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Pipelines Board

Visualize your pipelines with HTML5 + SVG.


The code has dependencies on

  1. jQuery
  2. circle-progress (


  • Render jobs in CSS
  • Connect jobs with lines and arrows in SVG
  • Arrow and circle markers
  • Separate progress bar for each pipeline step
  • Separate actions for each pipeline step


  <link rel="stylesheet" href="../src/css/pipelines-board.min.css" />
  <div id="myBoard"></div>

  <script src=""></script>
  <script src="../src/js/circle-progress.min.js"></script>
  <script src="../src/js/pipelines-board.min.js"></script>

    let callme = function(button) {
        alert("Button with text \"" + button.getAttribute("action-text") +
                "\" on element with id " + button.getAttribute("node-id") +
                " clicked!");
    let arrowLineOptions = {
        lineColor : '#c2c2c2',
        tension : 1,
        startOn : "right middle",
        endOn : "left middle",
        markerStart : "circle",
        markerEnd : "arrowRight"
    let elements = [{
        id : "job1",
        phase : "phase1",
        title : "My database",
        progress: {
            min: 0,
            max: 100,
            current: 20,
            color: '#ff1e41'
        action: [{
            text: 'Stop',
            callback: callme
        }, {
            text: 'Resume',
            callback: callme
        link : "",
        next : ["job2"]
    }, {
        id : "job2",
        phase : "phase2",
        title : "Pull Data"

    var board = new PipelinesBoard("myBoard", {
        markersFillColor : '#c2c2c2',
        arrowLineOptions : arrowLineOptions,
        data : elements
  • Check examples/simple-pipelines.html for an example.


Specify options like in example above. (Text in bold is required)

Option Description
id Unique job id
phase Unique phase id to which the job belongs
title Title/job text
progress If the current job has progress tracking
Progress has 3 elements:
1. min: (default 0) Minimum value of progress
2. max: (default 100) Maximum value of progress
3. current: (default 0) Current value of progress
action If the current job needs some action buttons
Action has 2 elements:
1. text: Text to show on button
2. callback: Function to call on button click
- Callback will receive the button element as the argument.
- The button will have attribute node-id and action-text (see examples).
link Encapsulate current task in an anchor tag
next List of next job ids (to draw arrow lines)

Arrow line options

Options supported by the arrow lines between the nodes.

Option Description
startOn Start link from ("<right/left> <top/middle/bottom>")
endOn End link on ("<right/left> <top/middle/bottom>")
lineColor Color of the line connecting the nodes ("black", "#eee", ...)
lineTension Tension on the line (curve)
markerStartColor Starting marker color ("black", "#eee", ...)
markerEndColor Ending marker color ("black", "#eee", ...)
markerStart Start marker with an arrow/circle/none (arrowRight, arrowLeft, circle)
markerEnd End marker with an arrow/circle/none (arrowRight, arrowLeft, circle)


Following functions are supported on the object:

Function Arguments Description
reDraw Clean every stage connection and redraw them.
clean Clean every stage connection.
addNewPhase newPhaseId Draw a new phase with the provided phase id and add the the board.
Returns newly created phase element.
addNewNode newNode Draw a new node and add it to the elements list.
addNewNode phaseEl, newNode Draw a new node and attach to the parent phase element.
updateNodeProgressbar nodeId, newProgress, nodeEl Update the progress bar settings for the given node id.
If node element is provided, make the changes to it.
updateNodeTitle nodeId, newTitle, nodeEl Update the title for the given node id.
If node element is provided, make the changes to it.
updateNodeAction nodeId, newAction, nodeEl Update the actions for the given node id.
If node element is provided, make the changes to it.
updateNodeLink nodeId, newLink, nodeEl Update the link for the given node id.
If node element is provided, make the changes to it and return new anchor tag.
Else create new elements and return null.
updateNodeNext nodeFrom, nodeTo Add the nodeTo to nodeFrom's next and redraw the links
setNodeProgress nodeId, newValue Set the value of progress bar to newValue. Calls setNodeProgress.
reDrawProgressbar nodeId Redraw the progress bar for the given node id.
If progress bar does not exists for the node, create it.
drawLinks Clean the board and redraw every link
getNodeIndexById nodeId From the elements list, get the index of node with id passed


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  • JavaScript 87.5%
  • CSS 12.5%