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Releases: FortAwesome/wordpress-fontawesome

Release 4.4.0

13 Jul 22:02
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  • Update the Icon Chooser to fix the use of Sharp Solid in more recent versions of Font Awesome,
    and include Sharp Regular and Sharp Light.
  • Add the "defer" attribute to script tags when in "Use a Kit" mode. This was already the behavior
    under "Use CDN" mode.
  • Fix some deprecation notices for php 8.2.

Security Fix for Shortcodes

21 Dec 23:46
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Escape attribute values in shortcodes.

Fix network creation: attempt 1

26 Oct 01:02
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Addresses #183

Release 4.3.1

01 Sep 23:49
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  • Increase the timeout for network requests to API server
  • Improve cleanup utility plugin

Release 4.3.0

01 Sep 16:47
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  • support Sharp Solid
  • support WordPress multisite

Font Awesome Cleanup

The file attached to this release is a utility plugin that can be installed to cleanup the WordPress database after any previous installations of this Font Awesome plugin.

This might be necessary in some tricky cases of downgrading to an earlier version of the plugin, or when installing a version of the plugin that supports multisite (like 4.3.0) after already having attempted to install a previous version of the plugin (say, 4.2.0) which was not compatible with multisite.

If you're running multisite, it's important that any installation of a previous plugin version is totally cleaned up before trying to install a this version or newer on multisite. Upgrading on multisite without cleaning up first will probably result in an error. A previous installation can usually be cleaned up by deactivating and uninstalling it. Uninstall must be done by clicking "Delete" on the deactivated plugin's entry in the plugin list in the admin dashboard. It may also work to install the previous 4.2.0 version and then uninstall it, just to get its cleanup code to run. But if that doesn't work, then this Font Awesome Cleanup plugin is your fallback tool.

To use it:

  • download from this page.
  • deactivate the Font Awesome plugin in the WordPress admin dashboard
  • install a new plugin, using the "Upload" option, and select the file that you downloaded in the earlier step
  • activate the Font Awesome Cleanup plugin, and then click "Go Cleanup"
  • There'll be just one button to click to perform the cleanup, and then you're done

After the cleanup is done, you can proceed to install and activate the latest version of the Font Awesome plugin from the WordPress plugins directory.

Cleanup Scope

This "Font Awesome Cleanup" plugin can clean up either a single site, or the whole network of sites, based on its scope of activation. It requires that the Font Awesome plugin has already been deactivated.

If you activate this cleanup plugin network-wide, it will clean up all sites in the current network. If you activate it only on one site, it will clean up only that site. The scope of the cleanup is displayed on the settings page with the button that kicks off the cleaning process.

Most likely, you should install and activate it network-wide, and run the cleanup network-wide.

Release 4.2.0

16 Jun 14:46
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  • Make Font Awesome 6 the default version on new activations.
  • On the version selection dropdown, distinguish between the latest 5.x and the latest 6.x.
  • Maintenance updates to JavaScript dependencies.
  • Developers: the latest_version() method has been deprecated and replaced by two alternatives:
    latest_version_5() and latest_version_6().

Multisite pre-release 4.3.0-1

22 Apr 14:52
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To install this pre-release, download the attached and install in WordPress as plugin upload. It will upgrade an existing installation of the Font Awesome plugin.

The plugin may be activated network-wide, which creates separate configurations of Font Awesome for each child site, or it may be activated on individual sites.

Font Awesome Cleanup

So far in testing, the plugin works as expected for activation, deactivation, and uninstall, creating the appropriate entries in the WordPress database, and cleaning up after itself.

However, if you encounter problems, you can use the attached plugin to thoroughly clean up, after deactivating Font Awesome, before doing a fresh installation.

This "Font Awesome Cleanup" plugin can clean up either a single site, or the whole network of sites, based on its scope of activation. It requires that the Font Awesome plugin has already been deactivated.

If you activate this cleanup plugin network-wide, it will clean up all sites in the current network. If you activate it only on one site, it will clean up only that site. The scope of the cleanup is displayed on the settings page with the button that kicks off the cleaning process. You can look at the source code to see how it's doing the cleaning here:

pre-release with multisite support

16 Feb 01:04
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bump to pre-release for multisite

Release 4.1.1

27 Jan 23:28
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  • Simplified upgrade logic: makes the upgrade process on the first page load
    after upgrade quicker and smoother.

Release 4.1.0

27 Jan 00:14
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  • Added support for using Font Awesome Version 6 Free with CDN. In order to use
    Version 6 Pro with this plugin, it's still necessary to use a Kit,
    since Version 6 Pro is not available on the classic CDN.
  • Renamed the "Version 4 Compatibility" option as "Older Version Compatibility",
    since compatibility features may now involve both Version 4 and Version 5.
  • Updated version of the conflict detection script used when configured for CDN.
  • FIX: in some cases, when running the conflict detector on the back end,
    there was an error about an undefined variable called $should_enable_icon_chooser.
  • FIX: in some cases, when running php 8.0 or higher, there was an error related to
    calling method_exists(). Fixed.
  • Developers: The v4_compatibility() method has been deprecated and will be removed
    in a future release. It's now just compatibility().
  • Developers: The preference named "v4Compat" in the array argument to the register()
    method has been deprecated and renamed "compat". Any uses of "v4Compat" are automatically
    translated to "compat".
  • Developers: There are no breaking changes. Any code that uses the above deprecated
    features will continue to work the same without modification in this release.