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No labels!

There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

🐞 Bug
🐞 Bug
Something isn't working as it's supposed.
📄📄 Duplicate
📄📄 Duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists.
🙋 Extension/feature request
🙋 Extension/feature request
Tag your issue with this label if you are requesting an feature or extension.
⭐ Good first issue!
⭐ Good first issue!
Good first issue!
🛑 Incompatible
🛑 Incompatible
The subject of this issue is currently incompatible with one of FreeFlarum/Flarum's components.
🙅 Post-poned
🙅 Post-poned
This will be worked on later.
To be migrated
To be migrated
✅ Will be added
✅ Will be added
Features that will be added to FreeFlarum