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A React component package for implementing voting functionality in web applications.


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A React component package for implementing voting functionality in web applications.


You can install react-votecom using npm:

npm install react-votecom


React-votecom is a package that provides easy-to-use components for adding voting features to your Ts,Js,React applications. It simplifies the process of managing voting statistics and integrates seamlessly with your projects.



Package Overview

The react-votecom package includes several functions and interfaces to manage voting statistics, perform voting operations.


  • separateVotingFunction: Increments either the upvotes or downvotes count in the voting stats object.
  • combinedVotingFunction: Updates the combined vote count and calculates the percentages of upvotes and downvotes.


  • VotingStats: Represents the voting statistics, including the number of upvotes and downvotes.
  • VotingResult: Represents the result of a voting operation, including the combined vote count and the percentages of upvotes and downvotes.


Voting Function

Using with JavaScript or TypeScript With API

Usage with JavaScript (JS)

function App() {
  const [votingStats, setVotingStats] = React.useState({ upvotes: 0, downvotes: 0 });
  const [votingStats2, setVotingStats2] = React.useState({ upvotes: 0, downvotes: 0 });

  React.useEffect(() => {
    fetchVotingStats(); // Fetch initial voting stats from the API
  }, []);

  const fetchVotingStats = async () => {
    try {
      const response = await fetch('/api/voting/stats');
      const data = await response.json();
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Error fetching voting stats:', error);

  const updateVotingStats = async (stats, type) => {
    try {
      const response = await fetch(`/api/voting/${type}`, {
        method: 'POST',
        headers: {
          'Content-Type': 'application/json'
        body: JSON.stringify(stats)
      const data = await response.json();
      if (type === 'combined') {
      } else if (type === 'separate') {
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Error updating voting stats:', error);

  const handleCombinedVoting = async (voteType) => {
    const updatedStats = combinedVotingFunction(votingStats, voteType);
    await updateVotingStats(updatedStats, 'combined');

  const handleSeparateVoting = async (voteType) => {
    const updatedStats = separateVotingFunction(votingStats2, voteType);
    await updateVotingStats(updatedStats, 'separate');

  return (
    React.createElement('div', { className: "flex justify-center items-center mt-1" },
      React.createElement('div', { className: "card w-auto bg-zinc-900 text-neutral-content" },
        React.createElement('div', { className: "card-body items-center text-center" },
          React.createElement('h1', { className: "text-center text-3xl font-bold" }, "Hello react-votecom"),
          React.createElement('h2', { className: "card-title" }, "Post"),
          React.createElement('p', null, "We are using post for test npm package"),
          React.createElement('p', { className: "font-bold text-purple-400" }, "CombinedVoting"),
          React.createElement('div', { className: "card-actions justify-center" },
            React.createElement('button', { onClick: () => handleCombinedVoting('upvote'), className: "btn bg-black text-2xl text-green-600" },UpVote),
            React.createElement('button', { onClick: () => handleCombinedVoting('downvote'), className: "btn bg-black text-2xl text-red-600" }, DownVote)
          React.createElement('div', { className: "font-bold text-lg" },
            React.createElement('p', { className: "text-purple-400" }, votingStats.count ? votingStats.count : 0),
            React.createElement('div', { className: "space-x-3" },
              React.createElement('span', { className: "text-green-600" }, votingStats.upvotePercentage ? votingStats.upvotePercentage : 0),
              React.createElement('span', { className: "text-red-600" }, votingStats.downvotePercentage ? votingStats.downvotePercentage : 0)
          React.createElement('p', { className: "font-bold text-purple-400" }, "SeparateVoting"),
          React.createElement('div', { className: "card-actions justify-end" },
            React.createElement('button', { onClick: () => handleSeparateVoting('upvote'), className: "btn bg-black text-2xl text-green-600" }, UpVote),
            React.createElement('button', { onClick: () => handleSeparateVoting('downvote'), className: "btn bg-black text-2xl text-red-600" }, DownVote)
          React.createElement('div', { className: "space-x-3 text-lg font-bold" },
            React.createElement('span', { className: "text-green-600" }, votingStats2.upvotes ? votingStats2.upvotes : 0),
            React.createElement('span', { className: "text-red-600" }, votingStats2.downvotes ? votingStats2.downvotes : 0)

export default App;

Usage with TypeScript (TS)

import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
interface VotingStats {
  upvotes: number;
  downvotes: number;

function App(): JSX.Element {
  const [votingStats, setVotingStats] = useState<VotingStats>({ upvotes: 0, downvotes: 0 });
  const [votingStats2, setVotingStats2] = useState<VotingStats>({ upvotes: 0, downvotes: 0 });

  useEffect(() => {
    fetchVotingStats(); // Fetch initial voting stats from the API
  }, []);

  const fetchVotingStats = async (): Promise<void> => {
    try {
      const response = await fetch('/api/voting/stats');
      const data = await response.json();
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Error fetching voting stats:', error);

  const updateVotingStats = async (stats: VotingStats, type: string): Promise<void> => {
    try {
      const response = await fetch(`/api/voting/${type}`, {
        method: 'POST',
        headers: {
          'Content-Type': 'application/json'
        body: JSON.stringify(stats)
      const data = await response.json();
      if (type === 'combined') {
      } else if (type === 'separate') {
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Error updating voting stats:', error);

  const handleCombinedVoting = async (voteType: string): Promise<void> => {
    const updatedStats = combinedVotingFunction(votingStats, voteType);
    await updateVotingStats(updatedStats, 'combined');

  const handleSeparateVoting = async (voteType: string): Promise<void> => {
    const updatedStats = separateVotingFunction(votingStats2, voteType);
    await updateVotingStats(updatedStats, 'separate');

  return (
    <div className="flex justify-center items-center mt-1">
      <div className="card w-auto bg-zinc-900 text-neutral-content">
        <div className="card-body items-center text-center">
          <h1 className="text-center text-3xl font-bold">Hello react-votecom</h1>
          <h2 className="card-title">Post</h2>
          <p>We are using post for test npm package</p>
          <p className="font-bold text-purple-400">CombinedVoting</p>
          <div className="card-actions justify-center">
            <button onClick={() => handleCombinedVoting('upvote')} className="btn bg-black text-2xl text-green-600">UpVote</button>
            <button onClick={() => handleCombinedVoting('downvote')} className="btn bg-black text-2xl text-red-600">DownVote</button>
          <div className="font-bold text-lg">
            <p className="text-purple-400">{votingStats.count ? votingStats.count : 0}</p>
            <div className="space-x-3 ">
              <span className="text-green-600">{votingStats.upvotePercentage ? votingStats.upvotePercentage : 0}%</span>
              <span className="text-red-600">{votingStats.downvotePercentage ? votingStats.downvotePercentage : 0}%</span>

          <p className="font-bold text-purple-400">SeparateVoting</p>
          <div className="card-actions justify-end">
            <button onClick={() => handleSeparateVoting('upvote')} className="btn bg-black text-2xl text-green-600">UpVote</button>
            <button onClick={() => handleSeparateVoting('downvote')} className="btn bg-black text-2xl text-red-600">DownVote</button>
          <div className="space-x-3 text-lg  font-bold">
            <span className="text-green-600">{votingStats2.upvotes ? votingStats2.upvotes : 0}</span>
            <span className="text-red-600">{votingStats2.downvotes ? votingStats2.downvotes : 0}</span>

export default App;

These examples demonstrate separate usage for JavaScript and TypeScript, along with how you can integrate the voting functions with an API or retrieve data from a database. Adjust the API endpoint or database retrieval method according to your actual implementation.

Using Voting function with React With API

Here's how you can use the react-votecom package with React in both JavaScript (JSX) and TypeScript (TSX) separately, along with examples that fetch data from an API:

React JSX Example with API

import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { combinedVotingFunction, separateVotingFunction } from "react-votecom";

function App() {
  const [votingStats, setVotingStats] = useState({ upvotes: 0, downvotes: 0 });
  const [votingStats2, setVotingStats2] = useState({ upvotes: 0, downvotes: 0 });

  useEffect(() => {
    fetchVotingStats(); // Fetch initial voting stats from the API
  }, []);

  const fetchVotingStats = async () => {
    try {
      const response = await fetch('/api/voting/stats');
      const data = await response.json();
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Error fetching voting stats:', error);

  const updateVotingStats = async (stats, type) => {
    try {
      const response = await fetch(`/api/voting/${type}`, {
        method: 'POST',
        headers: {
          'Content-Type': 'application/json'
        body: JSON.stringify(stats)
      const data = await response.json();
      if (type === 'combined') {
      } else if (type === 'separate') {
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Error updating voting stats:', error);

  const handleCombinedVoting = async (voteType) => {
    const updatedStats = combinedVotingFunction(votingStats, voteType);
    await updateVotingStats(updatedStats, 'combined');

  const handleSeparateVoting = async (voteType) => {
    const updatedStats = separateVotingFunction(votingStats2, voteType);
    await updateVotingStats(updatedStats, 'separate');

  return (
      <div className="flex justify-center items-center mt-1">
        <div className="card w-auto bg-zinc-900 text-neutral-content">
          <div className="card-body items-center text-center">
            <h1 className="text-center text-3xl font-bold">Hello react-votecom</h1>
            <h2 className="card-title">Post</h2>
            <p>We are using post for test npm package</p>
            <p className="font-bold text-purple-400">CombinedVoting</p>
            <div className="card-actions justify-center">
              <button onClick={() => handleCombinedVoting('upvote')} className="btn bg-black text-2xl text-green-600">UpVote</button>
              <button onClick={() => handleCombinedVoting('downvote')} className="btn bg-black text-2xl text-red-600">DownVote</button>
            <div className="font-bold text-lg">
              <p className="text-purple-400">{votingStats.count ? votingStats.count : 0}</p>
              <div className="space-x-3 ">
                <span className="text-green-600">{votingStats.upvotePercentage ? votingStats.upvotePercentage : 0}%</span>
                <span className="text-red-600">{votingStats.downvotePercentage ? votingStats.downvotePercentage : 0}%</span>

            <p className="font-bold text-purple-400">SeparateVoting</p>
            <div className="card-actions justify-end">
              <button onClick={() => handleSeparateVoting('upvote')} className="btn bg-black text-2xl text-green-600">UpVote</button>
              <button onClick={() => handleSeparateVoting('downvote')} className="btn bg-black text-2xl text-red-600">DownVote</button>
            <div className="space-x-3 text-lg  font-bold">
              <span className="text-green-600">{votingStats2.upvotes ? votingStats2.upvotes : 0}</span>
              <span className="text-red-600">{votingStats2.downvotes ? votingStats2.downvotes : 0}</span>

export default App;

React TSX Example with API

import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
interface VotingStats {
  upvotes: number;
  downvotes: number;

function App(): JSX.Element {
  const [votingStats, setVotingStats] = useState<VotingStats>({ upvotes: 0, downvotes: 0 });
  const [votingStats2, setVotingStats2] = useState<VotingStats>({ upvotes: 0, downvotes: 0 });

  useEffect(() => {
    fetchVotingStats(); // Fetch initial voting stats from the API
  }, []);

  const fetchVotingStats = async (): Promise<void> => {
    try {
      const response = await fetch('/api/voting/stats');
      const data = await response.json();
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Error fetching voting stats:', error);

  const updateVotingStats = async (stats: VotingStats, type: string): Promise<void> => {
    try {
      const response = await fetch(`/api/voting/${type}`, {
        method: 'POST',
        headers: {
          'Content-Type': 'application/json'
        body: JSON.stringify(stats)
      const data = await response.json();
      if (type === 'combined') {
      } else if (type === 'separate') {
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Error updating voting stats:', error);

  const handleCombinedVoting = async (voteType: string): Promise<void> => {
    const updatedStats = combinedVotingFunction(votingStats, voteType);
    await updateVotingStats(updatedStats, 'combined');

  const handleSeparateVoting = async (voteType: string): Promise<void> => {
    const updatedStats = separateVotingFunction(votingStats2, voteType);
    await updateVotingStats(updatedStats, 'separate');

  return (
    <div className="flex justify-center items-center mt-1">
      <div className="card w-auto bg-zinc-900 text-neutral-content">
        <div className="card-body items-center text-center">
          <h1 className="text-center text-3xl font-bold">Hello react-votecom</h1>
          <h2 className="card-title">Post</h2>
          <p>We are using post for test npm package</p>
          <p className="font-bold text-purple-400">CombinedVoting</p>
          <div className="card-actions justify-center">
            <button onClick={() => handleCombinedVoting('upvote')} className="btn bg-black text-2xl text-green-600">UpVote</button>
            <button onClick={() => handleCombinedVoting('downvote')} className="btn bg-black text-2xl text-red-600">DownVote</button>
          <div className="font-bold text-lg">
            <p className="text-purple-400">{votingStats.count ? votingStats.count : 0}</p>
            <div className="space-x-3 ">
              <span className="text-green-600">{votingStats.upvotePercentage ? votingStats.upvotePercentage : 0}%</span>
              <span className="text-red-600">{votingStats.downvotePercentage ? votingStats.downvotePercentage : 0}%</span>

          <p className="font-bold text-purple-400">SeparateVoting</p>
          <div className="card-actions justify-end">
            <button onClick={() => handleSeparateVoting('upvote')} className="btn bg-black text-2xl text-green-600">UpVote</button>
            <button onClick={() => handleSeparateVoting('downvote')} className="btn bg-black text-2xl text-red-600">DownVote</button>
          <div className="space-x-3 text-lg  font-bold">
            <span className="text-green-600">{votingStats2.upvotes ? votingStats2.upvotes : 0}</span>
            <span className="text-red-600">{votingStats2.downvotes ? votingStats2.downvotes : 0}</span>

export default App;

These examples demonstrate how to use the react-votecom package with React in both JavaScript (JSX) and TypeScript (TSX) and fetch data from an API. Adjust the API endpoint according to your actual implementation.


This project is licensed under the ISC License - see the LICENSE file for details.


We welcome contributions to the react-votecom project! If you're interested in contributing, here's how you can get started:

  1. Fork the Repository: Start by forking the react-votecom repository to your own GitHub account.

  2. Clone the Repository: Clone the repository to your local machine using the following command:

    git clone
  3. Create a New Branch: Create a new branch for your contributions using a descriptive name:

    git checkout -b feature/new-feature
  4. Make Changes: Make your desired changes to the codebase. Ensure that your changes adhere to the coding standards and guidelines of the project.

  5. Test Your Changes: Test your changes thoroughly to ensure that they work as expected and do not introduce any regressions.

  6. Commit Your Changes: Once you're satisfied with your changes, commit them to your branch with descriptive commit messages:

    git commit -m "Add new feature: Description of the feature"
  7. Push Changes: Push your changes to your forked repository:

    git push origin feature/new-feature
  8. Submit a Pull Request: Finally, submit a pull request from your branch to the main repository's main branch. Be sure to provide a detailed description of your changes and any related issues or pull requests.

We appreciate your contributions to making react-votecom even better!


A React component package for implementing voting functionality in web applications.








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