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Releases: GamingDevilsCC/android_kernel_xiaomi_msm8953


11 Jul 16:21
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20180711-TEST Pre-release

We are testing DTS-Eagle support. DTS-Eagle is an audio effect which simulates surround sound similar to what Dolby does, however, it is considered more "premium" and provides a much deeper level of immersion. This is an experimental implementation.

Here are the steps to those willing to test it.

This needs to be flashed on Liquid Remix, as it has ROM support.

1 ) Flash

2A) If your device does not boot, go to /data/tombstones and copy only the files named tombstones_** to another location and zip them up and upload here. Flash the module again to remove. If the error in tombstones is the famous mmap error then you need to switch roms and try again. This port is highly rom dependent and not device dependent. For example on one plus 5t it doesn't work on oos but does on miui. But on one plus 3/3t it works only on oos.

2B) If your device boots, flash the test kernel and add Audiowizard to your quick tiles in NC. Test its working by changing presets and see if sound changes.

3A) if sound changes then congrats dts is working.

3B) if sound does not change, please let us know.