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Joe Biden's Press Statements(18.01.2024) : Sentiments Analysis


Sentiment analysis relies on analyzing text data to identify emotion, feeling and sentiment nuances inherent in expressions conveyed in words, phrases and sentences. The immediate of sentiment analysis is to point out or reveal the sentiment and emotional leanings of the author while passing across the message. That said, the current project is focused on analyzing t Joe Biden's, the American president's, press releases and statements for 18th January 2024, as they are released from the White House. About 3 to 4 statements and press releases, released from the White House, at different times, were curated( collected) and used as input for the analysis. The text data for the project is sourced and collected from sources from The White House, United States of America on Presidential press releases and statements.


The objective of the project is to specifically highlight the overall sentiment that envelopes President Joe Biden's statements and press releases on this day, 18th January 2024. Also, this project intends to show the most used words. Knowing this could give an idea of how important projects related to the most frequent words are of the president.

Method of Analysis

The project employs popular approaches in text analytics to analyze the text data collected to provide meaningful insights.

1. Word Cloud Concept :

A word cloud provides a visual representation of text data where words are displayed in varying sizes based on their frequency or importance within a given body of text. Per the text data analyzed, based on press statements and releases of President Joe Biden, on 18th January 2023, the following visualization is derived. A special Python library for Word Cloud was employed in producing the analysis and the resulting visualization.

Joe Biden's Most Frequently Used Words(18.1.2024)


Joe Biden's Most Frequently Used Words(18.1.2024): Sentence Level


2. Sentiment Polarity Scores:

Sentiment polarity could be explained as a representation of the degree of positivity, negativity, or neutrality expressed in a piece of text. The method quantifies the emotional tone conveyed by the words in the text, indicating whether the sentiment is positive, negative, or neutral.

In concise terms, sentiment polarity provides a numerical representation of the overall emotional sentiment expressed in the text, helping to analyze, visualize and understand the subjective tone or opinion conveyed by the author, the President of the United States of America, Joe Biden.

Joe Biden's sentiment(18.1.2024) distribution:Pie Chart


Joe Biden's sentiment(18.1.2024) distribution:Bar Chart


Joe Biden's Sentiment(18.1.2024): Polarity scores

To arrive at the sentiment visualization, sentiment polarity, negative, neutral as well as subjectivity scores are first analyzed and prepared. The adjoining visualization will then be based on the scores generated. Joe Biden's text sentiment polarity score was analyzed at the sentence level. see here.


At the end of the analysis, words frequently used by Joe Biden in his expressions for the day could be seen clearly. This could provide insights into policy ideas that matter most to Joe Biden, or policy activity that is going to enjoy more massive focus. It should be noted that the text data input for the analysis–––Joe Biden's Press releases and statements for 18th January 2024––– originated from words spoken or expressions made while addressing the public or stakeholders. Or words he spoke while meeting with groups. These were the original words of Joe Biden captured, recorded and presented to the public by the White House Press and public relations team.

Thus, it could be seen that on the 18th of January 2024, the most frequent words on Joe Biden's lips were: High Speed, High-Speed Internet and North Carolina. America is planning for a future that will leverage the nuances of super-fast internet to create jobs and revolutionise America's economy, and by extension the global economy.


  1. Data Source: Data was sourced from the United States White House's Press DepartmentSee here.
  2. Text Data Collected, see here
  3. Python Codes for Analysis : see here