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This is a monorepo the Frostwork Estimaker project.



vite react typescript


Vercel Serverless + Edge Functions


Prisma client, pointed to a postgres database hosted on Railway


A partykit server for multiplayer, realtime stuff. The partykit server must be manually deployed right now with pnpm partykit deploy.


Shared code between packages


Must connect to vercel project and run pnpm env:pull to get environment variables. Then run vercel dev to start the dev server.

Git / Release Setup

The main branch represents the staging environment and the next public release. The production branch represents the production environment and the current public release.

When a new release is ready, create a pull request from main to production. Use the changesets command line tool by running pnpm changeset to create a changeset for the release. The changeset will be automatically added to the pull request. Once the pull request is merged, the changeset will be published to npm and the production environment will be updated.