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A library of strongly typed tools for typescript

npm install -s '@Geordi7/fint';

Property Proxies

Create proxies for functions over the properties of a virtual object.

import {readProxy} from '@Geordi7/fint';

const prefixy = readProxy((s1: string) => (s2: string) => s1 + s2);
const postfixy = readProxy((s1: string) => (s2: string) => s2 + s1);

const example1 ='xyz')     // 'abcxyz'
const example2 ='xyz')    // 'xyzabc'
const example3 = prefixy.hello(' ')) // 'hello world'

or an example with html tags

const tag = readProxy((tagname: string) => (props: Record<string, string>, ...content: string[]): string =>
    content.length ?
        `<${tagname} ${formatProps(props)}>${content.join('\n')}</${tagname}>` :
        `<${tagname} />`);

const formatProps = (props: Record<string,string>) =>
    rec.e(props).map(([k,v]) => ` ${k}="${v}"`).join('');

const {html, head, body, title, div, p} = tag;

const doc = html({},
    head({}, title({}, 'A clever example of using a readProxy to create html tag functions')),
        div({class: 'centered-x centered-y'},
            p({}, 'paragraph 1'),
            p({}, 'paragraph 2')

Data Transformation tools

easily create data transform pipelines for sync (pipe/into) or async (bridge/over) code.

point-free wrappers for common HOFs in:

  • arr for arrays
  • rec for records
  • iter for iterators
  • maybe for unions with null or undefined

and some helpers in

  • str for strings
  • set for sets
  • obj for general objects
import {rec, arr, flow} from '@Geordi7/fint';

data = [1,2,3,4,5];
labels = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'];

const x = flow([labels, data],      // [string[], number[]],                        // [string, number][]
    rec.from,                       // Record<string, number> => n > 2),            // Record<string, boolean>
    rec.entries,                    // [string, boolean][]
    arr.order(([k]) => k)           // [string, boolean][] (sorted on the strings)
import {over} from '@Geordi7/fint';

async function delay<T>(miliseconds: number,v: T): Promise<T> {
    await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, miliseconds));
    return v;

(async () => {
    await over([1,2,3,4,5],
        n => delay(1000, n)),



a study on numerics