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Alanna Burke edited this page Feb 14, 2016 · 1 revision

We try to have as many teaching assistants as possible for each class, so that we can offer as much hands-on learning as possible. You don't have to be an expert, but comfortable enough to help answer questions about the subject matter. Being a TA is a great way to refresh your skills, and get comfortable teaching!

###Expectation of TAs TAs should show up 30-45 minutes prior to class to help the Instructor and Event Coordinator set up for the class. The TA should help set up tables and chairs, arrange food if it’s available, assist instructor in handing out class material, prop open the building doors and hang signs directing students to the classroom.

Once class has started the TA should be actively engaged in the students and watching for body language. A lot of times students won’t raise their hand if they have a question, rather they’ll make a funny face or look frustrated. It’s the role of the TA to pick up on this body language and quietly walk over to the student or make eye contact to see if they need help. When helping students TAs should try to kneel down next to the student so that you’re at the same level as them. This helps the student feel less intimidated.

During the break the TAs should be available for questions students might have that they didn’t get answered during the breakout sessions.

After class has concluded the TAs should help clean up the food, fold up tables, stack chairs and move everything back to where it was when they arrived. If students stick around after class for questions, they should also be available to answer them.

TAs should not be using their computer during class unless they are looking up solutions to problems. TAs should also not be texting or actively engaged in anything other than the students. The students are the first priority and they need to know that the TAs are there to help.

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