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Releases: GDACollab/Microgame-Jam-GHGT-Framework

Extensions 2.0 Release!! (GDACPO MiniGame Jam)

21 Oct 12:53
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Heya everyone!

If you've made it here - congrats! This is where you'll be downloading our 'Microgame Extensions' for your minigame!

And here's our guide on how to set each one up:

(Please refer to this release instead of older ones, these extensions have some bugs fixed and are compatible with latest versions (like Godot 4.0 for example). )

Hope you enjoy, and best of luck on your game jams!!

Extensions Release!

28 Sep 22:29
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Howdy all!

We're gearing up for the start of the Microgame Jam in just a few days (October 1st), so if you're interested in seeing how our extensions work, here they all are!

And here's our guide on how to set each one up:

Hope you enjoy!