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These are my Advent of Code solutions.

Included is a small "framework" I wrote to help me run and test the solutions.


Solution folders

Each solution is in a folder named <year>/<solutuon-day>. Example: 2022/02.

Each solution folder contains the following files:

  • solution.ts - code for the solution
  • input - task input
  • output - (optional) task output - each part on a new line
  • example_input - the example input given in the task description
  • example_output - the example answers given in the task description - each part on a new line

See "Commands" below for creating a new solution folders.

Solution file

Each solution.ts file must export the following functions:

 * @param inputFile - location of an input
 * @returns parsed input ready for computations
export function prepareInput(inputFile: string): Input {}

 * @param input - prepared input as returned by prepareInput
 * @returns solution for part A
export function partA(input: Input): number {}

 * @param input - prepared input as returned by prepareInput
 * @returns solution for part B
export function partB(input: Input): number {}


There are useful utils in ./utils. Check them out :)


pnpm new -y 2022 -d 01

Create a Solution folder 2022/01 using a predefined template. Attempt to automatically fetch and populate input.

Man page:

usage: pnpm new [-h] -y YEAR -d DAY

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  -y YEAR, --year YEAR  Year of solution
  -d DAY, --day DAY     Day of solution (1 - 25)

pnpm once -t TASK -p PART -r RUN_TYPE --print PRINTER

Run tests for a given task once. Defaults to running all parts and all run types for the latest solution using a table printer.


  • -p: a or b
  • -r: example or real
  • --print: table or line

You can select multiple argument values by passing the argument twice: -p a -p b


pnpm once -t 2021/09 -p a -p b -r example --print table --print line

Man page:

usage: pnpm once [-h] [-t TASK] [-p PART] [-r RUNTYPE] [--print PRINT]

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  -t TASK, --task TASK  Specify which task soluton to run. The default value
                        is "2022/11".
  -p PART, --part PART  Specify whether to run part 'a' or 'b'
                        Specify whether to run 'example' or 'real'
  --print PRINT         Specify whether to print "table" or "line"

pnpm watch -t TASK -p PART -r RUN_TYPE --print PRINTER

Run the tests for a given task and watches for changes.

pnpm files -t TASK

List the files for a given task.

Man page:

usage: pnpm files [-h] [-t TASK]

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  -t TASK, --task TASK  Specify which task soluton to list files for. The
                        default value is "2022/11".

pnpm set-cookie [cookie]

Store your session cookie value locally to be able to automatically fetch input.