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Adaptive Tuning Active Learning

Investigating the Effectiveness of Representations Based on Pretrained Transformer-based Language Models in Active Learning for Labelling Text Datasets

This repository is temporarily associated with paper Lu, J., Henchion, M. and Mac Namee, B., 2019. Investigating the Effectiveness of Word-Embedding Based Active Learning for Labelling Text Datasets. arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.03505.


Tested Python 3.6, and requiring the following packages, which are available via PIP:

Basic Usage

To perform active learning for text labellling, the input corpus of documents should consist of plain text files stored in csv format (two files for one corpus, one for documents belong to class A and one for documents for class B), each row corresponding to one document in that corpus, the format can be refered to the csv file in the sample directory "corpus_data/ProtonPumpInhibitors/".

Step 1: Encoding Text

The first step of the system is converting raw text data into vectorized format, the raw text data located in directory "corpus_data/", each dataset should have its individual directory, for example, the "ProtonPumpInhibitors" under folder "corpus_data". The input corpus of documents should consist of plain text files stored in csv format (two files for one corpus, one for documents belong to class A and one for documents for class B), each row corresponding to one document in that corpus, the format can be refered to the csv file in the sample directory "corpus_data/ProtonPumpInhibitors/". Then we can start convert the text into vectors:

python 0 1 2 3 4 -i ProtonPumpInhibitors

The numbers specify the representation techniques used, 0-tf, 1-tfidf, 2-word2vec, 3-glove, 4-fasttext and -i specify the folder you save the raw input data. If you want to convert text into embeddings by transformer-based model:

python 0 1 2 3 4 5 -i ProtonPumpInhibitors

The numbers specify the representation techniques used, 0-bert, 1-gpt2, 2-xlnet, 3-distilbert, 4-albert, 5-roberta and -i specify the folder you save the raw input data. It should be noted, for each corpus, this script will generate two sort of representation, one is averaged embeddings, another is "[CLS]" token embeddings which is suffixed by "cls.csv".

Step 2: Active Learning

We can start normal active learning procedure by: 0 1 2 3 4 5 -t roberta-base -m 1000 -r 10 -n ProtonPumpInhibitors_neg.csv -p ProtonPumpInhibitors_pos.csv

The number indicates the selection methods 0-random, 1-uncertainty, 2-certainty, 3-certainty-informationGain, 4-EGAL, 5-QBC, 6-InformationDensity, -t specify the text representation, options are w2v, glove, fasttext, tf, tfidf, bert, roberta-base, disilbert-base-uncased, gpt2, xlnet-base-cased, albert-base-v2. -m specify the max number of instances labelled, -r means the number of repetition with different random seed, -n, -p indicates the encoded input from different classes. Other arguments like number of documents labelled per iteration, number of estimators for QBC can be found by --help or -h.

Or you can run Normal_active_learning.ipynb to conduct active learning procedure. By default, the results will be saved in the /results directory.

Step 3: Adaptive Tuning Active Learning

We can start run adaptive active learning procedure by running Adaptive_active_learning.ipynb. By default, the results will be saved in the /results directory. Expecially there are three directories ./data, ./cache, ./outputs used for saving intermediate outputs of the procedure.

Step 4: Experiment results

We compare the results of adaptive tuning active learnin with the state-of-the-arts roberta+active learning. The horizontal axis is the number of instances labelled and vertical axis is the accuracy score. The orange line is the results of representations generated by the model fine tuned with the whole labelled dataset. Though this is quite impracticable, it gives us a upper bound of the methods.

alt text

The rest experimental results can be seen in the ./plots direcotory.


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