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Releases: GodotSteam/GodotSteam

Godot 4.2.2 - Steamworks 1.59 - GodotSteam Multiplayer Peer 4.8

16 May 23:39
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These pre-compiles contain a lot of changes including the removal of the Identity system, changes to IP handling, and lots of fixes. There are, however, no actual changes to the MultiplayerPeer functionality itself. Still considered alpha, not for production.

Available for Windows (32/64), Linux, and Mac.

Zips include the relevant Steam API .dll/.so/.dylib files.

Godot 3.5.3 - Steamworks 1.59 - GodotSteam 3.25

16 May 21:29
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These pre-compiles contain a lot of changes including the removal of the Identity system, changes to IP handling, and lots of fixes. For a full list of previous changes, please check the change-log here.

Available for Windows (32/64), Linux, and Mac.

Zips include the relevant Steam API .dll/.so/.dylib files.

Godot 3.5.3 - Steamworks 1.59 - GodotSteam GDNative 3.25

16 May 21:34
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These pre-compiles contain a lot of changes including the removal of the Identity system, changes to IP handling, and lots of fixes. For a full list of changes, please check the change-log here.

Just drop the addon folder into the base of your game / project and enable it in your settings!

Available for Windows, Linux, and OSX.

Godot 4.1.x / 4.2.x - Steamworks 1.59 - GodotSteam GDExtension 4.8

15 May 21:42
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These pre-compiles contain a lot of changes including the removal of the Identity system, changes to IP handling, and lots of fixes. For a full list of previous changes, please check the change-log here.

Available for Windows (32/64), Linux, and Mac.

Zips include the relevant Steam API .dll/.so/.dylib files.

Godot 4.1.4 / 4.2.2 - Steamworks 1.59 - GodotSteam 4.8

15 May 01:53
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These pre-compiles contain a lot of changes including the removal of the Identity system, changes to IP handling, and lots of fixes. For a full list of previous changes, please check the change-log here.

Available for Windows (32/64), Linux, and Mac.

Zips include the relevant Steam API .dll/.so/.dylib files.

Godot 4.2.2 - Steamworks 1.59 - GodotSteam 4.7

26 Apr 17:43
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These pre-compiles contain some changes to GodotSteam, mostly under the hood; and unifying a minor version change. For a full list of previous changes, please check the change-log here.

Available for Windows (32/64), Linux, and Mac.

Zips include the relevant Steam API .dll/.so/.dylib files.

Godot 4.1.x / 4.2.x - Steamworks 1.59 - GodotSteam GDExtension 4.7

26 Apr 17:52
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These pre-compiles contain some changes to GodotSteam, mostly under the hood; and unifying a minor version change. For a full list of previous changes, please check the change-log here.

Available for Windows (32/64), Linux, and Mac.

Zips include the relevant Steam API .dll/.so/.dylib files.

Godot 4.2.2 - Steamworks 1.59 - GodotSteam Multiplayer Peer 4.7

26 Apr 18:57
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These pre-compiles contain some changes to GodotSteam, mostly under the hood; and unifying a minor version change. Still considered alpha, not for production.

Available for Windows (32/64), Linux, and Mac. Note Mac version does not have templates due to Github Action failures.

Zips include the relevant Steam API .dll/.so/.dylib files.

Godot 3.5.3 - Steamworks 1.59 - GodotSteam 3.24

26 Apr 20:07
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These pre-compiles contain backported changes from the godot4 branch and some clean-up. For a full list of previous changes, please check the change-log here.

Available for Windows (32/64), Linux, and Mac.

Zips include the relevant Steam API .dll/.so/.dylib files.

Godot 3.5.3 - Steamworks 1.59 - GodotSteam GDNative 3.24

26 Apr 18:08
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These pre-compiles contain backported changes from the godot4 branch and some clean-up. For a full list of changes, please check the change-log here.

Just drop the addon folder into the base of your game / project and enable it in your settings!

Available for Windows, Linux, and OSX.