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mastercoms edited this page Mar 16, 2019 · 5 revisions

Since Glowstone 2018.1.0, there is a library manager that allows for customization by server owners. This downloads configured libraries to the lib/ folder (configurable with folders.libraries). The library manager does checksum validation on libraries (configurable with libraries.checksum-validation) and attempts to fetch libraries from our Maven repo (configurable with libraries.repository-url) twice (configurable with before quitting.

The library manager is a full Maven client, so it will handle library dependencies appropriately.

Custom Libraries

You can specify your own libraries for Glowstone to download and use through the libraries.list config key in glowstone.yml.

This is a list, so you would add new libraries as follows:

    - group-id: ""
    - artifact-id: "library"
    - version: "1.0.0"

group-id, artifact-id and version are required keys, but there are some other optional ones:

  • repository: Specifies the repository URL to fetch this library from.
  • checksum.type: A hash algorithm. Valid values: "sha1" and "md5". Requires checksum.value.
  • checksum.value: The String value of the file hash, using the algorithm specified in checksum.type.
  • exclude-dependencies: If Maven dependency resolution should not be done on this library. true or false.

Compatibility Bundlies

To ensure compatibility with CraftBukkit plugins that expect a certain runtime environment, we have a CraftBukkit compatibility bundle by default that includes all the extra libraries that Glowstone itself does not depend on. This is configurable through the libraries.compatibility-bundle key in glowstone.yml and may be set to CRAFTBUKKIT or NONE at this time. At the time of writing, the CraftBukkit bundle includes the following libraries:

  • org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc
  • mysql:mysql-connector-java
  • org.apache.logging:log4j.log4j-api
  • org.apache.logging:log4j.log4j-core
  • org.apache.commons:commons-lang3