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GGP1 edited this page Mar 25, 2022 · 12 revisions


Kure is a free and open-source password manager for the command-line.

This project aims to offer the most secure and private way of operating with sensitive data on the terminal, as well as providing a feature-rich and interactive interface to make the user experience simple and enjoyable.


  • Cross-Platform: Linux, macOS, BSD and Windows supported.
  • Offline: Data is handled locally, no connection is established with 3rd parties.
  • Secure: Each record is encrypted using AES-GCM 256-bit and a unique password. Furthermore, the user's master password is never stored on disk, it's encrypted and temporarily kept in-memory inside a protected buffer, decrypted when it's required and destroyed immediately after it. The key derivation function used is Argon2 with the id version.
  • Easy-to-use: Extremely intuitive and does not require advanced technical skills.
  • Portable: Both Kure and the database compile to binary files and they can be easily carried around in an external device.
  • Multiple formats: Store entries, cards and files of any type.

