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Development of the online judge for IIC1103 course

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IIC1103 VJudge Kattis Online



  1. Node.js
  2. npm

Python 2

  1. pip
  2. python-yaml
pip install pyyaml
  1. python-plastex
pip install plasTeX


Para usar la App, en la línea de comandos:

/* Para correr la versión 1, sin VClass */
node app
/* Para correr la versión 2, con VClass (en construcción) */

node appv2

Para usar la App, en Docker:

Para iniciar una imagen y correrla en un contenerdor

sudo docker build <folder_path> -t name:tag
sudo docker run -P -i name

Para borrar

sudo docker rmi <image_name>
sudo docker rm <container_name>
sudo docker container prune

Para ver elementos

sudo docker images
sudo docker ps -a

Añadir un nuevo problema

  1. Ir a kattis-api/kattis-problemtools/problemtools
  2. Crear una carpeta con nombre <nombre_del_problema>. La estructura interna incluye 5 carpetas y el archivo problem.yaml.


  1. data
  2. input_format_validators
  3. output_validators
  4. problem_statement
  5. submissions

Detalles de cada elemento:

  1. data: contiene los tests que se van a probar en la carpeta sample y secret. Sample se usa para guardar los test púlbicos y secret, para los privados. Cada test de nombre <test_name> debe tener dos archivos asociados que deben estar en la misma ruta (en sample o en secret)
    1. <test_name>.in : archivo que guarda el input que se le pasará al programa que se va a probar
    2. <test_name>.ans : archivo que guarda el output contra el que se comparará el input, o sea, una respuesta válida.
  2. input_format_validator: se usa para revisar que los archivos .in cumplan con los requerimientos.
  3. output_format_validator: lo mismo, pero para output.
  4. problem_statement: guarda el archivo en latex del enunciado del problema (no implementado correctamente aún)
  5. submissions: guarda los programas subidos por los alumnos. TODO: Hacer que se borren cada cierto tiempo y guardar submissions en la base de datos de VClass (Google Drive).
    1. accepted: carpeta en la que se guardan las submissions.

Configuración de problem.yaml:

  1. name: identifica al problema y debe tener el valor <nombre_del_problema>
  2. limits: sirve para especificar los siguientes valores
    1. time_for_AC_submissions: 3 => Esto indica que los programas tendrán un límite de 3 segundos
  3. grading:
    1. 'on_reject': 'grade' => Esto indica que la forma de evaluar es con una nota (a pesar de lo que puede sugerir el nombre del atributo)
    2. 'accept_score': 7.0 => Esta es la nota asociada a un test correcto
    3. 'reject_score': 1.0 => Esta es la nota asociada a un test incorrecto

*Ejemplo de un archivo problem.yaml:

# problem.yaml

## At least one of author, source, or rights_owner must be provided.
## Author of the problem (default: null)
name: Mult
author: Francesca

## Where the problem was first used (default: null)
source: Kattis
# source_url:

## Who owns the rights to the problem (default: value of author, or
## value of source if no author given).
# rights_owner:

## License (see below for list of possible values)
license: educational

## Some keywords describing the problem (default: empty)
# keywords:

# Indicate that we use a custom output validator instead of the
# default token-based diff.
validation: custom
#  validator_flags: float_tolerance 1e-4

# Override standard limits: say that the TLE solutions provided should
# be at least 4 times above the time limit in order for us to be
# happy.
#  time_multiplier: 5
  time_safety_margin: 4           # (default is 2)
  memory: 1024                   # MB
#  output: 8                      # MB
#  compilation_time: 60           # seconds
#  validation_time: 60            # seconds
  validation_memory: 1024        # MB
#  validation_output: 8           # MB

# Override default grading
  on_reject: grade
  accept_score: 7.0
  reject_score: 1.0
  objective: max
#  range: -inf +inf

# "unknown"				The default value. In practice means that the
#               		problem can not be used.
# "public domain"		There are no known copyrights on the problem,
# 		   				anywhere in the world.
# "cc0" 				CC0, "no rights reserved"
# "cc by"				CC attribution
# "cc by-sa"			CC attribution, share alike
# "educational"			May be freely used for educational purposes
# "permission" 			Used with permission. The author must be contacted
# 						for every additional use.

# There is a relatively versatile default validator available that is
# sufficient for most problems.  If the problem needs a custom output
# validator, the validation field should be set to "custom".  The
# validator_flags field is just a list of command line arguments that
# are passed on to the validator program used (whether it be the
# default validator or a custom validator).

# The default validator is essentially a beefed-up diff. In its default
# mode, it tokenizes the two files and compares token by token. It
# supports the following command-line arguments to control how tokens
# are compared.
#  o case_sensitive
#       indicates that comparisons should be case-sensitive
#  o space_change_sensitive
#       indicates that changes in the amount of whitespace should
#       be rejected (the de- fault is that any sequence of 1 or more
#       whitespace characters are equivalent).
#  o float_relative_tolerance eps
#       indicates that floating-point tokens should be accepted if
#       they are within relative error <= eps
#  o float_absolute_tolerance eps
#       indicates that floating-point tokens should be accepted if
#       they are within absolute error <= eps
#  o float_tolerance eps
#       short-hand for applying eps as both relative and absolute
#       tolerance.
# Note that when supplying both a relative and an absolute tolerance,
# the semantics are that a token is accepted if it is within either of
# the two tolerances.
# When a floating-point tolerance has been set, any valid formatting
# of floating point numbers is accepted for floating point tokens. So
# for instance if a token in the answer file says 0.0314, a token of
# 3.14000000e-2 in the output file would be accepted (but note that
# this applies *only* to floating point tokens, so "2.0e2" would *not*
# be a correct output if the answer file says "200"). If no floating
# point tolerance has been set, floating point tokens are treated just
# like any other token and has to match exactly.