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Freifahren is an innovative project designed to map the presence of ticket inspectors across the Berlin public transport network. By offering a live map that tracks inspectors in real-time, the initiative seeks to inform and empower users to navigate the city with added confidence. The project leverages community-driven data from the Freifahren Telegram group, where users report sightings of ticket inspectors.

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to: or

Screenshot showing the map Screenshot showing how to report a inspector

Getting Started



  1. Clone the repository

    git clone
  2. Install NPM packages

    npm install
  3. Set up enviromental variables


    You can get a free access token from Jawg

  4. Run the app

    npm start

How it works

FreiFahren operates by leveraging real-time, community-driven data to track the presence of ticket inspectors across the Berlin public transport network. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of how it works:

  1. Data Collection: Our primary data source is the FreiFahren Telegram group and our own form. Here, community members report sightings of ticket inspectors. Each report includes the station and time of the sighting.

  2. Data Processing: Once a report is submitted, our backend system processes the data. It verifies the report, extracts the necessary information, and updates our database.

  3. Real-Time Updates: The processed data is then pushed to our live map in real-time. This ensures that users always have the most up-to-date information about the presence of ticket inspectors.

  4. User Interface: Users can access the live map through our web application. The map displays the current locations of ticket inspectors, allowing users to plan their journeys accordingly.

  5. Community Engagement: Users are encouraged to contribute to the community by reporting their own sightings of ticket inspectors. This helps keep the map accurate and up-to-date.

By harnessing the power of community reporting and real-time data processing, FreiFahren provides a valuable tool for navigating the Berlin public transport network with confidence.

Markers and structure

To display the location on the map, inside the Map directory are the markers. To display and organize the markers, /components/Map/Markers/MarkerContainer.tsx maintain, calculate and render multiple markers on the map.

  1. /Markers/Classes/LocationMarker/LocationMarker.tsx, is called in Map.tsx. We use this marker to query for and display the current user's location
  2. /Markers/Classes/OpacityMarker/OpacityMarker.tsx is called in MarkerContainer.tsx. They represent the unique user reports on inspectors and fade after 30 minutes.

In hindsight, the Markers directory lays a foundation for other Markers with different features/


To run tests for the react dom, use sh npx jest

To run tests for the react-map-gl/maplibre module, please sh npm install -g testcafe


sh npx testcafe chrome src/tests/components/Map/Map.test.tsx

Note: maplibre can't be rendered through jest, that's why we use an emulating instance of chrome.