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SentryLog is a Python-based application that taps directly into the logs of running Docker containers without requiring any modifications to the containers themselves. It's a real-time log monitoring tool designed to assist developers by reducing the effort needed to monitor logs and detect patterns that might otherwise go unnoticed.


The application leverages the latest advances in AI, with connectors currently implemented for Anthropic and Groq. This AI-powered analysis provides an additional layer of insight into your container activities.

The results of the AI analysis are logged to Slack, providing an easily accessible and real-time overview of what happens in your deployment. SentryLog is not intended to replace developers monitoring logs but rather to serve as a helpful tool that enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of log monitoring.

SentryLog is in its early stages and currently monitors Nginx logs. Contributions to expand its capabilities are welcome.


  • Anthropic Claude or Groq API key (for AI analysis)
  • Slack token for your organization (for logging results)
  • A deployment that runs nginx, otherwise you won't see any logs ;-)

Getting Started


Setup the following environment variables:

  • ANTHROPIC_API_KEY or GROQ_API_KEY: Your API key for AI analysis
  • ANTHROPIC_MODEL_ID or GROQ_MODEL_ID: The model ID for the AI analysis (default is claude-3-haiku-20240307 for Anthropic and mixtral-8x7b-32768 for Groq)
  • SLACK_TOKEN: Your Slack token
  • SLACK_CHANNEL: The Slack channel where you want to log the results

Building and Running SentryLog

  1. **Clone from git and run directly **

    Clone this repository to your local machine:

    git clone
    cd sentrylog
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    python src/
  2. Pull from Docker Hub The image is available on Docker Hub, so you can pull it directly:

    docker pull grgrlmml/sentrylog:latest
  3. Add the service to your docker-compose.yml

    Add SentryLog to your existing docker-compose.yml file:

    version: '3.8'
         image: grgrlmml/sentrylog:latest
            - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
            - GROQ_API_KEY=${GROQ_API_KEY}
            - GROQ_MODEL_ID=${GROQ_MODEL_ID}
            - SLACK_TOKEN=your-slack-token
            - SLACK_CHANNEL=your-slack-channel
         restart: always

Running SentryLog with a Custom Template

To use a custom prompt template, mount a volume containing your template file when running the Docker container:

  - ./path/to/your/

Make sure to set the TEMPLATE environment variable to the name of your custom template file (e.g.,

Running SentryLog with a Custom Container Name

By default, SentryLog monitors the logs of a container with a name containing 'nginx'. To monitor a different container, set the CONTAINER_TO_WATCH environment variable when running the Docker container:

  - CONTAINER_TO_WATCH=your-container-name

Replace your-container-name with the name of the container you want to monitor. SentryLog will search for a container whose name contains the specified value.


Once SentryLog is running, it will start monitoring the logs. The AI analysis results will be logged to the specified Slack channel.


Contributions to this project are welcome. Please ensure to follow best practices and provide tests for new features.