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Using Envoy to load-balance gRPC services on GKE

This repository contains the code used in the tutorial Using Envoy Proxy to load-balance gRPC services on GKE.

The tutorial demonstrates how to expose multiple gRPC services deployed on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) via a single external IP address using External TCP/UDP Network Load Balancing and Envoy Proxy. The tutorial uses Envoy Proxy to highlight some of the advanced features it provides for gRPC.

Quick start

  1. Create a self-signed TLS certificate and private key:

    openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -sha256 -days 365 \
        -keyout privkey.pem -out cert.pem -extensions san \
        -config \
        <(echo "[req]";
          echo distinguished_name=req;
          echo "[san]";
         ) \
        -subj '/'
  2. Create a Kubernetes Secret called envoy-certs that contains the self-signed TLS certificate and private key:

    kubectl create secret tls envoy-certs --key=privkey.pem --cert=cert.pem \
        --dry-run=client --output=yaml | kubectl apply --filename -
  3. Build the container images for the sample apps echo-grpc and reverse-grpc, push them to a registry, and deploy them to a Kubernetes cluster, using Skaffold:

    skaffold run \$(gcloud config get-value core/project) \
        --module=echo-grpc,reverse-grpc \
  4. Deploy Envoy to the Kubernetes cluster:

    skaffold run \
        --digest-source=none \
        --module=envoy \

Test the solution

  1. Install grpcurl:

    go install

    If you don't have the Go distribution installed, you can instead download a binary release.

  2. Get the external IP address of the envoy Kubernetes Service and store it in an environment variable:

    EXTERNAL_IP=$(kubectl get service envoy \
  3. Send a request to the echo-grpc sample app:

    grpcurl -d '{"content": "echo"}' -proto echo-grpc/api/echo.proto \
        -authority -cacert cert.pem -v \
        $EXTERNAL_IP:443 api.Echo/Echo
  4. Send a request to the reverse-grpc sample app:

    grpcurl -d '{"content": "reverse"}' -proto reverse-grpc/api/reverse.proto \
        -authority -cacert cert.pem -v \
        $EXTERNAL_IP:443 api.Reverse/Reverse

Cleaning up

  1. Delete the Kubernetes resources:

    skaffold delete
    kubectl delete secret tls envoy-certs
  2. Delete the container images from Container Registry:

    gcloud container images list-tags$(gcloud config get-value core/project)/echo-grpc \
        --format 'value(digest)' | xargs -I {} gcloud container images delete \
        --force-delete-tags --quiet$(gcloud config get-value core/project)/echo-grpc@sha256:{}
    gcloud container images list-tags$(gcloud config get-value core/project)/reverse-grpc \
        --format 'value(digest)' | xargs -I {} gcloud container images delete \
        --force-delete-tags --quiet$(gcloud config get-value core/project)/reverse-grpc@sha256:{}


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