATABASE_URL=postgres://`whoami`@localhost:5432/floworky >> .env

A postgres database named floworky must be created prior to starting the application for the first time.

You must run npm run migrate prior to application startup to check for any schema or data migrations that need to be applied to your database.

(Optional) Configure Atom with Nuclide for Flow

Floworky uses flow for static type checking, which can be manually run using npm run flow. If you are using Atom to contribute, you can use Nuclide for type annotation information within your editor.

Technical Stack

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