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Releases: ForumMagnum/ForumMagnum

Editor formatting and sentry hotfixes

17 Oct 22:22
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Noticed some small formatting errors in our last release, and also reduced the amount of things we lock to Sentry to not completely eradicate our plan limits.

Lots of small fixes, new timezones code and client-side logging with Sentry

17 Oct 04:11
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This should be a pretty stable release, with mostly bugfixes. The biggest update since last time is the Sentry integration, which you can activate by providing a sentry DNS in the settings.file (the sentry.url variable in the public section).

Minor bugfix for logged out users

09 Oct 23:44
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A small syntax error causes error messages for logged-out users to appear in our last release. This minor version upgrade fixes that.

First official "stable" release of LessWrong

09 Oct 23:09
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So far we've just been pushing things into the devel branch and using that to deploy when it got to a stable point. From now we will only deploy from the master branch, which should help other people who have been using our codebase to make sure they can pull a stable version at any given point in time.

While this release is marked as "stable" in general our code has middling stability, and there are probably many bugs and problems.